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Trip 117 - France & Spain - Days 29 to 42

Europe Trip 2022 - 3

Monday 26th September (Day 29)

The rain continued through the night. However the morning was bright and sunny again. We had selected one of two options for tonights stop. Chris fancied a ‘freebee’ so we went to San Miguel Car Park, Cabo de Gata, on the edge of the national park. First though, Mercadona for a few items. Then a simple two hour run, admittedly with driving rain for part of it, arriving at just after 1.00pm where we found ourselves in ‘pole position’ at the front overlooking the beach. We made lunch and sat on the beach wall to eat it. Chris got there first and a seagull nearly made off with some of her meat. The wind is constant, but warm, making the sea too rough to go in for a swim. We strolled around the town, as a person had commented how filthy it was on a website. It is spotless, albeit we did spot two empty cigarette packets! I had noticed a lighthouse on the edge of the national park and we decided to cycle to it. We were at least 50m from the sea as we cycled but still were getting sea spray such was the wind. The map did not tell all and so after five miles (with about one mile up hill) we saw the lighthouse far below us. That meant to visit it we had to continue the hill climb, then descend and homeward would be another steep climb. We chickened out and returned to the motorhome. Having loaded the bikes on the back again we sat against the beach wall on the sand reading until around 5.00pm when a beer beckoned. We sat at the front of the bar watching the waves and sea bubble in the wind. We soon rolled back and sat in the motorhome and people watched. We had a late dinner watching the setting sun which was really nice. We are considering going to Almerìa tomorrow but we will see.

Tuesday 27th September (Day 30)

So we left quite prompt, having showered last night to get the sand off us. Our first stop was at the Cabo de Gata lighthouse that we tried to go to yesterday. We made the right decision yesterday to abandon our efforts. At the lighthouse was a good view point and little else. We had programmed in the harbour at Almerìa. The coordinates were wrong so it took us a bit longer to find it. One notable event was as we were driving along a dual carriageway we saw a vehicle coming towards us. In front of us was a mini and he waved the car down. How unlucky for the lady in the car as he was a policeman with his wife. We found the tourist office and our first stop was the cathedral. From the outside it was very austere and fort like which is how it was but to withstand attacks from the moors. The inside was much nicer. From there is was the moorish fortress of Alcazaba. A steep walk up and a nice place to look around despite a large part of it being in ruins. While strolling around we came across some deer that were just enjoying the flora and fauna. Back down at ground lever we walked up another steep hill to Jayrán;’s wall and St Cristóba’s Hill. We then returned to the motorhome for a rest. A short stroll around the marina before ‘putting on our glad rags for a meal - or not. Apart from two restaurants in swanky hotels there was nothing open or even to be found. Even the italian I spotted was closed at past 7.00pm. We ended up with a few tapas at a bar before returning again to the motorhome to make some of our own. On the way back the Italian had opened! Upon getting back to the motorhome I made some impromptu tapas. We also discovered that the ship next to us was still running its engine, apparently they need to. This meant a constant background noise which we thought was ok but in the early hours decided otherwise.

Wednesday 28th September (Day 31)

Well, not the best nights sleep. After breakfast and a shower etc we got ourselves straight for the move to the next stop, all of 9km away at Roquetas de Mar, an ACSI site called Camping Roquetas. We ignored the satnav and took the coast road. This hugged the sea facing moutnains and had a few tunnels also. A delightful route. Just before our destination we saw a large Dia, a supermarket chain. We were after a couple of ‘must haves’ so parked up and got almost all we wanted. Opposite was a very busy bar so we crossed and had coffee with tostados (think toasted panini). Then it was ten minutes to the site. We were soon settled and got things charging that needed it. The site is next to the beach, well about 500m, and it is meant to have a 12km cycle route along the beach. So we had to test it. Well they were wrong as it was slightly longer. A very pleasant cycle which had a beach that got better the further we went. (The beach where we are actually stopped at it not the best.) Having got to the end it became a still cycle l able track in a nature park but not paved. At this point, though, we turned back and stopped at a bar for some refreshment. Here we chatted to an older couple, yes really, who had an apartment here in the 1980’s, they had, apparently, seen a few changes. We continued back and having got to the site opted to have a swim. As stated the immediate beach was not the best, due to stones and seaweed, but walking a short way along it made the difference. It was still colder than our previous few swims but late September I suppose we cannot moan. Back at the site for a shower and change then a sit in the evening sun. For our evening meal we had decided to try the set meal at the onsite restaurant. Only one other couple were in there. Chris had Moules and a huge plate of chips and I had BBQ Ribs which were the neatest I have ever had, I think. €19 for chris and €12 for me. Good food all cooked fresh and good value. We then returned to the motorhome for round three of the International World Masters Scrabble. Two more games and still tied at 3.5 to 3.5. The site was very quiet so a good nights sleep looks promising.

