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Trip 88 - Bradwell-on-Sea

Friday 21st August (Day 1)

Lunch time and we were away on the 50 mile trip to Bradwell-on-Sea to an Essex Motorcaravanners Club meet at a village hall. No traffic issues and by 2.30pm we were settled with Ron and Barbara and Dave and Gill either side of us. Indeed we followed Ron and Barbara into the site. While the weather was quite mild we had storm Ellen blowing a gale to the point that cups and glasses were sliding across the table. At about 4.30pm we strolled to the community shop for a bottle of gin (and an hour later for meat as our dinner was still in the freezer in the motorhome). We continued to drink / chat until we retired to cook. The locally bought steak was to die for. By the time we had finished all were in their own motorhomes so it was tv time. The wind rocked the van and this indeed continued all night.

Saturday 22nd August (Day 2)

We awoke to a still windy day, although nit as bad as yesterday. A nice fried breakfast and by about 11.15am we were off with Dave and Gill on a seven mile circular walk along to an old chapel (which was locked) and then along the sea wall to Bradwell Waterside. Part of the way we found a 'Citroen Graveyard' that was interesting to see. It took us by the decommissioned Bradwell Nuclear power station. The walk, into a constant wind, was quite tiring. Eventually we arrived at the Green Man pub where Ron & Barbara met us. Here we felt obliged to have a pint. Some wanted a snack but it was not to be as they only did main meals. After a while we walked back to the camp site, via the RAF Memorial. We did stop at another pub next to the site, the Kings Head, but again no light bites / sandwiches only main meals. After a quick pint at the Kings Head we returned to the site where we played a few ‘wood’ games (Kubbb and Molky) before gathering as a group for bingo and a raffle. After thew two games of bingo I returned to the motorhome to cook a stir fry and Chris soon joined me. She left our raffle tickets with some of the others and we won two prizes. The rest of the evening comprised the six of us sitting in our motorhome chatting.

Sunday 23rd August (Day 3)

Wouldn’t you know it. All of us are making tracks home today so no wind and glorious sunshine. After simple breakfast we were due to mosey off home. However, with nothing particular to rush home for we sat out with the others and enjoyed the sunshine while chatting about, well,nothing of significance. Midday and we were off arriving home at 1.00pm when we cleaned the motorhome and filled with water etc for our next trip in three days time, meeting up again with most of this group of friends.

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