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Trip 125 - Brightlingsea

Thursday 13th July (Day 1)

So we are the marshalls for this weekends MCC meet. As such we need to ensure we can arrive by midday tomorrow So around midday to day we left having booked a CL in Brightlingsea, about 600m from the venue tomorrow. Our first stop on the way was at Great Leighs for LPG. The to the site. It s owner / run by a 90 years old. The approach is up a lane between pine trees and then inti a small clearing. It is lovely. We set up and had a snack before walking into the town, about a mile away. Again Brightlingsea is very picturesque with lovely displays of flowers. A walk along the front and then down to the foot ferry which goes across to Point Clear. As we had our snack after 2.00pm it was still too early for an evening meal so we strolled back to the motorhome. 1900 saw us going back to town for a meal. We had selected ‘The Yachtsman’s’ near to the marina. We both had 1kg of mussels with chips, absolutely smashing, the biggest mussels we have had in a long time and very tasty, accompanied by a pint of Abbot. A slow stroll back and a watch of tv for a while before we went to bed.

Friday 14th July (Day 2)

A really slow start as we needed to be at the venue at midday which was five minutes away. After breakfast etc we washed the van and sorted water etc. Next was a shop at the superstore in Brightlingsea. Well, they and the Coop, clearly have no idea of the word ‘Superstore’. That said we got most of what we needed. The to the venue at Lower Farm Road Recreation Ground, Brightlingsea, which had a scout halll attached to it.. We had to wait of the authority guy to come and open up (he brought the wrong key). Once in we set up the pop-up as it started to rain - something that was with us for the rest of the dat, on and off. We settled and recorded those that arrived until around 1700. During part of the we sat and chatted to Resa and Eric. There were a few issues. The scout group had rented out all the chairs! They could not help with where to empty black waste and to top it all the hall was being used by a judo group until 2030. The evening convened at 2045-ish and some my now had been drinking for quite a while. We still managed bingo (bloody Eric won again) and then played music while chatting continued until we chased them out at 0030.

Saturday 15th July (Day 3)

So we had a small ‘big boys’ breakfast and then sat out in the sunny weather, although windy. Being the guardians of the keys we could not leave the site, especially as if we locked the hall people could not get their chairs. Around 1330 some had returned to the site so we left the keys to the hall with them and with Eric, Resa, Dave and Gill walked into town. The first port of call was The Yachtsman’s pub. Here we split up as the other four wanted a meal and we did not. We left them to it and walked to a shop selling flowers and vinyl records where I bought three LP’s. Back at the site we sat out in the warm but very windy conditions until we had our meal at around 1830. We all returned tot he hall by 1930. On heir arrival yesterday they were given a quiz and the answers were supplied first offI had also put a dingbats quiz on their tables for tonight. Much chatting with background music ensued. The answer to the dingbats an a quiz of twenty questions. Then Malcolm did a game of ‘playing card bingo’ and the last event was the raffle. The evening finished around 2330.

Sunday 16th July (Day 4)

As rally hosts each morning the hall had to be opened and today the tea urn put on for all to gather at 1030 for the ‘Chairman’s Waffle’. Once finished most left for home but, although we were leaving fairly prompt Malcolm and Pam were staying until 1500 and about eight units were happy to stay. We journey home in good time with just a minor traffic issue on the way to the ‘Toy R Us roundabout’ Home before 1400.


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