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Trip 101 - Pleshey

Friday 10th September (Day 1)

So a slow start as usual with only a 45 minute trip to Pleshey. On the way we opted to stop by at a place we knew we could get LPG, especially as it was just off the route. Arriving Chris got out to see me back into the bay and …. crash! I hit, albeit slowly, a tyre pressure machine. We filled up and owned up and the staff came out to inspect their machine which had no damage. For us it was a few hundred pounds of plastic, but at least no-one was hurt. We left and arrived a short time later and were quickly set up. Dave and Gill were already there and Resa and Eric arrived shortly after. We sat out in the overcast, but not cold, outdoors for a chat and catch up. Then it was inside to cook our evening meals before over into the hall for some music and further chat. In addition had the normal game of bingo which, true to form, Eric won (£40). By 11.00pm we all retired to bed.

Saturday 11th September (Day 2)

After breakfast we continued to walk around and chat to people attending. We sat outside one of our motorhomes and the six of us were joined by Rose and Doug, who are close neighbours and friends of Chris and Carolyn (out longest friends also). We had booked for the six of us to have lunch at 2.00pm at The Beehive pub which was on a circular walk of five plus miles. Four of us left at 1.00pm, with Resa and Eric following on their bicycles later. While we were about to leave we were joined by four others from the site. We had a pleasant walk arriving at the pub where Resa and Eric were already seated. The landlord was quite off hand and just said ‘sit where you want’. The pub had recently changed owners and a beer delivery did not arrive so no beer on pump and little else! We booked this as, earlier in the year, we had fantastic tapas. No tapas today! Indeed only scampi, sausage or chicken goujon all with chips was the only choice. Making the best of it we all had scampi. By 4.00pm we had left and walked back. The evening was reconvening in the hall with cheese and biscuits supplied for all. To augment it we had baked camembert and hot bread, lovely. Again music and chatting ensued with a break for ‘musical bingo’ which Chris nearly won. Late back to the motorhome and bed.

Sunday 12th September (Day 3)

We had apologised to the chairman that we would not be there for his ‘Chairman’s Waffle’ over coffee. This is because yesterday Matt and Liv drove down form Lancashire and stayed at our house to attend Milo’s 30th birthday bash. So by just after 9.30am we were off on the 40 minute journey to where we store the motorhome and then shop for a roast dinner. By about 11.15am we were home to find Liv still in bed and Matt out playing football. Hey ho.


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