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Trip 112 - Lashlake - Thame

Thursday 9th June (Day 1)

So we had a two plus hour drive to Lashlake Barn CL, Thame, Oxfordshire where we were going to join Resa and Eric, Al and Sue, Gill and Dave, Chris, Graham and Maisie and Ron and Barbara. We were not sure we were actually able to go 24 hours ago as the motorhome had been in for repair for the water heater for two weeks and was only just ready yesterday. Having collected it in the morning it the went for a tow bar to be fitted. On getting it back home we loaded up most of the equipment yesterday This morning it was load the freezer, fridge food and then the bikes. That was the sticking point. Having lost the keys to the bike rack I had worked a way to ensure it was secure on the motorhome. Unfortunately, when loaded onto the bike rack the bikes were touching the motorhome and would have damaged it. So the garage was unloaded the bikes fixed in and then we put back in the essentials only. To do this we had to removed the spare wheel! Despite all this hassle we were still off by 11.15am arriving safely at about 1.30pm in Thame. Only Resa and Eric were not there and they arrived within 20 minutes of our us. A quick lunch then a chat and catch up. ‘The Girls’ then walked into Thame while ‘The Boys’ sat around with a beer or two. About 5.30pm we walked all into town and met for a beer at the Black Horse pub, before returning for a late dinner - Garlic Butter chicken, roast tats and salad for us. By then it had cooled down so all twelve managed to get into Su and Alan’s awning to chat the night away.


Friday 10th June (Day 2)

A lovely sunny day greeted us. A bacon butty to start the day cooked on the BBQ with nice white bread; smashing. Slowly people came out of their motorhomes and after a while the two pop-up’s were erected and joined together. Resa, Eric, Chris and I opted to go for a cycle ride along ‘The Phoenix Way’. This was a nine or ten mile ride along tarmac or stoned pathway from Thame to Princess Risborough. We clocked 9.8 miles and stopped at the Whyteleaf pub for a beer and to eat our packed lunch. We were sat in the ‘garden’, a concrete affair but a lovely sun trap. Returning to Thame, with a slight detour to the Three Horseshoes in Towersey, arriving back at the site about 3.30pm and just shy of 20 miles cycled in all. On returning to the site we all sat in small groups in the sunshine with the odd libation. 6.45pm saw ten of the group walk into town the La Cavalara (Ron and Barbera decided not to partake). An Italian restaurant where had a great meal although on the expensive side of things (£85 a couple). That said the service and food was exceptional. A slow walk back and then we sat and chatted in the pop-ups until about 11.30pm.

Saturday 11th June (Day 3)

Another good day ahead looking at the blue skies. A small fried breakfast to start the day. Last time here we walked a nice country route and Graham, Chris and I were up to repeat it Having got to Long Crendon we visited the National Trust managed Court House. Not a wonderful experience but interesting and free. We then stopped at The Churchill Arms for a drink to find that the others were already there. The return walk was with all of us (but the main group we left behind as they walked so slowly). Returning to Thame we four (Chris, Graham, Chris and I - plus Maisie) went to the Six Bells for beer before returning to the site. We then chilled on site and played both Mollky and Kubb until Chris (Delaney) started to cook chicken fajitas for all twelve of us. It was a really good meal, with lovely desserts bought by Ron and Barbara. The the rest of the evening was chatting and playing ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ hosted by Eric.

