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Trip 122 - Pleshey (Pre Coronation Weekend)

Friday 28th April (Day 1)

So off to jolly old Pleshey with Essex MCC. We left home about 10.30am for slow journey down. It resulted in returning 34mpg - a record. We arrived at 12.45pm - fifteen minutes early and were soon parked up having a cup of tea and an egg mayo roll. It was then a stroll around the green catching up with those present and arriving. A stir fry for tea (chicken satay) and then 7.30pm saw us all in the hall for the usual bingo (we won £20). Then just a drink and chat for the rest of the evening with the music in the background until just after 11.00pm when we all returned to our mh’s.

Saturday 29th April (Day 2)

A good nights sleep despite the dawn chorus. A bacon butty to start the day and then we had a village quiz of 31 questions to xcomplete. This took just over an hour. Next we opted for a cycle ride. I had planned a circular route one route out and achieve for the return via Littley Green (The Compasses). We took a wrong turn adding about two miles to the outward journey but arrived to find that The Compasses was alovely pub. Sitting in the garden in the sunshine was glorious (and much needed). We decided to eat there and each had a ‘huffer’. We had two options for the return a longer nine miles or a shorter five. The five won the day and by just after 3.00pm we were sat with a cup of tea soaking up the rays. A lazy afternoon followed and then we had some cheese and biscuits for tea before 7.00pm saw us in the village hall for ‘English Country Dancing’. Two 80 year olds were set up to play the traditional tunes and call after instructing us of the steps / moves for the dance concerned. Well three hours later and sweating like Jimmy Saville in a children’s home we all agreed what a great, and different, evening it was. Back tot he motorhome to finish the wine and watch a bit of tv until midnight and bed.

Sunday 30th April (Day 3)

A chilly start and we needed the heating on for while to warm the motorhome up. Then after a much needed shower it was ‘Big Boys Breakfast’ time. We decided on a ‘lazy’ day so I putt he bicycles back not to he motorhome ready for the drive home tomorrow. The sit in the sunshine (shorts weather!) coffee, chat and a lazy time was had. Others went for lunch but as we had a good brekky we did not. We did set up the field for the games afternoon’ horseshoes, lawn darts, Ladder Game; and Kubb. Chris went for the ‘Chair Yoga’ at 2.00pm taken by Rita who must be one of the most agile and flexible 80 years olds I have ever known. Much enjoyment and merriment was had on the ‘games field’ in warm weather although not as hot or nice as yesterday. Somehow Gill with Dave’s assistance managed to determine a winner for most of the activities. The Ladder Game was a great hit and many were looking to purchase it. Back to our motorhomes for tea / dinner and then into the hall for 7.30pm. What followed was a good evening (again and as usual). First off, having all been given a ticket on entering the hall. Two were picked and we had our ‘king and Queen for the night. What are at the odds they were a married couple. Then we has the answers to the ‘Around the village’ Quiz. This was followed by a royal quiz by Chrissie and, apart from the fact we would not have won, her answer for the royal on the penny black was William IV who died on 1837! Then there was a music picture quiz which again we did spectacularly poorly and the raffle again not a sniff of a win. Finally some background music which resulted in most getting up for a dance. It was almost midnight when we rocked up at our motorhome for bed.

Monday 1st May (Day 4)

So as we are off home today a quick and easy breakfast of cereal was agreed. Then it was empty tanks etc, store things away and wander over for the 10.30am ’Chairman’s Waffle’. By about 11.15am we were off and had an easy drive home arriving about 12.35pm. It was a very good weekend organised by Gillian and Dave.


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