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Trip 120 - Chelmer Valley High School - January 2023

Friday 27th January (Day 1)

Off to Chelmer Valley High School - again. We left about 2.00pm with the intention of parking up at a nature reserve and having a walk before arriving at the school. Arriving at said reserve we found a height barrier. What to do? Well a mile up the road was The White Hart in Little Waltham was the answer. We managed to park in their car park and found the pub was very busy. Finding a seat we had a pint and a chat with a lady who, it turned out, was in HR at Chelmer Valley High. We left for the ten minute journey to the school. (We could not get in until 6.00pm) We were soon parked and settled and we had a quick stir fry and then over to the hall for a game of bingo and a catch up with everybody. 11.00pm was the finish.

Saturday 28th January (Day 2)

The usual start and by 10.00am we were off to go to Chelmsford Market to look at suitcases. About an hour saw us arrive and after much indecision we bought two cases. While paying etc Chris rang Chris Karunaratna and he came and picked us up and took us to their house. It is seven months since we last met up so we had a lot to chat about and also had a leisurely lunch before Chris and Carolyn drove us back to the school arriving at 6.00pm. We had intended a curry but were still full from the lunch so just changed and made our way over tot he hall where a singer Carol Harman entertained us for the night. She was really good and we were all up dancing until the very end. Then a toddle back to bed.

Sunday 29th January (Day 3)

We decided not to shower today and just have wash followed by breakfast then back to the hall for the 10.30am ‘Chairman’s Waffle’. Which always sums it up well. It was just after 11.15am when we had said our goodbyes and drove homeward, arriving by 1.00pm. As a surprise I took Chris to see Andrew Rieu at the Luxe cinema after unpacking.


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