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Trip 82 - Chelmer Valley Christmas Weekend

Friday 6th December (Day 1)

So we couldn't be on site at Chelmer Valley High School, Broomfield until 6.15pm for the Christmas meet. We had arranged to meet some others (Sue and Allan; Dave and Gill) at a nearby pub beforehand for a meal. 3.00pm saw us on our way. Friday traffic was quite good. We drove past the Angel PH in Broomfield (where the plan was to meet) and saw a couple of motorhomes, one of which looked like Sue and Alan's and space for us also. We needed LPG so we overshot to Great Leighs and filled up. On the way back we contacted them to say we would be there soon. They replied that they were at the White Hart in Little Waltham as the Angel car park was full; so the motorhome we saw were not theirs. We turned around and soon joined them and had a really lovely meal. At just after 6.00pm we left the pub and by 6.17pm were at the school. We were quickly parked up and then welcomed Resa and Eric who arrived soon after. 7.30pm saw us setting / decorating a table in the school hall and chatting with all and sundry. Then a quick game of bingo (seems to be a norm). Eric one £50! Bingo was followed by music supplied by one of the Essex group which had us all dancing until 11.30pm - 30 minutes past finish time. It was a great mix of music that everyone would find something to get them dancing. The music was so good I am sure most would have stayed until the wee small hours but the chairman (Bob) stopped proceeding at 11.30pm and we all returned to our MH's to sleep.

Saturday 7th December (Day 2)

A good night sleep (as usual in the motorhome) Despite the strong wind and rain. Breakfast was a simple toast and paté, We had this before taking our customary shower as the water did not heat up as I had not taken the cover off the boiler. Just before 10.00 saw the eight of us walk the short distance to Broomfield Hospital where we caught a bus to Chelmsford. What followed was a slow walk around the shops, guided by Gill 'The Bargain Finder'. All the ladies found a few items that they / we could not live without. Wetherspoon's for lunch - well there is a surprise. Except, horror of horrors, the kitchen was closed. A traipse around the town for an alternative. We settled for the Slug and Lettuce. I was not overly happy, although I did suggest it, as the beers were rubbish. Then Eric saw the food which looked very poor so we left. We then went to the ladies' favourite store "Quadrant' for a meal in the restaurant there. All had various items from Lamb Shank (Eric) to a sandwich (Chris) and were very happy with the food. While wandering around Chelmsford it was nice to see / hear carol singers. Eventually a slow stroll back to the bus station and the return to the school. We then went to our own motorhome for a relax and change into black tie / posh frocks for the Christmas Meal. By 6.00pm we were over in the hall again for a Christmas Dinner. Tomato soup, turkey and all the trimmings, Christmas pudding and cheese and biscuits. Apart from the soup which was a bit of a let down the rest of the meal was excellent. Then a disco again until midnight. Another good disco although I favoured last nights - which was free as well. Wearily we all said our goodnights and returned for sleep time.

Sunday 8th December (Day 3)

A nice leisurely start to the day.A Bacon sandwich to start us off and 10.00am back to the school hall for the 'Chairman's Talk', tea / coffee and biscuits and the raffle. Resa won this time as did Dave & Gill Just before midday saw us say our goodbyes and drive home to unload, await a delivery to be signed for and then put the motorhome to 'bed'.

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