Thursday 29th September (Day 32)

After a good nights sleep we woke to the realisation that our tea tasted funny yesterday as in the last supermarket a blue cap was full fat milk! Water and fruit juice for breakfast. The bread was from the site shop and the woman, in a wheel chair, must be all of 80 years old. After breakfast we had a morning of cleaning. The whole of the outside (not roof) of motorhome. The dry cleaner was brilliant. Newt on the agenda was semi-skimmed milk. We cycled first the length of the promenade in the opposite direction to yesterday into Aquadulce. Having cycled as far as we could we wiggled into town to the Dia supermarket and got the correct milk plus a couple of other small items. back at the site we had our first cup of tea of the day at 1.30pm! We also had a filled wrap. We thought that while it was hot it maybe too windy for the beach so we would try the site pool but it closes for two hours for its siesta! Sitting about we thought lets try the sea and off we cycled. Within a couple of miles it was clear it was just too windy so back we went and by then the pool was open and the lonely and bored lifeguard was so pleased to see us. A short swim, a hot shower and then a sit in the sunshine reading.

Friday 30th October (Day 33)

The decision is made and after breakfast we paid our dues and drove off in the direction of Calp. First things first, Dia supermarket for about €10 of shopping. Then it was a125 miles to Camping Sierra Eruña at El Berro, near Murcia. It is in the mountains and will be cooler. The majority of the drive was along a motorway so we sailed along. The last 14 miles was not. As we pulled off we found a cheap fuel station so filled up. We then climbed. A bend was only counted if it was more than 140 degrees. Mostly it was second gear with sheer drops on one side. It would have been better had I put the correct coordinates in as the poor old Sat nav lady was showing us 5km from the destination and then 28kms. We pulled in as we were clearly in some difficulty and soon realised our (my) error. I had put a ‘3’ where a ‘2’ should have been. Twenty minutes later we arrived to a small hillside (mountain side) site. We were settled in and just after 2.00pm eating lunch. A stroll around the very small town followed, two bars /restaurants, one bread shop and a small supermarket. We walked to the mirador (panoramic) view and then returned to sit in the sun and read. With only two restaurants in the the village the eat out choice was limited. We opted for one and had a good meal for about €35 of which the bottle of wine was €5. Being in the mountains it is cooler and so by 8.0pm we were playing international Mexican Train Game at which I am 1:0 down.

Saturday 1st October (Day 34)

We had decided on a walk in the mountains so after a very slow start it was about 11.30am we set off. Pedro on the site showed me a download that was like the ordinance survey one. It showed routes and without internet access where you were. We (I) chose a 10km circular walk. I suggested walking shoes but Chris opted for her walking sandals. About 4km into the walk Chris kicked a ‘thingy’ which cut her big toe. Blood! Yes. It was a lesson that hindsight is so good. It took quite a while to stop the blood flowing. We moved on, brave solder the she is, and then at one point she lost her balance. While no damage resulted this is not the first time it has occured and perhaps some investigation is needed. I then changed our route so most of the way was along roads. We got back without mishap and had a beer at the local bar before spending the rest of the afternoon sitting, soaking up the sun and reading. We took a quick walk into the village to see if we could get some bread (bakers shut tomorrow) as we fancied a big boys. The shop was shut. Back at the site we read some more before having a curry. While cooking the Dutch next door politely asked us to ‘soften’ our music, which we did. The next round of the international World Series Championship Scrabble Competition took place and now we stand at 4.5:4.5. It is the tightest competition in the competition's history. People are starting to worry about their bet on the prematch favourite.

