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Trip 110 - Peterborough

Thursday 21st April (Day 1)

Off to the Peterborough Motorhome Show; a trip of about 25 miles. We left about 11.00am and, after stopping for diesel and then queuing to get into the East of England Show ground, we were sat drinking a cup of tea by 12.15pm. Al and Sue were already there and Resa and Eric arrived 40 minutes later. Last to arrive was Chris, Graham and Maisie around 1.45pm. We had, by then, had our lunch We then sat and had some tea and a catch up chat. Just after 3.00pm we strolled into the show area. This is billed as the biggest outdoor motorhome show in the UK. We may not have seen it all but I felt it was smaller than my memory served me. Back to the motorhome and we had lasagne and garlic bread. Around 8.00pm we all piled into Chris and Grahams motorhome where we played the inevitable (S)Uno. We were nicely tucked up in bed by 11.00pm


Friday 22nd April (Day 2)

A nice day is anticipated, which proved to be the case ignoring a chilling wind. After breakfast we all agreed to visit the show and meet up at 2.00pm at the Moose Bar. We looked at many motorhomes, all overpriced and not a patch on ours. That said we spent over £150 on things ‘we could not do without’. We met as agreed and had a pint that, like the motorhomes was overpriced (so just one). The late afternoon was a meeting of us all in Sue and Al’s awning. This kept us out of the breeze but could feel the benefit of the sunshine. The evening meal was next; garlic butter chicken, elk sausages and rice for us. Everyone then piled i to ours and we played ‘Herd Immunity’ which went down well before the (S)Uno. Tomorrow we are all off to Peterborough.

Saturday 23rd April (Day 3)

So today it is Peterborough! Delights await us with the POSH’s playing at home. We didn’t rush and got there around midday. After the gang had a coffee and we did some shopping for shorts (for Chris) an went for a stroll. Resa, Eric, Chris and Graham went into the cathedral while we looked after Maisie. Sue and Alan had not eaten breakfast and were, by now, hungry. We walked to a pub, sat down, but didn’t like it so left. Back we went to catch the bus back to the show ground and on arriving went straight into the Harvester where we had a quite agreeable meal; the beer was not so good! 5.00pm saw us back at the motorhomes. After dinner we all congregated for games in Resa & Erics van ((S)Uno) and I had a ‘purple patch’ scoring , almost, nothing. Just after 10.20pm I said ‘goodnight to return and swath Match of the Day.

Sunday 24th April (Day 4)

So a slower than normal start as the gas water heater failed and we didn’t notice. It was of little consequence as we were going to eat a ‘Big Boys Breakfast’ a bit later than normal. After a shower and breakfast we sat about until we opted to go and see some motorhomes / sellers. While strolling around Sean.Meg plus Snoop arrived to look at some slam doors. We still managed to spend money, a wind break. Back at the base we sat in the sunshine with a beer / cider or two and also a slice of Victoria Sponge. Just after 4.00pm Sean, Meg and Snoop left for Woolwich and we continued on chatting. Dinner was around 6.30pm (steak and chips) and then all over to Resa and Eric’s for the evening.

Monday 24th April (Day 6)

We were all off today. First to leave was Su and Alan then us. We left at about 10.15am and even after a Tesco shop were home by 11.15am A good weekend.


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