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Trip 81 - Spain - Days 8 to 14

Thursday 29th August (Day 8)

Today we are to say goodbye to our hosts. The wedding venue has been decided on so no need to visit anymore. First off a cooked breakfast - fairly late around 10.00. Then Matt, Liv, Chris and I walked into the old town (about a mile of undulating roads) to the market. It is quite a large market and, while a lot of stalls repeat their wares, a good market and an enjoyable stroll. I bought a new key pouch whch was €17 but I got it for €9. I am sure the market trader still made a good profit. The temperature was hovering around 30 degrees so we stopped for a drink and were joined, after a while, by Steve and Louise. Then it was a slow stroll back and we sat and had some cold drinks and chatted. By about 15.30 we prepared to leave. Chris was going with Matt and Liv to see if they could buy a cigarette extension lead while I filled with LPG and diesel. They were then going to follow on behind, as Matt and Liv wanted to see Resa and Eric. It was a forty minute journey and I had just parked up when they arrived. We set up and sat and chatted with Resa and Eric until about 19.00. We then walked into Calp beach front for a meal. We opted for an Indian. Having ordered the waiter brought to us, a short while later, six small bowls each with a sauce in. Each one related to the meal we had ordered. It was so we could taste the sauce and if not hot enough or too hot the chef could change it. None of us had ever had that before. Anyway what followed was one of the best Indian meals any of us had eaten. After this we strolled along the very busy front and back to the site where we said goodbye to Matt and Liv and went to bed.

Friday 30th August (Day 9)

A very hot and sticky night. After a shower and breakfast we, well did nothing but sat and read. Then after lunch Chris and I went into Calp on our bikes to try and get the extension lead. I don't think there is one in the whole of Spain as no one understood what we were after even with a photo to look at. We cycled back to the site and went to the plunge pool to cool down and refresh ourselves. Then a late meal and, eventually, bed. As you can see from the shortness of the post today it was a very lazy day.

Saturday 31st August (Day 10)

Another day in 'paradise'. After breakfast we walked to the market. The usual good Spanish market with really good deals to be had. Indeed if you wished to come to Spain with almost no clothes €100 would see you good for a long time. Back at the motorhome and a simple lunch. Then off to the beach. The sea was so warm that we spent over an hour bimbling and bobbing along. After a couple of hours we went to a bar for beer before returning back to the site. By then another four motorhomes from our group had arrived! leaving two to come. The rest of the evening was spent drinking and reminiscing until gone 23.00 when we all retired to bed

Sunday 1st September (Day 11)

Another hot day. After breakfast we went for a cycle ride with Resa and Eric into Calp in search of the elusive 12v extension lead. Nobody seems to understand what it is even when shown a picture. It was again fruitless but we did manage to get a mains adapter to 12v so at least when on electric hook up we can have the fan going. We then cycled to the sea front and had a coffee before returning for lunch. Soon after Chris and Graham arrived. Chris and I then cycled to the beach and spent a couple of hours bobbing around in the sea, walking along the shore and then repeating this. Before returning to the site we had a drink at a bar. Then back for dinner which was followed by the group chatting away.

Monday 2nd September (Day 12)

During the night the wind picked up and a few spots of rain fell. Eventually at 06.30 we were up and getting the awning in to avoid it being damaged. It was "all hands to the pump" and there were about ten people all helping. Later we had breakfast with rain falling, although not heavy. It was still very warm and sitting inside was a bit uncomfortable. The wind had died down and so we put the awning out again. After lunch the weather was 'back to normal'. We went for a cycle around. Parking the bikes we walked along the sea front and around to the port looking at restaurants for a nice meal tomorrow. By about 17.00 we stopped in a bar for a refresh before cycling back home. Dinner was followed by the whole group of 21 of us sitting and chatting into the night.

Photo Calp Rock and sea front

Tuesday 3rd September (Day 13)

A warm night. A slow start - first Chris opens her birthday cards and presents which, considering we were away, were quite numerous. Then a stroll to Aldi to buy breakfast. 11.00 saw all of us gather for coffee and birthday cake. This was followed by the group going their separate ways. Resa, Eric, Chris and I went to the Skybar; only to find it does not open until 15.00. So Plan B - a swim. As usual the sea was lovely and warm. An hour later we went for some tapas and a beer before, around 15.45 going to the Skybar. This is a bar on the 29th floor of a hotel affording fantastic views of the area. Four G+T's later (poured and served in font of us) and then a stroll back to the site. Then time for a shower and change for the Chinese meal for 19 this evening. The meal was great. The staff couldn't do enough for us, so a good time was had by all, and all for £30 a couple!! Back at the site around 23.00. A nightcap followed before slumber called. Chris had had an amazing birthday.

Wednesday 4th September (Day 14)

A sticky night. The morning brought bright sunshine. After breakfast Chris went to the 'rummage and scrummage' in Calp - a smaller market than on Saturday. I then joined her and the gang at 'El Barco' for a beer and tapas. A light lunch was followed by Resa, Eric, Chris and I cycling to the beach for an hour or so in the sea. Then a libation before back to the site for dinner. The evening was finished of with ten of us sitting outside Resa and Eric's MH putting the world to rights.

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