Sunday 2nd October (Day 35)

Today we are off to the spa baths at Fortuna. No real rush so a cooked breakfast, bacon, sausage, black pudding and baked beans, except the back pudding had gone off. Clearly the heat beat the freezer in keeping it edible. Hey ho never mind. Now I am going to burst into song; “Maria, Maria I just met a girl called Maria, and suddenly we found our vehicles took a liking to each other…….” Yes on the twisty narrow mountainous road between El Berro and Alameda Del Murcia we had an accident. It is clearly an error on my part. The gap was big enough, I still believe, but I made a judgement error. We hit, firstly, with the boiler cover which made no noise for us. The next bit was the bottom of the water / electric flap. This we heard and, while not stopping, I moved to my right away from the car, a Peugeot 307. It was at this point that the lady in the Peugeot decided to move away from me, a good option. However, her hill start skills were sadly lacking and she rolled back into us causing damage to our wheel arch and a repeater light. Anyway next we spent forty minutes filling in forms while other road users had to wait. The motorhome behind us then moved over so the vehicles could get by slowly so we were clearly over enough. A shake of hands and off we trolled. Lon Banos de Fortuna was the designation about two hours away. We arrived and got checked in and settled and had a quick light lunch. Then swim gear on and into the bubbly 36 degree pools for about ninety minutes. We then returned to Billina to fully inspect the damage which, while not cheap, could have been much worse. Back then to the pools for another ninety minutes of bimbling. A shower and a G+T before a meal at the restaurant. On arrival we were told to book if we wished to have a meal in the restaurant which we did. On arrival we were the only people there! The rush started a bit later with five people arriving! 9.30pm we were back after a nice meal.

Monday 3rd October (Day 36)

We had a poor night still cogitating over yesterdays touch. I started, after breakfast, by contacting the insurance to report the incident. Chris then paid and we left. Our first stop after about ninety minutes was to fill with lpg. The same happened as before less than €2. So either we are using much less than we thought or have filling issues, only time will tell. We then set our destination for Calp with a stop at a supermarket first. We arrived about 12.45pm and were given our pitch which was not the one we booked. After all the ‘hellos’ we had lunch. Then it was time to do the washing. Some went for a walk, some to the beach. We eventually walked to the promenade where we met with Chris, Graham and Maisie. Happy hour followed then back to cook dinner. The evening went quickly with the Mexican Train Game with Resa, Eric, Chris, Graham, Chris and myself.

Tuesday 4th October (Day 37)

The forecast to day is not good. We awoke to rumbling thunder and grey skies. After breakfast things looked better, despite a few raindrops. Chris, Graham, Chris and myself went in search of a tyre repair place as Graham had a valve needing replacing and also Chris a fitbit charger. The first was sorted, for 10.30am tomorrow, the second was a ‘no no’. We returned to the site for lunch and then a stroll down to the port and along the prom. Dogs are not allowed anywhere on the beach so Graham, brave soldier, took Masie to a bar while the three of us went for a swim. All then adjourned to the bar afterwards. On the way back to the site we purchased a couple of items for the evenings meal and tomorrows breakfast and chilled out in the warmth. We ate quite late almost 8.30pm. Then there was eight of our group who congregated around our motorhome to ‘chew the cud’ until bedtime.

