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Trip 90 - Pleshey and Thetford

Friday 11th September (Day 1)

A short trip today to a small village called Pleshey which is just north of Chelmsford, so only about twenty miles. We cannot arrive until 1.00pm so we did some jobs around the house and motorhome. Then just before 1.00pm we left and after filling with diesel arrived at 1.45pm. We were quickly settled and joined by Dave and Gill. A snack lunch and catch up with them and at 3.00pm Resa and Eric arrived. Then we just sat in the sunshine until around 7.00pm when it had chilled down. So we went to our own abodes and cooked dinner reconvening in the pop-up for (S)uno which Gill won easily. 11.00pm and bed,

Saturday 12th September (Day 2)

A nice sunny start to the day with things set to get better. An unusual coincidence occurred. We were talking with a lady called Yvonne who lives near Southend-on-Sea. In conversation she used to live in Carlton Raod,where Chris’ parents lived quite a while ago. Even stranger they lived just two doors away and Bill and Nina occasionally looked after Yvonne’s children! I had planned a circular walk of about five to six miles and the other four wanted to partake. So just after 11.00am we were off. It was a relatively level walk along quite wide concrete paths (for the first half). The walk skirted Great Waltham which was about the halfway point. I knew there was a pub there but hadn’t mentioned it. When we were close I told them that if they wished a detour of about a mile we could try ‘The Beehive’ pub. A short discussion ensued and it was decided that we should support the local economy. The landlord must had thought that all his Christmases had come. Apart from ‘Dave’, the only person already in the pub who had two pints and then left, the six of us were his total income. We fancied a snack and they did tapas! Three dishes for £12.95. So each coupe had three between them. It was freshly cooked and delicious. Tapas, beer, and a hot day gave us a chance to imagine we were abroad, which normally we would be. We were joined by Peter Riley who cycled from Chelmsford to meet us. It was soon time to return to the site so a walk back continuing along a the planned route. The ‘walk’ was more of a ‘stroll’ so not overly good as exercise. Back at the site it was bingo time (we missed it); raffle time (we won); and information time for next weekend followed by a qiuz. We all then sat around our motorhomes until stomachs demanded food. We had a pre-cooked butter chicken curry. After eating we gathered in the pop-up and just chatted and all agreed it was a day enjoyed by all.

Sunday 13th September (Day 3)

While we did not have to be off site until 2.00pm, and the other four were booked in for Sunday lunch at The Beehive, we had booked a site about 70 miles away in Thetford Forest. So by just after 10.30am having said our goodbyes we were off. An easy drive with a stop at a Sainsbury’s just outside Thetford for all we need for three days as our stop is in the middle of nowhere. By 1.00pm we were settled at the Little Lodge Farm, a certified locaiton. We were informed that it was a mile form the road and three miles from ‘civilisation’ which suited us. It was over a mile from the road to the cl, all bumpy unmetalled road. Having quickly settled we had lunch and then went for a walk of six miles (ish). Before we started we walked down to the river where horses and riders were splashing around in the river. This also is part of the campsite, although not the cl. It was great walk along one side of the Little Ouse river, across to the other side and back. At the cl it was a major feet wash as our feet were black from the walk. Then we sat in the sun with a beer chatting to our neighbours. About 5.30pm we decided to move....... down beside the river and it was a matter of moments before we were again settled watching the ducks, swans, geese and people on the river. We had quite a late dinner and continued to sit out until the last of the suns rays disappeared. Then into the motorhome and, eventually, bed.

Monday 14th September (Day 4)

We had a dawn chorus of birds today very different from the usual as we clearly have a wide variety of birds around us. There was a heavy dew and a cool start to the day but 24 degrees was forecast. We had a good breakfast and, mad as we are, we had a longer walk than yesterday planned at around twelve miles. Just after 11.00am we were off through the forest following the meandering \, winding, Little Ouse River to Thetford itself. Arriving in Thetford we met the three most useless people to direct us to a nice pub with a garden. Number 1, well I suppose he wasn’t useless, just a student newly arrived in the town. Number two,not useless again as he was just visiting. Number three was useless as, upon asking the question, he just shook his head and walked away. I suppose it was down to my choice! The fourth man directed us to the Black Horse saying we wouldn’t be disappointed. Well after a half mile walk we were bloody disappointed as it didn’t open on Monday until 4.00pm! Back to the Green Dragon for a pint and then to The Bell. - Doom Bar and Abbott respectively. On leaving the pub we found a bronze of Captain Mannering (of Dad;s Army fame) and there is a Dad;s Army Museum here also. The connection was that lots of the filming took place around Thetford. The route back was more direct, straight through the forest on the arrow straight fire break roadway / paths. But to get to this point we had to follow the river to the weir where we could cross over it. On this walk we were surprised to see a muntjack deer only about twenty foot in front of us. To be fair the speed that he / she leapt off into the bush we were the least surprised of the two. We were back at 4.00pm having completed over 24,000 steps or about twelve miles. Then a laze in the glorious sunshine watching people swim in the river, horses splash about, canoeists and paddle boarders all enjoying themselves. Dinner was cooked outside and was quite late. Having eaten we could still sit out until about 8.30pm when the sun had gone and it was getting damp. A quick episode of ‘Lost’ then bed, probably the earliest in months 9.30pm

Tuesday 15th September (Day 5)

Despite the early night we were still not up until gone 8.30am, so almost 11 hours! Again we were met by a glorious sunny, warm day so breakfast again outside soaking up the warmth. Today it is expected to reach 30 degrees! We had sorted a circular walk via Brandon for today. A lovely walk through the forest with the shade giving some nice relief from the heat. Brandon itself is not much but a coffee was needed then a stroll along the riverside to find somewhere for our picnic. After a nice rest by the river a pint was the next ‘necessity’ at ‘The Ram’. The walk back involved a bit of a mission to gain the footpath but still pleasant. Part way we saw....... a London Black Cab. He was a local and informed us that the vehicle ahead had a male who was starkers! Fortunately (?) our route turned before we had such a viewpoint. The route back was a good where we saw both a gecko and another muntjack deer who was totally unconcerned about our presence. We got back about 3.30pm after about eleven miles. Then a repeat of the previous days, ie horses and people in the river. We have had lots of jets from Lakenheath flying overhead, quite noisily for the whole time we have been here. It would appear that this is unusual but two factors are in play. One the wind direction is such that the aircraft, that are taking off from Lakenheath, are on a 180 degree opposite flight path to normal and secondly they are involved in a NATO exercise resulting in so many flying over. The noise is not overly intrusive. The evening meal was steak on the BBQ with chips, mushrooms and corn on the cob followed by sitting in the evening twilight and just soaking up the experience.

Wednesday 16th September (Day 6)

So off home today as Chris has a hospital appointment tomorrow, otherwise we would stay here. A bit of rain during the night but a bright start to the day. We left around 10.30am and first replenished our lpg at a local garage then an easy A11 / A14 / A11 / M11 / M25 trip home. Indoors by 1.40pm


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