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Trip 72 - Peterborough

Thursday 24th April (Day 1)

Off to Peterborough Showground for the largest outside motorhome show. Before that we went to say goodbye to the two grandchildren and their mum Hayley. A quick walk to her parent's house to find that we missed them! Hey ho it couldn't be helped. Back home and finish the last of the packing and by 11.00am we were off. A good trip to Peterborough, apart from a small part of the A14. 1.00pm saw us parking up and sitting down for lunch. The weather was breezy with the threat of some rain but with warm sunny periods. A walk around the exhibitors followed - although most are still not open as it starts in earnest tomorrow, then back for a chat with Tucker and Lyn sitting outside in the sun. By 6.00pm it was cooling down and we each retired to our own motorhomes. Dinner and some more of the series 'Lost' for us - only four episodes to go!

Friday 5th April (Day 2)

After the usual good nights sleep (why do we sleep better in the motorhome than our own house)? it was breakfast and back to the show as all exhibitors would be open today. Before we left a knock on the door announced the arrival of Sue and Gilbert, they actually arrived before us yesterday but we never met up. We returned at lunchtime to greet Chris and Graham as they soon would be arriving. After greetings and lunch it was back to the 'cattle sheds' where more motorhomes and stalls were to be found. Gradually we got tired so again returned for a cup of tea, cake and a rest. Then dinner and over to Chris and Graham's motorhome, not forgetting Masie the cockerpoo, for drinks and a chat.

Saturday 26th April (Day 3)

A windy, wet, and wild night. When we awoke we saw the time was 9.00am. Up and showered and off to catch the bus to Peterborough. First thing was breakfast - in a Wetherspoon pub! The College Inn. Where else? The gang in Germany would have been proud of us. I will say that there were some strange characters in the pub and, no, not us, I mean v-e-r-y strange! We then went to the cathedral which is huge. Construction started in 1118 and took 120 years and looking at the size it is no surprise. Catherine of Aragon is buried here as is Mary, Queen of Scots, after here execution at Fotheringay Castle. After this we went to the Queensgate Shopping Centre. Not having anything we really wanted to buy we just walked through and went to the Peterborough Museum. Here we spent a short while looking around. Certainly a good place for children with lots of interactive bits. One part had a display of the Napoleonic Prisoners housed nearby. The locals, at that time, were enthralled (if that is the right word) with the French Revolution, well the guillotine to be precise. The prisoners were very skilful and made things out of bone including working models of the guilotine which were so detailed. Then we went to another Wetherspoon pub, The Drapers Arms, and met up with four others. Chris and Graham were on their way from the show area but Wetherspoon does not allow dogs so we left and walked to the Queens Head to join them which was quite an unusual pub in itself. The weather for the whole time was very windy as storm Hannah was in full force. Anyway we returned to the site by the bus and visited three dealers to purchase 'must have's'. - a gazebo type shelter, some lights and a Moroccan mat. While walking around our we found some of the exhibitors having quite a game with their marquees, hanging on for dear life! Then back for a cup of tea before dinner. After a good meal of steak, chips and all the trimmings we went over to Chris and Graham's again and were joined by Tucker, Lyn, Steve and Jo for a drink and chat. Such a laugh was had for nearly three hours until just after 11.00pm when we each returned 'home' with the rain starting again although the the strong winds had died down.

Sunday 27th April (Day 4)

A wet night but with the promise of better things today. After breakfast we sat and watched the London Marathon. Part way through the Puncture Control people arrived to 'puncture proof' our tyres. We cannot fit a share anywhere and this is, we hope, just as good an option. Back to the exhibitors again around 1.00pm. We soon returned to the motorhome as we had bought a gazebo and had to work out on a better way for both it and two new chairs to be stored in the garage. This involved completely emptying the garage and we gave all and sundry the spectacle of trying to refit the jigsaw in the garage, which we think we have managed but time will tell. About 4.00pm, with the show winding up, eight of us left for the Harvester for a late dinner. The pub had cooked over 4,000 meals over the four days and so much beer was sold that no draught bitter or Guinness was left! A pleasant, but not great, meal was had in good company. We then returned and Tucker, Lynne, Chris and I sat in the tent annexe' of Sue and Gilbert. Here we chatted until almost 8.00pm as the shelter provided good respite from the weather and cooing temperatures and kept us warm. Back to the motorhome for 'Line of Duty' on the TV before bed. As we prepared for sleep we received a text that Sue Gill was being taken away in an ambulance. Looking out we saw that was indeed the case (blinds in MH are obviously good as we did not see the flashing lights right outside our motorhome). Hope all is well

Monday 28th April (Day 5)

A misty start to the day. Gilbert (Sue's husband) was outside and we discovered Sue had been kept in with atrial fibrulatIons (!). So Gilbert has both the motorhome and their car to get back to Skegness as well as visiting Sue. We offered to help but it would seem their family has it all in hand. We had breakfast and packed for the two hour trip home. A good trip home despite another small delay through the roadworks on the A14. Home just after 1.00pm


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