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80 - Clare Priory

Friday 26th July (Day 1)

So boiling hot temperatures for the last few days (record breaking) and the weekend is forecast - wet. Just after midday we leave for the motorhome and are off to Clare Priory, a Motor Caravanners Club meet. It is near Sudbury so from Braintree where we collect the motorhome it is less than an hours drive. We arrive to a lovely little site in the Priory grounds and settle in awaiting the arrival of Dave and Gill. Clare Priory goes back to 1248 and is one of the oldest religious houses in England. Following the suppression in 1548, by Henry VII, it passed through many hands until 1953 when the Augustine Friars purchased it. By the evening there are about 20 units present. We helped put up the marquee and then had a BBQ at the motorhome. Then around 7.30pm gather in the marquee for a chat, a drink and a couple of bingo games. A late, dark walk back to bed.

Saturday 27th July (Day 2)

Some rain during the night and it is forecast to continue all day (until tomorrow)! Such a change from two days ago. We sat out under the awning having breakfast as it was wet but not cold. We then spent a while chatting before going into Clare Priory to complete a quiz that would get us around the main parts. We started off at the Priory / Shrine and then slowly around the town which started off as a wool town. Elizabeth De Clare was, in the 15th century, the wealthiest woman in England. There is the remains of a castle, nothing to get too exited about, and the remains of a railway station defunct since 1967 after Mr Beeching had his way. Lunch saw us in The Cock Inn where we had a nice pint and sharing platter with Dave and Gill. While there the 'Tour de Pub' arrived. A large group of young people on a charity cycle ride of 22 pubs in the area. They were an extremely lively fun bunch. After a quick drink they cycled off to the next pub, The Globe, which was about 70m away. We then strolled back to the site and played both Kubb and Molky, getting the others in the group to join in. Dinner followed before regrouping in the marquee for a quiz and fun and games. The weather has not given in and, even as I type, the heavens are pouring their best onto us.

Sunday 28th July (Day 3)

Sunday morning arrived and, it was raining! Not hard but it appears set for the day. We had breakfast and said our goodbyes as Matt is coming over for a Sunday roast. We arrived at the motor home site to find a queue as the roadside gate would not open. Help was on the way but between us we got it working. Then it was swap gear into the car, buy the food for today's meal and home by just after 1.00pm

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