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Trip 89 - Weeley and Thorpe-le-Soken

Wednesday 26th August (Day 1)

We were off just after 1.00pm, after Chris had her hair cut. Then to a Shell Garage at Stock for gas.......... they have stopped selling it. This then resulted in a ten mile detour via Braintree to fill up. Despite this we were parked up at the Bricklayers Arms, Little Bentley, by just after 3.00pm. I had planned a six mile walk and so we were soon off. The first half was a pleasant walk across fields and through some woodland. In the woods we found painted stones in support of VE Day and the Covid lockdown. Then the last 2 miles was along the back roads, although one of them was quite busy (rush hour was upon us). Back at the pub we sat in the motorhome until we went over for a meal, having been joined by Nita (Chris’s ex sister-in-law) and Chris, her partner. The pub has seen better days and the menu was quite limited but the welcome was hearty and we were really there for the company and a catch up on news. The pub is run but Liz (76 years young) and her son Will. The food all cooked fresh and was very nice. This was the last day of the ‘Boris meal’ where the Government paid half your meal cost up to £10. Liz came and chatted to both us and a Dutch couple who were on their way home and we were made to feel like regulars. After the meal the four of us returned to the motorhome for a nightcap before, just after 11.00pm, they said their goodbyes.

Thursday 27th August (Day 2)

While we had a good sleep I will say that we are quite close, as the crow flies, to the A120 which is the main road to Harwich and the ferry. As a result traffic noise was almost constant. We are in no rush to leave as our next stop Homestead Lake Park at Weeley, which is a meeting of the Motorcaravanners Club, is only 20 minutes drive away. We are hoping to arrive with the ‘northern contingent’ so we can park close to each other. We stopped in the car park of the ‘Black Boy’ where we are eating on Sunday and I went in to pre-order our meals and then we waited for the others to arrive. It is nice when a plan works! The three of us turned up together at the camp site and so are all parked side by side. We all set up and then sat in one of the pop-up ’houses’ and chatted. Slowly the waterproof sides were dropped down as the weather deteriorated. At one point it was almost too noisy to hear people speak. We all decamped to cook our evening meal and then reassemble in Sue and Alan’s motorhome where we played a new game ‘Mexican Train Dominoes’ which everyone found a simple but entertaining game. It was around 11.15pm when we said our good nights. It should be stated that the weather forecast for the next few days are, at best, ‘iffy’.

Friday 28th August (Day 3)

So a slow start (as usual). Today Resa and Eric and Dave and Gill will be arriving and they duly did by 1.00pm. We then helped set up their pop up house and join it to the one already set up giving us a nice big space to sit in which, by the look of the sky will be needed. We then spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and moving under cover and back outside as the weather dictated. Thunder rumbled around us quite frequently. We returned to our MH’s to cook dinner and then to the cover of the pop-ups to while away the evening. A very lazy day throughout. By the time we retired to bed the wind was getting up again.

Saturday 29th August (Day 4)

We woke to see our small pop-up tent struggling in the wind and so we collapsed it, leaving it still pegged down to put up when the time came. Then we walked to the local small supermarket and found a bakery as well. Having got what we needed I had found a circular route across fields and by a church, St Andrews, that, it appeared was in the middle of nowhere. As we crossed the field we could see it and decided to take a small detour to it. We found it to be open as there was a wedding due. While a pleasant church it was not especially great. It was in a remote location as the local landowner had it built near to his manor. Back at the site we found that all were off in cars to Clayton / Frinton / Walton on the Naze. So off we went. Clacton was as sad as to be expected so no stopping and off to Frinton-on-Sea. Here we parked up and went for a short walk along the grassed area above the beach. Then off to Walton where it was decided we would eat at the Marina. Dave didn’t know where it exactly was so we ended up on the Naze before finding the correct route (which was on the road to Kirkby Le Soken). By then the other car was parked and they were sat in the restaraunt. Here we had a good meal but with quite poor service. By the time we finished, around 4.10pm the weather had set in, ie wet and very windy and this continued into the evening. Back at the site we all congregated in the pop-ups and played games and chatted until gone 11.00pm when we were blown back to our motorhomes.