Sunday 12th June (Day 4)

While the sky was clear it was a bit cooler and then clouds appeared making it, while not cold, at least cool. We had a simple breakfast of melon and then got ourselves ready for a cycle ride. I had mapped three routes all taking in Shabbington. One was eight miles and the other two about fourteen. Resa and Eric and the two of us decided on the shorter of the rides. Before we cycled off we said our goodbyes to Gill and Dave who were leaving around midday for home. Off we cycled and at one part there was quite a down hill lane and I managed to get to 36.8mph - probably a record for me. As we entered Shabbington we saw a red kite that was, probably the biggest we had seen. Stopping to watch it a man came out from his garden and offered to fill our water bottles. We declined and said we were off to the pub around the corner but would gladly drink a red wine with him and he agreed! We politely declined but what a welcoming gesture. The Fishermans Inn at Shabbington is on the river and we had a couple of pints before returning back to the site alone Sustrans Route 57. We arrived back about 2.30pm. By just after 3.00pm we were all ‘smartly dressed’ and off for a Sunday roast at The Black Horse. What followed was just sheer delight. Beef cooked red and not overdone that melted in the mouth; Pork well cooked and a good thick slices; and half a chicken that was so moist and tasty. All with the usual trimmings which were again cooked to perfection. The cost was about £60 a couple with the drinks but it was worth every penny. No one could find fault in their meal. We returned to the site and after a while got out a small birthday cake / picky bits as today was Alan’s 75th birthday. Chris did her Victoria sponge but with real strawberries as decoration. We sat out for a while afterwards but it was chilling down so we all retired to the pop-ups for music and a chat and, quite late on, cheese and biscuits. Bed was after 11.00pm and it was then definitely on the chilly side.

PHOTOS Group Photo, Cake

Monday 13th June (Day 5)

This week is meant to be getting hotter and hotter with next weekend in the high 20’s. After breakfast I gave the motorhome a quick wash and then chilled out. The whole day was a lazy day but with a game of the Mexican Train Game and exploding kittens. This was followed by a stroll up to the James Figg pub for a couple of pints before returning the site for fish and chips from the van that the site had arranged to visit. As usual all agreed two fish and one chips per couple would have been enough. The evening was finished in the pop ps with games and chatting, including a full blooded rendering of Delilah by all.

Tuesday 14th June (Day 6)

Today we were saying our goodbyes to Ron and Barbara, although they did not leave too early around 2.00pm. It was also another birthday today - Graham is 79! Before any celebrations we, as a group, walked up to the High Street as it was market day. We wanted nothing but still found a few things to buy - cards, fruit and for lunch two sausage rolls from the local butchers. After lunch we sat around and watched the red kites, which today obliged by swooping down and taking food from the bird table in the middle of the field. After a while we challenged Graham and Chris to a game of boules. A three leg match which we squeezed out a 2-1 win. Then it was cake and fizz for Graham’s birthday. Graham wanted a pint in town for his birthday so we all trouped up to the Six Bells and two pints later back to have a BBQ - steak and sausage with salad for us. Then into the pop-up for a game of (S)Uno. Bed was just before midnight.

Wednesday 15th June (Day 7)

After breakfast and ten we said our ‘goodbyes’ to Chris, Graham and Maisie as tomorrow he has a medical to retain his C1 on his driving licence. Then I had a fourteen plus cycle ride planned through three or four local villages. About 11.30am the four of us set off (Resa and Eric who joined us). After about two miles Chris lost all electric power so we returned to the site and Eric and Resa went on. Upon returning I telephoned Wisper to discuss possible issues and fixes. They tried their best but could not really assist. I looked at the battery and noticed that the battery lock was broken this resulted in the battery sliding out of the contacts when Chris rode over bumps. So a bit of cable ties and straps and all was fixed. It was now just before 1.00pm so we sat and ate our picnic on site. While doing so I planned a route to the south that was a bit shorter. Off we went for just over ten miles. Arriving back we found Resa, Eric, Su and Alan sitting out chatting. We soon joined them. The next ‘major’ event was a BBQ. As the evening progressed we migrated into our motorhome for a chat. All were tired so it was before 10.00pm when we all said our goodnights.

Thursday 16th June (Day 8)

It always amazes me how quick we are to get up; finish packing and go. We did not get up until 8.45am and yet by just after 10.15am we were off. A pleasant drive home followed with a quick Aldi shop for more BBQ food.


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