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Trip 124 - Mid Summer Madness - Lancing - Chausson Group

Wednesday 28th June (Day 1)

So today we are going part way to Lancing, Sussex, for ‘Mid-Summer Madness’, a Chausoon Meeting. We left around 1045 and had a good journey around the M25 (west side) and down to a village called Newdigate. Here we parked in The Six Bells pub car park, arriving about 1400. We then had a bite to eat and a cup of tea. I had planned couple of circular walks and we opted for the longer of the two. This comprised of a figure of eight so if we were too hot after the first loop we could stop. It was a muggy 22 degrees. The first loop was around the outside of a quarry making bricks. Having completed this we agreed to continue. This second loop was much more a country walk, fields, horses, wood etc. At one point we again opted to extend the walk even further. This involved three small challenges, although we did not know at the time. Firstly, a broken style and the need to climb a very wobbly gate; secondly a small part of the walk was extremely overgrown with nettles and brambles; and lastly an electric fence / gate. Returning to the village we looked into the wooden / stone built St Peter’s church. The tower was wooden. It was a lovely little church built over 800 years ago, and had details of the ‘Bell Captain’ and ringers. We got back about to Billina about 1730 after just over six miles of rambling. So after a wash of the (very) dirty feet we strolled over for a pint and a meal. Well, bearing in mind when I telephoned the landlord stated he would like us to eat at the pub, it was with some dismay that we found the chef had left a while ago and no replacement was in post! They suggested a nearby pub (about 1.5 miles away) which was an alternative for us to stop at that we dismissed! We had a pint and returned to the motorhome and cooked a simple meal. Then we sat and watched the tv before bed.

Thursday 29th June (Day 2)

Quite a lot of rain through the night and a dull start. we are in no rushes we only have a forty minute drive to The Barn Caravan Site in Lancing (near to Worthing). We cannot be on site until 1300. We left and took a slow drive and programmed in a Sainsbury’s for a shop. For some reason, despite arriving at the postcode on their site, there was no Sainsbury’s, big of small. Off we went and before we could select another option we saw a big ASDA. In we went and got all we needed and on exiting we were met with more rain. It was still only midday so we sat in the motorhome and had an early lunch. Leaving for the site we arrived a couple of minutes early to find at least thirty others were already parked up. The rest of the day was taken up with setting up and then walking around meeting and chatting with many old friends (and some new). A BBQ and then 1930 saw us all gather outside the café area. Each couple were given a playing card and then all the hearts, clubs etc had to gather in a group. For no other reason but to try and get people to mix more. Quite good idea. Around 2300 we said our good notes and west to bed.

Friday 30th June (Day 3)

So the plan today was to meet at 1100 and go for a cycle ride to Goring by Sea, the other side of Worthing. Off went a group of thirty cyclist on the trek.The weather was overcast and very windy but not cold.. After about a mile and a half on the journey one of the group on a brand new bicycle had a puncture. A couple of us went to assist. We fixed the puncture twice with no joy. I then cycled to a nearby bike shop to get a replacement inner tube. On the return I cycled passed where they were they were by about a mile.They did no see me as they were sheltering from the wind and I thought they were further on! Eventually we met up and sorted the issue. I then joined Chris, who had been waiting for about a hour and was really cold. We locked the bikes and went to a café and warmed up with some cheesy chips and tea. By now the thirty plus group had split into smaller groups going their own way. We decided to return to the site. Back there we watched people take awnings down as the wind was gusting to more than 35mph. We then started the 2023 International Scrabble Championship. Horror of horrors I found myself almost 2 - 0 down. and well beaten in the first game. Fortunately in the second I managed to claw it back, but only just, and win by less than eight points. So a one each was the result to date. After our evening meal we gathered around the café at 2000 for the entertainment by the Sussex Sax Band. They played for almost two hours and, while we were for some of the time under an umbrella due to rain, it was a different and nice experience . Around 2200 we retired for sleep.

Saturday 1st July (Day 4)

So cycle ride take 2. We met at midday and about twenty of us set off for Worthing Pier. Here the main group were going to have fish and chips. As the ride was decided late we had already had a ‘big boys’ breakfast so declined. This resulted in the pair of us with two other, Steve and Anita, to cycle on to Goring by Sea. Here there was a catholic church who a sistine type ceiling. A very pleasant cycle was had but the church was closed on Saturdays! We may visit on Monday n our way home. Next a pub stop and a Greene King presented itself to us. It was then time to return but, part way back, we bumped not Martin and Caroline. Martyn mentioned that at the airport by the campsite was an art Deco building….. with a bar. So off we all went and sat outside watching the aeroplanes. At 1700 the bar shut and we cycled back to the site as at 1800 there was a mass BBQ. An evening of jollity followed and we alll went to bed around 2300.

Sunday 2nd July (Day 5)

So another bright but windy day. After breakfast we just sat around for a while people watching. We took Kubb, the adder game and boule over to the ‘play area’. mainly we then watched while other played. I made lunch and the rest of the afternoon was spent just mooching. and slowly packing some of our stuff away. Around 1600 we all gathered and had music play while we sat and chatted. After a while a few stated to dance. e had a late dinner around 1900 and then returned to the gathering. Bed was about 2200.

Monday 3rd July (Day 6)

The usual start and by 0930 we were ready to leave but, with such a large group, it took a long time to say our goodbyes. Then off. The journey should have taken four hours but took a bit longer as not only was the Dartford Tunnel congested but the M25 to the west (Heathrow) was also congested. We also stopped for lunch and a quick shop at Aldi.


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