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Trip 81 - Spain Days 15 to 21

Thursday 5th September (Day 15)

A hot and close night. While rain is on the cards the blue skies show that to be unlikely. After breakfast we all walked towards Moraira along the cliff top to Cala Les Bassetes where the Coral Bar and diving / watersport centre is. It is a pleasant walk of about two to three miles. Upon arriving coffee was had before the walk back and, for us, a stop at Aldi for a few items for lunch. Dark clouds are gathering and the wind had picked up a little but it still looks like we will miss any rain. We then sat and lounged around in the sun doing very little. We had a late dinner of steak and all the trimmings and then the group gathered for the evening.

Friday 6th September (Day 16)

Chris feels a bit unwell this morning so she did not have any breakfast. It was an excuse for me to stroll to Aldi and have their lovely croissants. Then Chris sat in the shade while I went for a bike ride. I cycled towards Altea and turned back at Pablo Mascarat, a small harbour with bar and fountain all of which looked new. On the way back I was passed by six cyclists all in the Lycra. Putting full power on the bike I caught them up on the uphill and started to slowly pass them, much to their amusement. On the downhill they left me for dead. Back in Calp I tried to get some money from the ATM. I was unsuccessful. The first machine was not working, the second had me standing for nearly five minutes as it said "we are counting your money'. This was followed by "There is a problem please take back your card". The third, Santander, would have given me money but wanted to charge me €5 for the pleasure, which I declined. As I got back to the site it started to rain and I timed it quite well as it soon was torrential. I had a light lunch as did Chris, who is still feeling a bit unwell. The afternoon saw Chris still laying down. Around 16.00 I cycled to the beach to do a bit of snorkelling. Alas the weather had caused the sea to be a bit turbulent resulting in zero water visibility. I just had to settle for a couple of hours of bobbing around and sitting 'people watching'. Back around 18.00 and dinner was had by 19.30. Then we both declined offers to join any of the others and had a quiet night in the hope that Chris feels better tomorrow with an early night

Saturday 7th September (Day 17)

Chris still not 'the full ticket' but she is a bit better. After a light breakfast we strolled to the market which is only about 800m away. A result in that we bought nothing. Well I got a belt. We then met Resa and Eric at the Lidl and shopped as we were doing tapas for the whole group as it is Graham and Chris' first wedding anniversary. By 14.00 we were tucking in merrily to bubbly and tapas and chatting the afternoon away. We had a simple evening meal while the 'newly weds' went for a meal locally, and the others went as small groups to other places to eat. By around 21.00 we strolled down to join up as a group for a late drink and then back to the site for bed.

Sunday 8th September (Day 18)

Dark clouds on the horizon but the forecast is hot with no rain. We started with a british breakfast of bacon butty (bacon from UK). Then Resa, Eric, Tucker, Lyne, Chris and I strolled up to the old town away from the tower blocks and glass. This is the original Calp with a fort built in the 14th / 15th century. The Spanish steps was next, a much photographed place. On a wall here of the aptly named Galleon Hotel was, well, a 3D galleon complete with small pipes for the guns. Continuing up and into the top square to view the 'new' modern church, tastefully done. The congregation had just left so we could look around. As we entered a man stood up and sang 'Ave Maria' quite beautifully. Then a further stroll around the old town until a beer in a nearby bar. It was then a hot walk back, via Lidl, for lunch which was quite late - around 14.15. The afternoon was spent on site sitting and reading or playing Molky. A simple omelette for the eveing meal was followed by a quiz - Boys .v. Girls. From previous trips the girls were 2-1 up. I am pleased to say it is now 2-2 as we won 76 points to 73, helped in no small way by Eric's encyclopaedic knowledge of music. Bed was just before midnight.

Monday 9th September (Day 19)

A bright start and after a simple breakfast we cycled down to the beach. An hour of bimbling in the sea and a while standing on the beach 'people watching' and we returned for lunch. The afternoon saw Chris and I off again on the bikes. Not before having to quickly bring the awning in due to the strengthening wind. It may have got a little damaged but we will have to wait and see. We cycled to find a camping shop (failed); then to a 'Dia' supermarket (gone bust); then to a Motorhome dealer with an accessory shop (which was shut!!)/ We then took a circuitous route back towards home. An unmetalled track looping around the countryside and very pleasant. We were by now very thirsty and made for 'El Barco' (which closes on Mondays). Next a cycle up into the old town where we had a pint before braving the, by now, very strong winds to get home. At one point Chris had to dismount and walk. Back at the site nearly all had their awnings in, washing lines collapsed etc. At 18.00 we all left (17 of us) for the port where we were booked into a fish restaurant. Mussels and swordfish for me and mussels and sole for Chris. That, with half a litre of wine each, was €34 a couple (just under £30). Then a stroll along the front for eight of us for cocktails at a bar. It was almost 00.30 when we got back.

Tuesday 10th September (Day 20)

A prompt start today. The weather forecast for today and the following two days is not good but today started in glorious sunshine. This prompted the decision to climb the rock (The penon de Ilfach). It is not for the faint hearted and cannot be undertaken on very windy days or wet days. Not even the day after any rain. The intrepid five - Keith, Graham, Eric, Chris and me Set off at 09.30. We then took a slow, careful, climb to the top taking almost two hours. A couple of photos as proof and then the return to the bottom. On the way we took a short detour to the end of the rock. Eventually, back down, we met the rest at a bar in the port for a much earned beer and some tapas. A slow weary walk back in some very light rain but with black clouds and thunder rumbling overhead. We were clearly quite fortunate this morning. For the afternoon we mainly sat around and chatted. Late afternoon we walked about a mile to a 'new' supermarket as their meat looks lovely, if a tad expensive. It also happens to sell Chris' tipple of Southern Comfort at only £13 a bottle - three bottles bought! The rest of the evening was spent playing cards with Resa and Eric.

Wednesday 11th September (Day 21)

So a very windy wet night. The morning continued in the same vein. Around 11.00 we ventured out to the 'rummage and scrummage' market. As we approached we saw only six or seven stalls as the others, it would appear, did not want to get soaked. We continued on to 'El Barco' for a coffee before returning to the Motorhome, via the market (no more stalls) and Lidl for bread. By now it had brightened up and the sun was shining. Chris took the opportunity to get the washing done. We sat around after lunch waiting for it to dry. Once dried and put away we strolled into town for a bit of exercise. We needed some stamps and went to the Correos (Post Office). There were two assistants and one woman being served so we stood and waited to be called forward. But no! We had to go to the end of the office and get a numbered ticket. Number 218. Back to form a queue of just us and then the number 218 appeared and we were dealt with. We then strolled the length of both beaches in a strong wind and had a drink at a bar before returning to the group. After dinner we all sat around and chatted. By just after 23.00 we all said our goodnights and then the rain started.

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