Wednesday 5th October (Day 38)

Today stated warm but there is a chance of rain. Most of the morning was whiled away on site. After lunch twelve of us walked down to the promenade and then along to the boules area to play games. On getting there we found that it was taken over by a large group of Dutch and Belgiums who were playing an ‘international’. We moved on to a small park area and played boules, Mollky and the ladder game. This was a better location as we were in the shade under trees as by now it was boiling hot. After a couple of hours we split into two groups; six went to the bar and six for swim. The water was lovely and was just what was needed to cool down. We then, after about forty minutes, joined the other half of the group. Here Resa declared herself the winner of the games competition! We did not get back to the site until just before 7.00pm and so we cooked - chorizo and chicken with rice and fine beans. It was then a congregate and chat evening.

Thursday 6th October (Day 39)

So the weather not looking too good. After a fried breakfast I decided to change back to my Vodaphone sim, which was in the dongle, with the Spanish sim I am using as I was running out of data on the Vodaphone one a while ago. All went well but I could not access anything on Safari etc as no data! So that was the start of a frustrating time. First the problem was to get by the chatbot to speak to a human. Eventually I managed it. After an hour and a quarter with two of the agents and about twenty changes of sim card. (I had to do the suggested operation with the Vodaphone sim in then be able to respond to the agent on the Spanish one.) they stated I needed to wait an hour, swap sims and restart phone and all would be well. So off we all went to catch the ‘little train’ for a trip around Calpe. While on the train it rained so that was a result. We got off at the port area and had a coffee. It was then decided to stroll along the prom back for lunch. As we left the coffee shop, Gill saw the little train but we were not allowed to go on it; walk was the decision. Then part way along the prom the heavens opened and we took shelter under a tree. After a while it stopped and we continued. Chris and I went into the new chinese shop near the site and bought a few things we needed. Then time to sort my phone. Same issue. Again getting to speak to a human was an issue. Then another ninety minutes with the problem not resolved; not a happy person. ~ late evening meal and then the usual chat around the table until bed.

Friday 7th October (Day 40)

Eric’s birthday today. Everyone wished him birthday greetings as he walked for a shower. After breakfast six of us, Chris, Chris, Graham, Eric, Resa and I walked along the coast to the next bay and a café on the edge of the sea. A coffee was had and we sat and just enjoyed the view, weather and company until we took the coast path back. Lunch was eaten and some went to the beach straight away. Chris and myself accompanied by Graham followed an hour or so later and had a nice bob along in the sea. Then it was stand in the sun and dry off. Back at the site we had prossecco and nibbles with some music until 7.00pm. At this time we all had a meander up to the Chicken Shack. Fourteen of us to be joined by two of Resa and Eric’s friends whom she bumped into this afternoon. A pleasant meal but there were too many of us and it was too noisy for any conversation. Afterwards we all returned to outside our motorhome to continue the evening until bed around midnight.

Saturday 8th October (Day 41)

Today it is Resa’s birthday. The forecast is good with wall to wall sunshine. After breakfast a group of us went down to the market which is quite a big one. This was followed by a coffee at El Barco, which is now named something else. From their Chris and I walked along the main road to get something for a BBQ today for Resa’s birthday from Mercadona.. This was followed by a light lunch. For the afternoon a group of us went to the beach where much fun was had trying to use Dave’s paddle Board. Back at the site for 5.00pm and then BBQ time. Eighteen of us, quite a feat. We then sat and chatted until around 11.00pm

Sunday 9th October (Day 42)

I had a bad night as I felt I was drowning in Catarrh. I also had a sore throat but that went by morning. Melon for breakfast and thenTrevor came around to see if he could sort our gas issue out; he couldn’t. We will have to see tomorrow what transpires. We just sat around until around 1.00pm when at various intervals we all strolled with a pub as our destination for a Sunday roast. Some left early for a beer others just to arrive (us). I still felt awful and the walk was a slow one. That said the meal was excellent, and it was Keith Randal’s birthday - three birthdays on consecutive days. Both Chris and I had pork with all the trimmings followed by cremé caramel. The meal came with half a bottle of wine all for €30 with tip which is about £27. I then left the group for a slow walk back and went to bed while the others went to a bar for happy hour. Eventually we gathered again and snacked. That said I was still not feeling well so before 10.00pm I was in bed.


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