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Trip 83 - Bradwell on Sea - New Year

Monday 30th December (Day 1)

So off at 1.00pm to Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex on the Blackwater. The A127 and then towards Batlesbridge and Southminster was the route. Good going until just after Basildon and then roadworks caused a three mile slow tail back. Not too much of a delay. On arriving at the turn off from the A127, the London bound carriageway was closed with a car on its roof and fire brigade in attendance. We contacted Resa and Eric to warn them as this was where they were due to leave the A127. We eventually arrived at the Bradwell Village hall at 2.15pm and were positioned. It will be a tight fit for 25 plus units, but manageable. We had a cup of tea and then Resa and Eric arrived. After a chat all four of us went for a stroll to Bradwell Marina about two miles (ish) there and back. By the time we were returning it was getting dark and, if it was a short time later, neither Resa nor Eric would have been happy as they do not like walking in the dark. Back at the motorhome we had a game of (S)UNO and then returned to our own MH's for curry. 7.00pm saw us congregate in the village hall. We were a bit piqued as we had, like others, set our table and chairs up in the afternoon. On entering the hall the chairs we had were not there having been taken by others and less comfy ones put in their place. We thought this both childish and, well, rude. We were about to settle down when another table of four invited us to join them; we knew them and got on really well. The inevitable game of bingo to start things off (Resa won again - well it was Eric last time). Then background music and chatting. At 9.30pm five chairs had been placed at the front with a present under each one. We had all been given two raffle tickets. When your number was called you sat on a chair. When they were full you ejected anyone of those sitting, taking their place. The last five won the gift. They all won a bottle of Fairly Liquid. However, each bottle had a letter on it 'W' gave you a bottle of whisky; 'G' = gin; 'V'= vodka; 'R' = rum; and 'B' = brandy. Then it was more chatting and laughter until midnight and bed called.

Tuesday 31st December (Day 2)

A mild night but we still put the heating on for a few minutes in the morning, just to take the edge off. A shower and bacon butty to start the day. We then had agreed on a walk, not as far as I had anticipated but still a bit of much needed exercise. We walked around to Resa and Eric to find about ten others also with a walk in mind. Off we all went and, us and two other couples popped into the local church! while the others opted for a different route. A pleasant little church with an organ that looked very 'Heath Robinson' and needed £27,000 to renovate it. One of the people in the church suggested we walk to the old chapel at the end of the road. It was built in AD645 by St Cedd (who came from Lindesfarne). Off along a fairly straight road and then a footpath, before which the other two couples decided to return as they had lunch booked. We arrived at a small chapel that has barely changed in over 1300 years. On the way we passed a pub, The Cricketers. As Resa was not up for a long walk I thought we would return to this for lunch but I was wrong. I looked up and Resa was off on the Sea Wall walk to Bradwell Waterside / Marina. This would mean the whole walk would be over seven miles. Hmmm. Off we all went and had a great walk along the walk with a stiff breeze but not cold. Part way we passed the Bradwell Nuclear Power Station now decommissioned. After around six miles, and a few rests, we reached Bradwell Waterside and the Green Man pub. In we filed and sat for an hour and a half. Great food and good beer meant the time flew by. Then the 25 minute walk back to the village hall. On the way we took a short 200m detour to look at the memorial to the 121 airman from RAF Bradwell who flew off to fight the Germans and never returned. We sat for a while resting before showering and dressing for the evening's entertainment. 6.00pm saw us in the hall, the first to arrive, an we admire the effort put into the table decorating - we were later judged second. The eventual winner had a centre piece of a clothes dryer covered in tinsel with crackers hanging off it. Ours was a garden scene complete with fake grass, snail lights, butterfies etc. Another was 'The Great British Outdoors' with a cadac BBQ as the centre piece. When all had arrived we got our buffet table by table - and it was a good spread. The only downside was the small pork pies as some were still a bit frozen, but still edible. This was followed by DJ Ronnie from Clacton. He played a good mix of music which would not be ideal for all but that is invariably the case at all discos. We partly, as a group, could have added to that as people could ask for records to be played. Country and western, pop, traditional and even garage was played. Midnight arrived and the usual kissing / 'Happy New Year-ing" followed by Auld Lang Syne, Jerusalem, Land of Hope and Glory and the National Anthem all accompanied by much waving of the Union flag. More music until just after 1.00am when things came to a halt. Some very tired people then tidied up a bit( and strolled over to their motorhomes to sleep.

Wednesday 1st January (Day 3)

So, not unexpectedly, a slow start. Indeed we did not get out of bed until 9.30am past. No breakfast but a cup of tea, shower and dress and by 10.30am back to the village hall for tea and toast. Most of the group made it, well probably about half. Then a good chinwag until we returned to our motorhome for final preparations before the local pub for lunch - a 70m walk. Just after 1.00pm the six of us, Resa, Eric, Dave, Gill, Chris and myself walked to the KIngs Head. Here for £55 a couple we had a lovely meal; six main courses, four desserts, seven beers, two bottles of red wine and a G+T, and this included the tip. We then returned home and all congregated in our van and we introduced them to 'The Sock Game' and 'Linkee' games which they enjoyed before the, inevitable, (S)UNO. We were due in the hall at 7.00pm so just before they left to get ready. Into the hall and a buffet followed a bit later by the raffle. We won two things,a cake in a tin and a 'Frozen' calendar and chocolates. What a surprise in the calendar the Essex Group had put a voucher for a free weekend away with them (bonus). Then it was background music and some chat before the 'Chinese raffle'. Eventually around 11.00pm we said our goodnight and,indeed,goodbyes as we were off before the get together tomorrow morning.

Thursday 2nd January (Day 4)

While we are leaving before all the others it is not a rush so by about 10.00am we were off. A good drive home with diesel bought for 1.25/l. By 2.30pm we were home, Motorhome emptied and cleaned and then back to its 'home' and our car returned to Primrose Glen.

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