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Trip 113 - Southminster and Havering

Friday 1st July (Day 1)

So today we are making our way down to Upminster for a big party bash tomorrow. That said we were sleeping on the front of Resa and Eric’s house this evening and she was cooking. They had to take their motorhome to a Fiat dealer to sort fault light on their dashboard which was preventing the vehicle being MOT’d and would not be home until around 4.00pm. We decided to leave around 2.00pm and, as for us everyday is a Saturday and we forget about (a) rush hour traffic and (b) it is a Friday it was not the easiest of drives, although mainly worse in the opposite direction to our travel. We arrived around 5.00pm and parked up. Shortly after Danny and Mel arrived in a brand new German slam door. Danny is Resa’s nephew. They have quite a complex background involving Oman, Germany, Ireland etc. They were due to go to Liverpool, ship the motorhome to Halifax (Canada) and then drive across Canada, USA and on to Peru where Danny would be working for a couple of years. So a good chat, then a bolognaise and then Ciara, Dan, Freddie and Bonnie arrived. A couple of games and then bed.

Saturday 2nd July (Day 2)

A cooked breakfast and further chat, baby cuddle then around midday we trolled off to Lin and Ian’s where we were going to sleep on their front. We then took three buses to visit Ruth in the home who was in remarkably good form. Returning to the motorhome around 5.30pm we had a pasty and a shower to get ready for the party at the Upminster Rugby Club which was a mile stroll away. So a pleasant stroll arriving around 7.30pm. This was Dave Lamb’s 65th, Debbie’s 60th, Chris’s 30th; Debbie and Dave’s 40th wedding anniversary and Debbies retirement. Most of the ‘Curry Club’ were there. June Reade made a boo-boo and booked a weekend way! Well after midnight we wobbled ‘home’ to sleep.

Sunday 3rd July (Day 3)

A late start with crumpets for breakfast. We intended to visit the people who bought our house, and Heather and Alf. However the family had covid. We opted to meet Alf in Rachael's Park. As he is normally there and he said he would buy us a coffee. More buses and a walk through the park found his dog walking buddies but not Alf. No-one could contact him. We said our goodbyes and strolled off to watch the waterbirds in the lake to decide on our next move. Off to Hornchurch and our old haunt the micro pub ‘The Hop Inn’. A couple of pints and a warm welcome followed. Another bus ‘home’. As we were approaching the motorhome we agreed a visit to Bev would be nice if she was in and she was, with grandchildren and others. An hour was easily whiled away before we scooted back to the motorhome to change for dinner; a curry at Spices with Marilyn and Andrew. As usual a good meal followed and then we went back for a nightcap (just the two of us) before bed.

Monday 4th July (Day 4)

Another slow start but after breakfast we went into the garden and had a chat with Lin (Ian had left for golf). Just after 11.00am we moved off and had a good run home stopping at the M11 services to fill with AdBlue, an Aldi shop and then the Cisco garage for diesel which was the cheapest we had seen on the whole of the trip. Home by 2.15pm


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