Sunday 30th August (Day 5)

It looks like today will be better weather wise. It is still a bit on the windy side but rain looks unlikely. We had a late breakfast as we were not eating lunch in the pub until 2.45pm. Chris and I went for a walk around the rally field saying hello to those we saw and then at 11.00pm we all of the rallyers gathered by the marquee for coffee and a raffle. All sat in small groups. We won a prize. Then it was back to the motorhomes and Chris and I again went for a walk but this time around the camp site grounds. It is a large area with fishing lake, fountain and bungalows. On our return we played a few games of Kubb until just after 2.00pm when all got ready for the short walk to the Black Boy pub for a Sunday meal. I had the roast beef, as did Chris, which was lovely and plentiful. Then a stroll back and having got back at 4.30pm we found the ‘dog show / competition was still going on. Chris took Masie and did the agility / obedience challenge and came third - Masie not Chris. We then found that I had locked us out of the motorhome. Never mind Chris has a spare set of keys but they were in the motorhome, but thank goodness I have a spare hidden and accessible for such emergencies. We were soon in and all was well. So we then joined the others sitting out in the sunshine - still a bit breezy, more chatting, drinking and, eventually, picky bits to eat. Bed around 11.00pm

Monday 31st August (Day 6)

After breakfast we just mooched about on the site as the weather was nice and sunny. Then all five ladies went by car to ASDA to get a few items of shopping for the next few days. While they were away we played a few games of Mollky. When they returned from the shopping it was lunch time. A few more hours whiling the time away, Dinner and then Into the pop up house for games, this time (S)UNO. So a really lazy day.

Tuesday 1st September (Day 7)

We have some power issues this morning which, to be truthful, I thought there was something wrong last night. As soon as we tried any real drain on the batteries everything shut down. Up to the shop on site but, while they had batteries, they could not assist with fitting or even loaning us some tools as the passenger seat has to be removed. Just down the road was a Fiat garage and I strolled over to them and they ‘might be able to do something’. Next a phone call to Halfords at Colchester. Yes they had batteries and would fit them. So a thirty minute drive to Halfords They had one class A battery and we needed two and in any event it's output was too small. In addition “No we will not fit them”. Chris googled for another supplier and found a camping shop about 10 miles away who assured us they had what we needed. Off again. On arrival they loaned us some tools to remove the passenger seat and £340 lighter we were sorted, although having got the seat back in we found we had twisted the seat belt so had to undo the seat and twizzle it around. By 1.00pm we were finally sorted. We then had the drive to Grange Farm at Thorpe-le-Soken to join the others (minus Dave and Gill who left yesterday as they both had to go to work). We were quickly set up and sat in the sunshine just, well, doing nothing. Around 5.00pm I suggested a short walk into Thorpe-le-Soken to look around. It was only about 3/4 of a mile. Once there, accompanied by Resa and Eric, we walked up to the Rose & Crown pub where we are to eat on Thursday. A pleasant pint before walking back and a BBQ. We all then congregated in the pop-up to chat away the evening until just after 10.30pm we said our goodnights

Wednesday 2nd September (Day 8)

After breakfast we gathered together and sat and chatted, That said I had planned an 8km circular walk and by just after Chris, Graham, Maise and I were off. It started through the village of Thorpe-le-Soken before branching off into the fields and woods surrounding the village. The warm sunshine made it a very pleasant walk. Back through the town and to the campsite for a light lunch. We were then joined by Ron and Barbara. Sitting in the sunshine was the plan for the afternoon, although the clouds and the large oak tree interfered to a degree, causing us to shuffle along. Most then went for ‘afternoon tea’ - scones, jam and cream. The usual discussion of jam or cream first raised itself. By 6.00pm we were in our motorhomes cooking and eating and by 7.00pm the rain set in. What to do? Well back to the pop-up for more chat and some quiz questions, which resulted in the evening seeming to rush by.

Thursday 3rd September (Day 9)

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you........"; Chris woke to her birthday and over a fry up opened her cards and presents. The weather was warm but very cloudy. I had planned several walks a few days ago and Chris wanted to do one of them. So like yesterday, Chris, Graham, Masie (the dog) and I were off. It was about 7km in total and, to be honest, yesterday’s route was nicer. That said it was ok and the exercise did us good. At one point we passed the unusual building we could see from the camp site. It was even stranger close up. It is, apparently, an aircraft beacon so aeroplanes know exactly where they are and the autopilot can also function properly. Back at the site we had a drink of tea before Chris wanted to go to the local shops as she is losing her big toe nail and she wants to cover it so it does not rip off. So we went on this short walk, taking Maise with us. On our return the pop-up was decorated with balloons and banners and a cake with candles also. This and prosecco / bubbly followed. Another surprise for Chris was lovely photo of the two grandchildren on a beach in Switzerland with 'Happy Bday' written in the sand. Just after 6.00pm all were dressed up and we walked in a light rain into the village to the Rose and Crown pub for a meal which was surprisingly good. No-one had a bad meal, indeed several thought their starter / main was exceptional and the young lad Josh, who served us, was a delight. The rain had stopped for our return and we sat and had a nightcap before bed called.

Friday 4th September (Day 10)

No rush today. We just slowly sorted things and said goodbye to three of the four others before we left around 11.00pm. Then it was an easy drive back to Upminster where we swapped over to the car and back home.

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