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Trip 111 - Pleshey

Friday 6th May (Day 1)

So off to Pleshey Village today. It is about an hour and a half and the start time is 2.00pm. That said we left just before 10.45am as, when we last went to Switzerland (February), I left fleece there and Ash has brought it over and left it with Ron and Shirley. This meant a detour to Hornchurch. A simple drive but the traffic as we neared Hornchurch! You quickly forget such things. Having picked up the fleece we went to Tesco at Gallows Corner for food for the weekend and then sat and had lunch in the car park. The 45 minute drive to Pleshey had a further detour as we knew we could get gas near to Chelmsford Race Course so went there and filled up. This meant arriving by 2.20pm and having done so we sat out and chatted with Dave, Gill, Chrissie and John. It was a nice sunny afternoon and around 5.30pm we BBQ’d. That said it was chilling down slightly so we ate inside. Around 7.00pm we made our way over to the hall. The theme for the weekend being 'Back to School, and our first task was an art class. We were all given paper and a pencil and had to draw the person opposite and of me that was Chris.! The pictures will be ‘marked’ put on display with awards being given tomorrow. The inevitable game of bingo and raffle followed and then music and chatting until bedtime. Instead of going straonght to bed the six of us went onto Chrissie and John’s motorhome for a nightcap of port. (Their Hymer is the same layout as out old Rapido.)

Saturday 7th May (Day 2)

So a bacon butty for breakfast followed by a chill out. Around 11.00am a group of us played pétanque (ladies v men) (Ladies 1; Men 0) with the second leg abandoned as people either had to go for lunch at the local pub or were too tired(!). Chris and I then left the site and went for a circular walk with the Beehive pub at Great Waltham being the halfway stop. The weather was warm with sunshine and clouds but with the threat of rain. That said we got back without any rain and even heard our first ‘cuckoo’ of the Spring on our walk back. A second stop at the Leather Bottle in Pleshey before returning to the site where we then sat out until just after 4.00pm as by then the clouds had come across and the sun could not keep the temperature warm enough. We still had a BBQ - flat iron steaks which were lovely. It was then soon to get ready for the evening in the village hall. As stated ‘Back to School’ was the theme and registration was 7.00pm prompt. Chris had a straw boater, white blouse, tie and pinafore top. I had a teacher's gown and mortarboard complete with tassle. What followed was a fun evening with silly team games and ‘lunch’ at 8.30pm was sausage in a roll. The result of yesterdays art class was on display and I won!!! I didn’t think I could draw and I still suspect that my thoughts are trueI and that everyone else was worse. ‘School’ ended at 11.00pm and again we had a night-cap with Christie and John.

Sunday 8th May (Day 3)

A lovely day sunny and warm. (It seems most weekends away the day we leave is the best weather-wise.) After a cooked breakfast we went over the the hall for the ‘Chairman’s Waffle’ and Bob did not disappoint. Then back to the motorhome and the drive home arriving at just before 1.00pm.


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