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Trip 94 - Newton Grove, Banbury

Friday 30th April (Day 1)

So we were due to leave in the morning for Banbury (well Newton Grove CL, South Newington to be precise). The day started ‘early’ for us. Barry from the removal firm paid a visit before 9.00am to show us packing tips for the move. Then we had to wait for the Surveyor for our buyers. He should have been here before midday but it was not until after 1.00pm that he turned up. So instead of leaving by midday or before as we hoped it was not until 1.30pm. Fortunately, the M25 looked on us favourably as did the M40 so by just before 4.00pm we pulled up. The others, Dave and Gill, Resa and Eric and Graham and Chris were already sitting out chatting. We were soon joining them. A few spots of rain resulted in the two large ‘pop-ups’ being fixed together to sit in. By the time they were erected it had stopped raining so we used the covered area for the afternoon tea that Gill had brought to celebrate her birthday. While sitting outside Eric got a phone call with good news as the offer they had put in for a bungalow had been accepted. As the evening progressed it chilled down and we went inside the pop-ups. Tales of journeys abroad and home and house moving abounded until we retired to our motorhomes just before 10.00pm

Saturday 1st May (Day 2)

So after a pleasant night, ignoring the morning chorus, we all met up and sat around to chat, not an unusual thing. After a brief lunch we walked into the village for a stroll. It was a lovely village with such names s as Slipper and Tank-a-Tank. We then went along a pre-planned routed to Barford St Micheal. Upon arrival we sat outside for a pint in The George public house. After a drink, which was a bit chilly, we left and opted for the return journey not by footpaths but along the roads to avoid the many styles we negotiated on the way here as some of our group were struggling with them. Back at the site we sat around and chatted more until we went separately to cook dinner and then re-grouped to chat into the night until a late bedtime around 11.30pm (after football).

Sunday 2nd May (Day 3)

A good nights kip and a bright start to the day. After breakfast we gathered together and after a while we played `boules for a couple of hours. 1.00pm saw us leave the site for The George public house at Barford St Michael where we were to have a lunch at 2.00pm. What followed was a pleasant lunch, while not being great. That said at £18 for a Sunday lunch, for what was actually delivered, it was over priced by a good few pounds. We left some of the group having desserts etc and we strolled back without them. Back at the site we had a drink and as it chilled down we lit a fire to keep us warm. Later (much) we returned inside the pop-ups to chat until just before 9.00pm when we retired to our motorhomes to watch the last episode of Line of Duty.”

Monday 3rd May (Day 4)

We all gathered together for a ‘last’ breakfast. So bacon butty and tea was the order of the day. Then we filled up with water as we are off again on Friday and said our goodbyes leaving for home at 11.00am. Another good drive with little traffic. After putting Billina to bed, swapping things in to the car and driving home it was just before 2.00pm when we walked indoors.


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