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Trip 133 - Lancing MCC

Friday 21st June (Day 1)

So a delayed start. After an appointment at the doctors for Chris and the collection of a prescription at another sugary we eventually left about 1015. Destination was Lancing near Worthing for the Chausson meet. First, as I had taken Herbie’s lead when we looked after him on Wednesday we had to detour via Ide Hill to return the lead. Just over the QEII bridge, however, a van had caught fire which resulted in a a tail back of over five miles, or forty minutes delay. Eventually we passed the dog lead to Richard and then we made our way to Lancing, arriving at 1530, some two hours later than we would have expected.  We set up and had a stroll around to greet old friends and make new. It was a windy location and we had to change our quest and windbreak set up as they did nothing to protect us where we first set them up. Moving everything through 180 degrees resolved the issue. 1900 we all gathered near the Café and had a simple game to mix people and break potential barriers down. Lots of chatting followed. That said it soon cooled down and by 2100 all had returned to their motorhomes.

Saturday 22nd June (Day 2)

Some rain during the night but a bright start to the day. We were disturbed at 0830 by a lady who found some ring pulls she had not given us yesterday! The plan for the day was that after breakfast we would catch a bus into Brighton. As we gol to the main road the bus came along and we had to run to catch it, so by just after midday we arrived in the Brighton town centre. We had no plan except to stroll around. We eventually got on the Volks Electric Railway to the Marina where we had a nice lunch before the return journey. Volks was an innovator and had the first house in Brighton with electricity. He also introduced many other electric systems to Brighton. Back in the main ‘Lanes’ area we had a couple of drinks before getting the bus home for the ‘Group BBQ’. It was arranged for 1800 and we got back with about ten minutes to spare. Everyone then cooked their BBQ preference and some great food was had. This was followed by the raffle and an ‘egg game’ where couples faced each other and threw an egg back and forth with the distance between them increasing, and winner discovered.  All went well and around 2200 most had retired to the warmth of their motorhome.

Sunday 23rd June (Day 3)

A bright start to the day and a cooked breakfast. Then we set up some games for all to play; Mollky, Kubb, Boules, Ladder Game and the Mexican Train Game. While some went off site around twenty played the various games which we started at 1100 and it went well and was still going well past 1330. In the afternoon Chris and I rode into Worthing, with Nala, as Chris needed to change a top she bought in a store in Brighton. The evening meal was a BBQ around the café area with music and some games. Much laughter and chatting until around 2200 when people drifted away.

Monday 24th June (Day 4)

Today was an ‘up and at-em’ morning. We all had to be at Pam and Malcom’s for 0930 if we wished to go to the English Martyrs Church in Goring. It was arranged for us to meet a local who would give a short talk about the church. It has a complete replica of the Sistine Chapel ceiling in The Vatican, only two thirds the size. A local sign writer did it over five and an half years starting in 1988. He did it at weekends and holidays. It really was amazing. The whole church also had things  of interest to see. After about an hour we walked / cycled to the Bull’s Head for lunch before cycling back home. This was a pub with unbelievably  good food. Some stopped at the pier on their way home for an ice cream but we did not. We knew Nala was not allowed on the pier. That said there was no checking so we could have gone. Also on the return we did a quick food shop for dinner as I did not get the meat out of the freezer this morning. We then sat in the blistering heat just chilling while some folks, late in the afternoon, went for a swim in the sea. The evening, apart from the mass BBQ again, had another raffle and then a music bingo. We all had chosen ten tracks which were put into a random order and it was the first to get four tracks in their list. With so many present it was a great time singing along and being reminded of tracks we had perhaps forgotten. As usual 2200 was quiet time and we all mooched back to out sleepy holes.

Tuesday 25th June (Day 5)

Our plans today are to go by bus to Littlehampton. Some others also though this a good idea. We had a simple breakfast, albeit cooked, and then Chris spent 35 minutes on the phone getting thorough to a Doctor’s secretary to get some of her medical records sent to a private hospital. By 1030 though we were all ready to set off, six of us; Davinia, John, Martin, Caroline and us. 1050 saw us on the 700 bus for a twelve mile journey to Littlehampton. We stopped at almost every bus stop and at one point had a longer stop for the driver to have a comfort break. When not moving the heat built up a lot and was quite uncomfortable. In the end it took 100 minutes to arrive at Littlehampton. The drive was through villages and towns and not along the seashore so the views were not brilliant. Getting off the bus we strolled a bit and made our way for a lunch at The Arun Arms with a view over the River Arun. This reminded Chris and I that, far from it being many years since we had been at Littlehampton, it was only a couple of years as we came to this pub with Chris and Carolyn. As we were about to order a meal and get a beer Martyn realised his phone was missing, The ‘Find My Phone’ app showed it still on the bus. So Caroline and Martin left in a taxi in hot pursuit. (They eventually retrieved it.) The remaining four of us had a pleasant snack / meal and then a stroll along the seafront before opting for the train back as the bus was (a) a long tortuous journey and (b) very hot as it was in the mid 20’s by now. A nice easy train journey back in air conditioned comfort followed. Back at the site I played Cribbage with Caroline as I was teaching her the game and clearly doing too good a job as today I was beaten  3 - 0. It was so hot we decided not to have a cooked meal and opted for cheese and biscuits etc. The evening was an entertainment by the ‘Wellington Wailers’ a sea shanty group whose money went to the RNLI. A two hour performance with the main group of us dressed  in pirate gear.  Indeed the Wailers said we were the best dressed audience they had met and were even better dressed than they were. At the end of the  evening  it was a sit and chat before bed around 2315.

Wednesday 26th June (Day 6)

Another good day weather wise that is, if anything, better than yesterday. The plan was a 1030 leave for a cycle ride to Lancing College where the Chapel of Saint Mary and Saint Nicholas is situated. A very grand place it is, albeit quite recently built as some parts were not complete until the 2010’s. The return trip was via Shoreham Airport which we had previously visited last year. We knew it had good food and beer.  We sat in the sun with good food, drink and good company also. We spent hour or watching the planes and helicopters take off and land training new pilots. By 1500 we were back at the site and sat and chatted until the few brave (or foolhardy) souls went beach to swim in the sea. Eventually it was BBQ time followed by chatting and music until tor 2200 curfew the we all returned to out motorhomes for rest

Thursday 27th June (Day 7)

A cooler start top the day which was good for pacing up. Just fresh fruit for breakfast and then a half hour stroll around the site saying our goodbyes. By a round 1030 we were off; A27; M27, M23, M25, Mii and then back roads home. Apart from a short queue at the Dartford Tunnel all went well. Home after a stop for Nala and a snack by 1400.


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