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Trip 39 - France - Days 23 to 29

Tuesday 27th September (Day 22)

Well an interesting start to the day. After breakfast we joined the queue to leave the site. We had to use the touch screen to exit which is a touch screen like no other. The first people had to call the security to let them out and we insisted they stayed as the system was such a rubbish one and we could not guarantee the barrier would work. So we escaped! Then it was a 15 mile trip to Les Baux de Provence to visit a medieval site. Unfortunately we could not find some where to park so left a bit down cast, at least I was. We decided to 'go for it' to St Tropez. We arrived after a pleasant drive, including driving through Marseille; not a place that we would want to visit though. Eventually we stopped at Ramatuelle, an aire about three miles outside St Tropez. Having setup we soon got drawn to the lovely sandy beach. Even at 5.00pm the sea was lovely and warm. By 6.30pm we left the beach and cooked dinner before a chat and bed.

Wednesday 28th September (Day 23)

Up to the 'toot toot toot' of the bread van at 8.00am. We then had delicious fresh bread for breakfast! Resa and Eric opted for a lazy 'beach day'; while we cycled into St Tropez. There were a lot of sailing ships in St Tropez Port and they were there for the week, with daily races. They were from all over, including the USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Switzerland. As we got to the port they were preparing to move out. We sat on the harbour wall watching them go which took over an hour. Some of the yachts were small, about forty foot, and some much bigger, around a hundred foot. Some played bagpipes and drums on their way out of the harbour and the crowd clapped in rhythm. A canon fired several time to start the race for the particular class of boat. To us it all looked chaotic with boats going to and fro. We left the harbour and strolled up to the citadel and sat on the wall there having part of our pic-nic overlooking the water and boats. Back down in the town we explored the little streets and alleys, the whole place is full of clothes shops, jewellery shops and restaurants. Indeed if you want anything else you should go some where else! Back at the harbour We saw the first of the winners. It was the larger class of yacht and the USA won. We decided to return to the site which involved cycling up a very long hill, which we knew about as we freewheeled down it earlier, but that didn't make it any easier in the heat. Then it was a beach afternoon. The temperature is around 27 degrees without a cloud to be seen and the soft sand and lapping of the waves was something we just had to put up with. The sea itself was warm and quite shallow, ideal to just bob around in.

Thursday 29th September (Day 24)

Well today was a Groundhog Day of yesterday. Breakfast - up early as the bread van turns up at 8.00am - breakfast then cycle into St Tropez. Some different and bigger yachts were there - most over 100ft. In addition there were very large ships in the bay, one of which looked like it was a Bond villains, aka Scaramanga. We sat and watched them go to and fro without any collisions which with the number of them out there was amazing. For lunch we sat on the rocks watching things unfold then back to the site for around 3.00pm for a laze on the beach and swim in the sea. Curry for dinner and then a quiet evening chatting and playing games. With 25+ degrees temperature what more can you want?

Friday 30th September (Day 25)

Another hot day ahead. After getting bread from the van we had breakfast and then slowly prepared to leave. We drove the 'wrong way', ie away from our next destination as we needed a 'big' shop. Having done so we waited about an hour for Resa and Eric to finish their shop. It was then off to the next site which, while 15 miles from where we were shopping, althogh only 5 miles from where we started this morning; destination La Bonne Terrace Aire. Having settled we then went to the beach to laze around. The sea was much shallower and warmer here than the previous location and there were rocks and such like that made snorkelling enjoyable with hundreds of fish - mainly small but also larger ones and a squid as well. Back at the site we met up with another English van (Motorhome Funsters) and had a good chat before dinner and then continued into the late evening.

Saturday 1st October (Day 26)

The day was forecast with a chance of rain. Indeed 'bat ears' as I sometimes call the OH heard it raining. I put my hand out of the window and it was the sort of rain that was like a mist. Soon it rained a bit heavier but still not enough to make the ground wet and the temperature was still in the low 20's. It was decided that the weather made today a 'deep clean' of the MH. Bedding changed, hovered, carpets beat, floor mopped, even the sink traps were cleaned of well indescribable gunk. Lunch followed and then we went for a walk along the cliff path. Path? You had to be a mountain goat for parts of it with crumbling edges and quite a drop. It was fortunate that the temperatures had dropped as the walk in the heat would have been too challenging. Back after a two hour plus walk and straight into a game of boules - Chris won. We Then returned to our MH to find our chairs had mysteriously gone. Not stolen but a prank by the 'new' neighbour, as they were stolen a year ago. We all then sat and chatted until it was dark. By this time I had started cooking and while we ate inside the meat etc was cooked on the BBQ - almost by touch.

Sunday 2nd October (Day 27)

After yesterday's 'iffy' weather today was meant to be good so we stayed put. By 11.00am we were on the beach. Here we stayed all day, even having our G&T's delivered to us (by Eric and myself). Snorkelling, swimming and lazing around. A simple but great day. Back by 6.00pm for a shower and then dinner. We then discussed some options for moving tomorrow but decided to stay put again. The evening was finished sitting in a rather large Frankia watching golf, drinking and chatting with Paul (Griff) and Jackie (Jacqueline) our hosts (our new Funster neighbours)

Monday 3rd October (Day 28)

Well a boring few days read, I suppose as it is all beach-cycle-beach type blog. After a slow start (we waited to see Griff and Jackie off and they didn't leave until gone midday. We then made up a pic-nic and went to the beach. The beach here is great, soft sand, warm water that is clear and sparkles in the sunshine, good snorkelling around the rocks and no crowds. Both Chris and I had a swim together and while swimming she climbed onto some rocks where I took a photo of our impression of the 'little mermaid of Copenhagen'; which we have named 'The Mermaids mum of St Tropez'. The sea was lovely and warm, and the swim was followed by a laze on the beach in the sun (27 degrees) and at one point, for some exercise, I walked along the beach for over an hour. This involved walking through the nudist beach. Some very strange shapes, sizes and poses we on display. The worse pose being the one I would refer to as 'the starfish'. It was a long walk made harder by the soft sand, although I am not complaining. By just after 5.00pm we returned to base, showered and sat in the last of the evening sun before some food. Tomorrow we are off, gas, food shopping and a new location all beckons.

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