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Trip 135 - Steam Rally in Trowel, Nottinghamshire

Thursday 5th September (Day 1)

So after a long hot period today was cool and overcast as we are off to near Nottingham. A late leave as both of us had medical appointments. After lunch, around 1330, we were off for the 90 miles to a Steam Rally in Trowell between Nottingham and Ilkeston with a East Midlands MCC group and meeting Chris, Graham and Maisie. We arranged to meet them a half a mile from the site to arrive together. The two hour drive was quite good, but 15 minutes longer due to traffic. Also a bit of rain on the way, very light it must be acknowledged. We were soon set up and were on top of the hill. It was blowing a gale and the motorhome was rocking. We sat and chatted and then had a late dinner followed by ……… the Mexican Train Game. Eventually around 2300 were went to bed with the sound of the traffic on the M1 in our ears as it was less than half mile away..

Friday 6th September (Day 2)

A murky start and still a bit windy. The forecast is good though. After breakfast the four (five) of us walked into Trowell to catch the bus into Ilkeston. We both needed a couple of food items so it seemed a good idea. A short walk to the bus stop and a ten minute ride saw us deposited in Ilkeston. Not a place to set the world on fire or even light a camp fire but a pleasant enough place. A walk along the main thoroughfare and we then located the ‘Durham Ox’ pub where we are hoping to have Sunday lunch. Having done so we had a nice coffee in ‘The Mad Dog’ an extremely doing friendly establishment. Then quick Tesco shop and the bus back arriving around 1400 for lunch. By now it was very sunny and warm but still the dratted wind was whipping around the motorhomes. A gentle walk around the steam rally field which did not excite and then a sit out chatting. We eventually sat behind our motorhome which was more out of the wind. Here we had fajitas cooked by Chris (Stephens). We played the Mexican Train Game until it got too dark to see, at least for some. More games indoors and bed around 2330, with the ‘light of doom’ up.

Saturday 7th September (Day 3)

The day started with almost no battery (again) and me having the loo empty trek.  It was very grey and overcast and the long grass was very wet. We had to run the engine to (a) get enough power to start the boiler to heat the water and (b) get the bed up. After yoghurt for breakfast we were due to gather at 1000 with the MCC group for tea and biscuits. It was delayed until 1100 due to the weather. After meeting, still in light drizzle, and a warm welcome we walked into the show. The weather was still mizzle and quite unpleasant, albeit not cold. There were a lot of big trucks, old tractors, old car - both classic and vintage, traction engines and stalls. One of the cars was a replca of 'Bessie, the yellow Doctor Who car. After around ninety minutes we returned to the motorhome for lunch and a game of bananagrams before we congregated in Chris and Graham’s motorhome for cake and Harvey Wallbangers as it is their wedding anniversary. Well one Harvey Wallbanger means two, then three a good time. We still have electrical problems but we had a curry in our motorhome all together and watched some of the Para-Olympics before playing games. That said the power for the TV was supplied by Chris’ power pack. Again a late night.

Sunday 8th September (Day 4)

During the night it rained quite hard and the morning it was very murky and overcast with light ‘mizzle’. After breakfast we did, well, very little until around midday when we visited the show again. Back at the motorhomes and then 1320 saw us leave to catch a bus to Ilkeston as we had booked Sunday lunch at The Durham Ox. It had good reviews and even as we walked in the welcome was very warm. We had a great Sunday ‘three meat’ roast dinner with a couple of drinks. The food was extremely good. A bus back and as the day had progressed the weather got better and better, to the point we sat out in the sunshine late afternoon and watched many campers around us pack up and go. When it cooled down we went inside and played games and finished with cheese, pork pie and biscuits. We separated for bed around 2315.

Monday 9th September (Day 5)

A lot of rain overnight which continued in the morning. Fortuanly other than the screen blinds and emptying the toilet nothing outside needed doing. By just after 1010 we said our goodbyes and were off. Home by 1230 after a nice easy drive.


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