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Trip 105 - Christmas

Wednesday 22nd December (Day 1)

So we have avoided a lockdown (at least before Christmas) and so by 11.00am we left for Essex. We stopped at the services on the M11 for a quick bite to eat and then onward again to our stop point for the next two nights- Rectory Gardens, Upminster the drive of Lin and Ian. Arriving we were warmly welcomed and sat with them with a cup of tea and sausage roll, made by Ian. We returned to the motorhome to cook our dinner and then returned to chat with Lin and Ian with a glass of wine. Around 10.00pm we said our goodnights and left them.

Thursday 23rd December (Day 2)

A good nights sleep was had, although it was much noisier than we thought it would be. We showered and had breakfast and the caught two buses to the ‘fire hazard’ shop behind the Huntsmen and Hounds pub. Despite all her efforts Chris did not find what she was after. We were meeting Marilyn and Andrew at Roomes at 11.00am and had lots of time so we had a slow walk into Upminster. Chris could not resist a quick ‘pop-in’ to a clothes shop and she managed to buy a faux fur gilet. Next onto Roomes arriving just before 11.00am. Three hours of chatting coffee, tea and toasted panini followed. Having said our goodbyes we had a quick visit to M&S and Waitrose before settling down in the motorhome with a cuppa. After a cooked stir fry we went into Lin and Ian for a chat and drink and (probably) stayed too late. Back to the motorhome at 11.00pm

Friday 24th December (Day 3)

Today is one Chris was really looking forward to. We were not only seeing the grandchildren in the morning but in the afternoon the eldest and youngest sons (and significant others). After a simple breakfast we walked into Upminster to meet Hayley and the grand children for 10.30am. Having arrived in good time we received a telephone call to say they would not be there until 11.00am. A cup of coffee was had to pass the time. We then got a call asking us to go to Hayley’s parents’ house as Chloé did not want to go out! So a 370 bus was used to get there, arriving by 11.20am. After a while the five of us left ‘to feed the ducks’. This changed to the swings at St Andrews’ park. Then we all went to Upminster to the Italian Gelato emporium. Here the girls and Hayley had ice cream and Chris and I a burger. Just after 2.00pm saw us saying goodbye and walking in the rain back to the motorhome. We then had a nice easy drive to Richard and Su’s with the careful reverse up the narrow lane to their house. A couple of hours after our arrival Lin and Ian joined us and by 7.30pm Matt and Liv. We all had a pasta bake and fresh baked bread before going to the dining room to play two new games, ‘Wavelength’ and ‘Colour Brain’. Our goodnights were said around 11.30pm and back to the motorhome for us.

Saturday 25th December (Day 4)

A misty start to the day. By 9.00am we were in Hathaway and awaiting our cooked breakfast. Once all were up, Chris, Matt, Richard, Su, Ian, Lin, Liv and myself it was served, a good ‘big boys’. We all then went to the living room for the ‘Is there a Mammy in the house’ (present distribution / opening). Then it was general chatting. All but Rich, Lyn and myself took Herbie for a walk. The reason I stayed behind, apart from wanting to help, is I have had a troublesome knee for a while and even standing on it was painful today so I helped prepare the veg. Then at 3.00pm when Christmas dinner was served. A great meal was delivered by Richard. Once finished and the table cleared and dishwasher set into motion it was games time for the eight of us. This continued on until around midnight when we toddled off to bed.

Sunday 26th December (Day 5)

So today Chris, the three boys and myself were all due to be together, albeit for a short time. After a sausage sandwich we waited fro Ash, Hayley and the two grandchildren to arrive at around 10.30am. 10.30 came and went as did 11.00am. Matt and Liv then had to leave for Mawdesley. Eventually, Ash and Co arrived at 1.30pm. Lunch was ready so we all sat down straight away to eat and then it was time for some more opening of presents. The girls opened a large Lego box from Rich and Su. Rich’s face was a picture when Chloé said “We don’t like Lego”. Anyway after all presents were opened we got the Lego out and Chloé found she actually loved Lego! Then it was more play, and about 5.00pm Lin and Ian left. A buffet soon followed and, while the girls watched a Disney film the rest of us played games. By about 7.30pm Ash and Co left and Rich, Su, Chris and I played more games until around 10.30pm when we all agreed we were tired and our beds called.

Monday 27th December (Day 6)

Herbie was not very well during the night but by morning was as bright as a button. We got up late and had a bit of toast with Rich and Su. Su was going to go back to bed so the three of us took Herbie for an hours walk. By midday we said out goodbyes and were off….. back to our Upminster stop over. A 40 minute journey that took over two hours (Dartford Tunnel!). Parking up again at Rectory Gardens we had already agreed with Lin and Ian we would not go in so we sat in the motorhome watching tv. A cooked meal and eventually bed.

Tuesday 28th December (Day 7)

An interesting day! A wild windy night. After breakfast we slobbed around as Chris had a lunch ‘date’ with June (Reade) for 1.00pm at The Thatchers pub. Off she went and I just mooched about. The plan was to then go to Resa and Eric’s Southminster house for the next two nights - still sleeping on the drive. This was due to the fact that Ashley and family were due to see ‘Frozen’ at a London theatre tomorrow so a change of scene would be nice. Before going to Southminster we were taken by June to the ‘Cooks’ house. A couple of hours with the grandchildren followed (Ash and Hayley were full of cold). By just after 5.00pm we called ’Reade Cabs’ who drove us back the the motorhome. Then an hours drive saw us pulling up at Resa and Eric’s. We were coming here as on Wednesday Ash, Hayley and children were off to London to see ‘Frozen’. However, on the way to Southminster we were contacted by ‘numpty’ Ash. The ‘Frozen’ trip was Thursday. So tomorrow it is back to Hornchurch. At Resa’s we had a great beef stew and game of ‘Mexican Train Game’ and a good old natter. Just before midnight was bedtime.

Wednesday 29th December (Day 8)

So back to Havering this morning. We parked up in Westmoreland Road and walked to Gidea Park Station where we travelled to Romford. Here we were to meet Chloé and Olive (brought by Hayley). Then we took the grandchildren to Kidspace for a couple of hours play. Having finished Hayley picked us all up and drove us back to our motorhome. We didn’t go to the ‘Cook’s’ house as they were unwell. We said our goodbyes and by 2.00pm after a snack we left for Wimblington arriving at just before 4.00pm


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