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Trip 91 - Grange Farm - Thorpe-le-Soken

Friday 18th September (Day 1)

We couldn’t be on site until 1.00pm so a few jobs to start with.We had heard at 8.30am that the A12 northbound was shut at Colchester and hoped it would be clear by lunchtime. Alas that was not to be the case. So our route was via Malden and skirting to the south of Colchester well away from the A12. It was a really nice route and the only problem we encountered was some heavy traffic around Colchester mainly due to road works. We were the first of the four to arrive at 2.20pm but the other three arrived within 30 minutes. First was setting up the pop-up house. Ron and Barbara had brought ‘afternoon tea’. So that is what we all partook of. Then we sat and chatted on our recent exploits. The ‘new’ Covid restrictions meant only six could be together and with eight of us this meant two fours or six and a two. So the answer; four couples all two plus metres apart. Gradually people returned to their motorhomes for dinner but we were not really that hungry so we just had a few cheese biscuits, cheese and pickles.Ron and Barbara a bit later on retired early so that left the six of us able to meet in one of the houses and play (S)UNO. Around 11.00pm, with Dave falling asleep, we all said goodnights.

Saturday 19th September (Day 2)

Despite being 2m apart for most of yesterday we were apparently taken to ‘task’ as an extra person who stopped to talk to us made seven. Pure bollox as we were, at they time, sitting in four pairings a couple of metres apart. Fortuately, I was not aware that we were taken to task or it would have been challenged. Some people feel invested in power and it can be misdirected. Anyhow we survived the ‘problem’. We all had breakfast at differing times, to the point that for Eric it was almost 11.00am. Then we split into groups. Eric, Resa, Dave and Gill went for a cycle to the local marina for lunch. Ron and Barbara were to join them by cab. We had sorted a six mile walk. So off we went to our separate destinations. We stopped half way for a beer in a pub garden and on returning played Kubb and also Mexican Train Dominoes. The ‘lunchers returned after 3.00pm and by 4.00pm it was bingo and raffle time. We won £25 on the bingo. After the social get together (distanced), we returned and cooked our evening meal. Then it was a stroll to the local Social Club for a drink. What an evening it turned out to be. As we arrived they were considering shutting up due to a lack of customers. Apart from the eight of us about fifteen or so others from our group were there. We had a good drink (Quelle Surprise!) We also played many games of darts and some played pool. As we left the owner thanked us all for (a) being there and spending money and (b) behaving in keeping to groups of six. We walked slowly back in near pitch dark and all went straight to bed.

Sunday 20th September (Day 3)

So on waking we thought the constant wind had abated. Happy days! However on exiting the van we were incorrect. That said it was still hot and the wind warm. We had a fried breakfast and then just sat around sunbathing (in September). Around 1.30pm Resa needed to post a letter so all eight of us walked into the village and found a post box. The we opted to return to the motorhomes for a beer. However, walking back via the churchyard we saw the back of The Bell pub had lovely seating outside at the rear. So a pleasant hour was passed sitting in two fours. Then a stroll back where Eric ‘had to have a sausage sandwich’ to which Resa said “No” However, a compromise was reached in that an early BBQ was agreed upon. for us we waited a while for steak and chips. A lazy evening followed until it had cooled down and then bed.

Monday 21st September (Day 4)

Today we all go our separate ways. Eric and Resa go ‘up north’; others home. So it was with some disappointment that we awoke to no wind but a heavy dew and everything was wet with little chance of drying it before we packed up. We did hang around until well past 11.00am but to no real benefit, apart from the company. As we were preparing to leave we were informed of a diesel spillage from a lorry resulting in bad traffic on the A133 / A120 which was on our route. We opted for ‘the pretty route’ via East Bergholt which added a few miles but missed the problem. A pleasant easy drive saw us home before 1.30pm to unpack, clean and park Billina2 up. With Chris’ operation this coming Friday who knows when we will get away next!!


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