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Trip 104 - Brighton and Chelmsford

Wednesday 1st December (Day 1)

Having returned from Sandringham just 48 hours ago we are off again. Brighton being the destination for ‘Ball and Boe’ on Thursday. We left about 10.00am. The journey could have been via the M25 East or West of London. East was the preferred option. Not the best choice as it turned out. The M11 had a single car crash causing a near 30 minute delay. That said we were on the Caravan & Motorhome Club site at Brighton by 2.00pm. Just a mile or so before the site ‘Crash!”. We were following a bus and it inexplicably swerved across the centre of the road.. While thinking why the crash happened. Our door mirror hit a sturdy branch and it swung and hit the motorhome window. The glass popped out as well. We stopped as soon as possible to inspect the damage. We were very lucky as the glass had not smashed but popped our of the housing and the mirror protector did its job. So we just put the mirror back and continued on. Having settled on site we had a quick lunch followed by a FaceTime with Matt to view their new home. By just after 3.00pm we went for a walk towards Rottingdean along the lower cliff walk. Rottingdean was nice place to visit albeit a quick visit. We then caught a bus back to the Brighton Marina where we had a choice to drink at a Wetherspoons overlooking the sea or the ‘Master Mariner’ with a view of a couple of boats and some flats; no contest the ‘Mariner’ it was. A couple of pints by an open log fire then a stroll back to the motorhome for dinner. We then sat nice and cosy and watched some tv before bedtime

Thursday 2nd December (Day 2)

The morning started as usual, ie shower and breakfast and wash up. We then decided on a walk. So when all snuggled in our coats, scarves, hoods and gloves off we went. The motorhome had been rocking with the wind and, although fairly warm the chill in the wind was telling. We found a nice walk up Redhill which was behind the campsite. It went up one side of the golf course, alongside part of Brighton Horse racing track, down the other side of the golf course and then across the golf course home. About 4 miles in all. On the return we stopped at the East Brighton Cafe for a coffee, sitting outside in glorious sunshine, before getting back for a cheese and pickled onion roll. We sat and chatted until just before 4.00pm when we left for Brighton itself to walk around the town, have dinner and then go to the Ball and Boe concert. We had a pleasant walk into town with Christmas lights on the way and a lovely sunset also. We walked up to the Brighton Centre to check we knew (a) where it was and (b) to know how long it would take to walk back from wherever we stopped for food. Then a stroll around The Lanes looking at potential eateries. We eventually settled on ‘The Druids Head’ pub. Good beer and, as it turned out, great food also. We slowly sat and drank a couple of pints ‘people watching’ which is something special in Brighton. Then, just before 7.00pm, we walked the ten minutes to the Brighton Centre and settled in. We were at the very back but it is such a small cosy venue it did not matter. Chris found herself sitting next to a lady from Huntingdon - just up the road from us. First up was Megan McKenna (an X-factor finalist) who was pretty good and then after the interval Ball and Boe appeared for an hour and three quarters of pure magic. The last twenty or thirty minutes was all Christmassy songs. Everyone was up singing and jigging around. All good things came to an end and just after 10.30pm we were out and straight into a taxi back to the camp site. A night cap follows while we warmed the motorhome up and then bed.

Friday 3rd December (Day 3)

The night was a wild night with a considerable amount of rain. So a wet / damp start to the day. We had to leave the site by noon but could not get onto the next place to stay until 6.00pm, and only a three hour journey to it. By around 10.30am we had done all the routine fill / empty routines and were off. First stop was about a mile away at the Birighton Marina (ASDA) for some shopping. Then a pleasant, slow, troll up towards Chelmsford. We overshot the stopover and stopped at Freeport (Braintree) where we spent a few of our hard earned pounds. Midway in this shopping expedition we returned to both drop off our shopping and have cup of tea, By just short of 5.30pm we moved off to the weekends stop. This was Motorcaravanner’s Club Site Meeting at Chelmer Valley High School, Broomfield. After being parked up we had a Thai coconut curry and then by 7.30pm we made our way over to the hall where bingo / raffle sales / and general chitchat took place until 11.00pm when we returned to out motorhomes for sleep.

Saturday 4th December (Day 4)

Another night of rain. That said we did not wake until just past 9.00am and that was due to Chris’ phone ringing! After breakfast we had decided to walk into Chelmsford as we were meeting Carol, Sandra and Tracey, three of Chris’ friends from her Teaching Assistant work at Ardleigh Green School. We were meeting outside ‘The Quadrant’ where we were going to eat. First it was a flying visit to John Lewis and Marks. We made it to the meeting point and found Tracey could not come as she was ill. So the four of us went into the Quadrant Cafe´. We had a really nice meal and a two hour chat before saying our goodbyes. We continued to walk around the shops and market before going into the cathedral as there was a fair and Christmas market there. We had planned to catch a bus back to the motorhome but decided as it was nice and sunny to walk back. We had found a foot / cycle path that, followed the river. Arriving back at the school we dropped our shopping off and went to the school hall to decorate the table for the evening. Gill was not here (but will arrive tonight) so the decorating took at least five minutes and was very low key and understated. I am sure we will get detention from Gill when she arrives this evening! A great night. We all catered for ourselves and had a great disco dancing away until just before midnight.

PHOTOS 007 photos. Tables

Sunday 5th December (Day 5)

Another night of heavy rain. We have been very lucky on this trip and all the wet weather has been at night. We quickly packed up, said our goodbyes and by before 10.30am were off for a nice easy drive home getting there by 11.50am


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