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Trip 95 - Pleshey

Friday 7th May (Day 1)

So a short trip of only 25 miles today; Pleshey Village Hall being the target location for the Motor Caravanners Club’s first meeting of the year. We left home at 12.30pm and upon arriving at the storage site found we had a flat tyre. Fortunately, last Tuesday, I took delivery of a tyre inflation machine that could manage high psi’s. We inflated the tyre and drove to a tyre fitters to find the leak; we didn’t have one! So the ‘how did we get a flat’ is the burning question? We then had a 50 minute drive to the temporary camp site and set up in really nice warn weather. What followed was to walk and chat to all present. We tried but in thirty plus minutes we only managed two groups out of the thirty plus present. Then Dave and Gill arrived and twenty minutes later Resa and Eric. Having settled in we set up the pop-up and sat around with a libation or two and chatted - Dave and Gill had bought a new motorhome - a Deathleffs Pulse. Much later we returned to our respective homes for a cooked dinner. The evening finished with the group of us just chatting until bedtime.

Saturday 8th May (Day 2)

So sleeping during the night was interrupted as at about 3.30am it started to rain. Well rain was actually an underestimate of what actually occurred. The dawn broke and it was still wet with a wind as well. After a late breakfast we all congregated in the Quest Pop-Up and had a chat and coffee. 2.00pm saw us sitting under a tent in the garden of The Leather Bottle where we had booked in for lunch. Both Chris and I had fish and chips which was clearly a misrepresentation, as it was, I believe, whale and chips. I struggled, manfully, to eat it all. A meal and three pints later saw us on a slow walk back to the site, arriving about 5.00pm. Then back to chatting in the Quest. The evening saw us in the Quest with ‘picky bits’ to eat and a game of (S)UNO. By the time of Match of the Day we all returned home and turned in for the night.

Sunday 9th (Day 3)

So today we are all, due to the fact that we are all on our way home, finding the weather to be exceptionally good. So after breakfast we walked around to say our goodbyes. Just after 11.00am we left for the 60 minutes trip home, made a bit longer as the M25 was closed from J29 to J30 since midnight due to a lorry overturning - a good couple of days


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