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Trip 118 - Chelmer Valley High Christmas Bash

Friday 16th December (Day 1)

So the Motor Caravanners Club Christmas meeting at Chelmer Valley High, Chelmsford starts today. Quite a few, it would appear have cried off. Resa and Eric as the extreme cold has split all their MH taps. Others do not fancy either the snowy driving conditions or cold. As it is on school premise we cannot be on site until 6.00pm. So we left around 2.00pm. On the way we saw how much snow had fallen south of us. The fields were covered and had an spooky mist that was only about ten foot high. Our dest9nation was Freeport where we did a bit of shopping for Christmas presents. Then it was off to the school, arriving just after 6.00pm in dark and icy conditions. A quick snack and then over to the hall to catch up with people. A chat a drink, some nibbles and also a game of bingo which Chris won (£60). By 11.00pm we had vacated the bak to bed.

Saturday 17th December (Day 2)

A cold night, very cold indeed. We were meeting Chris’ old school colleagues, Sandra and Carol at 12.30pm in the Quadrant Café, in Chelmsford. A bus into town then a bit of retail therapy getting some more presents and other items. It was nice experience with brass bands (Salvation Army); carol singers and general happy people. Lunch in the Café was very pleasant. We then made our way back to the school. However, the bus we took broke down. So we had to walk back to a different route and, eventually, caught a bus home. Getting back to the motorhome we found that the issue we thought we had two weeks ago (batteries not holding their charge) was spot on. So the heating in the motorhome would not work unless the engine was running. We got changed in a chilly motorhome (it was in the minus degrees outside). A DJ for me and a posh frock for Chris. Then, by 6.30pm, over to the hall for more drinking, a buffet and disco. A good time despite an average buffet - enough to eat but not an overly comprehensive choice. Midnight saw us back in the motorhome (very cold). Once in bed we were snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug. (We had bought thermal sock in town.)

Sunday 18th April (Day 3)

Sunday morning my normal job is kettle on and make tea. Chris turns the water on for showering and the radio. However, today my extra job was turn the engine on to get the heating working. I then did the hot water and the radio was not turned on as we did not want to know the Strictly Come Dancing final result. 10.30am saw us over the hall for a cup of tea while listening to the ‘Chairman’s Waffle’ and just after 11.00am saw us off home (home by 1.00pm.)


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