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Trip 68 - NEC and Devizes

Wednesday 20th February (Day 1)

Off for a few days 'up north'. We had the Motorhome at our house so there was no great rush. By about 11.30am we left for Shustoke - just to the north of Birmingham and the NEC our target for tomorrow. The M25 was not great with one particularly slow bit at 15 mph but on gaining the M1 things were better until the 33 miles of roadworks. Here we still trundled along at around 40mph but this passage seemed endless. M6 was good and it was about 2.45pm we pulled into the pay and display car park at the Shustoke Reservoir for a late lunch. This was only about a mile from our over night stop but a better place to eat. A 'Brucie Bonus' the pay and display wasn't working.(it was fixed whilst we had lunch but only £1 for all day) We sat and had lunch and were then joined by Resa and Eric. After they had eaten we had a stroll around the reservoir to get a bit of excercise. Then the final mile to 'The Griffin Inn'. A nice level car park. The pub doesn't open until 7.00pm so we sat and chatted and then we cooked a spaghetti bolognaise for us all. The Griffin is quite isolated and we were surprised to find the car park almost full as we walked across to the pub. The pub only does food at lunchtime so this was an attraction for another reason. Well over twenty beers including some from the micro-brewery next door may have been the attraction. A very pleasant time and around 10.30pm we strolled back to retire for the night after a game of Uno which Resa thrashed us all at.

Thursday 21st February (Day 2)

After a good nights sleep it was up and off to the NEC by 8.00am. The journey was only about seven miles but the traffic was very heavy. Having arrived we then showered and had breakfast. We then sat for a while and eventually walked with Resa and Eric to the NEC. We were still a bit early and so waited around and were joined by Alan, Sue, Leslie, Ray, Malcolm, Keith and Pam, all of whom we will be with over the weekend. What followed was the usual walk around visit motorhomes and stalls, taste cheese samples etc. We have been looking for crockery to replace our 40 years old set and, success, we managed to do so. By just before 3.00pm we had seen all we wanted to and got the bus back to the Motorhome and drove to the Kings Arms, Newent - just west of Malvern. We were welcomed by the staff and parked up on a fenced off area for motorhomes. Chris and I then went for a brief walk in to Newent, found the church locked,a Polish grocery store and then walked around the lake. Returning to the Motorhome we arrived to see Resa and Eric pull up. We were booked in for a meal at 8.00pm but some of our group were hungry so by 6.30pm we were in with a drink waiting for a table. We all had the same item from the 'Thursday Specials Menu'. Beef burger in brioche with cheese and bacon, chips and onion rings. (The burger was from the local butcher.) Each meal cost £5 plus 80p for the bacon and 80p for the cheese. It was smashing and EVEN Eric, known for his appetite, was satiated after the meal. While at the NEC Resa and Eric received the news that Eric's mum, Mary, had fallen, and was taken to hospital. All seemed well but this evening it was discovered she had a small bleed on the brain and was kept in. As a result they have, understandably, deceided to go home tomorrow. Returning from the pub we had a game of Uno and then left them in a very despondent mood.

Friday 22nd February (Day 3)

Around 7.00am Resa and Eric drove off. A bit later we rose and got sorted, leaving the pub around 10.00am. We could not be on the next site at Devizes (a Camping and Caravan Club Site) until 1.00pm and we were in no rush in any event. So we planned a stop less than ten miles away from Devizes at Laycock. This is a National Trust village used for filming Harry Potter, Downton Abbey and Pride and Prejudice. It is a lovely village with a few shops and tea rooms and Laycock Abbey. Here the Talbot family lived from the 16th Century - before that from them 13thc it was a nunnery. During the English Civil War it was loyal to the crown until Devizes fell to the Parliamentarian forces. William Henry Fox Talbot was the first person to to enable photography to be realised. Projecting images onto screen goes back to 10th Century by the clever Arabs and then the Clever Buffs came along and named it Camera Obscura (Latin of course). It is from this we eventually got camera. In the main hall isA prancing goat statue with a sugar lump on its nose. Apparently in the 1900's a visiting American Student did this as a joke and Last Talbot thought it funny so a sugar lump has been placed their ever since. Fox Talbot also had dinners with notables of the day like Charles Babbage (father of the computer) and William Snow Harris ( devised lightening conductor for buildings and ships among other things). Having looked around for a while we went into the village which soon becomes obvious why it is used for filming. Around 1.00pm, after a lovely hot lamb and mint pasty we trundled the few miles to the site where we were warmly greeted by 'the gang'. Having settled in four of us decided to go for a trundle along the canal pathway; before leaving we were joined by five others from the group. A gentle stroll in lovely sunshine with canal boats, other walkers and alpacas to see on our way. We had 'planned' a walk and then on the return journey stop at The Barge Inn. However, we were led by the famous five that joined us to detour straight into the pub. It was lovely and warm outside with seating so we sat inside! A nice pint then a stroll back to the site. Just outside the site is a small holding selling Zomerset Zider. Four pints were purchased by us (£10). Then the famous five collected the two remaining of our group, Sue and Alan, and went ........ To the Three Magpies for a meal. Dave, Gill and ourselves did not join them but cooked in our motorhomes. Quite late on we walked up to the pub to join the others a drink or two followed by bed.

PHOTO Lacock Abbey and village

Saturday 23rd February (Day 4)

Up prompt (for no real reason) shower and then bacon butty to start the day. Today's activities can be summed up in advance as

1. Walk to Devizes along canalside.

2. Visit clothing shops and charity shops.

3. Lunch in Wetherspoons.

4. Walk back (option of bus for some).

5. Walk to Three Magpies for Wales .v. England 6 Nations match.

6. Over to one of the motorhomes for games,

7. Sleep.

We will see how this prediction plays out.

Well all predictions happened as stated in that order! The only things to add are:

What a lovely day we had with sunshine and unseasonably hot weather. We arrived in Devizes and had a coffee in a most delightful little tea shop while the others went for coffee to either Weatherspoons or Costa. The meal in Wetherspoons was the usual good value and tasty. England won the first half and Wales the second and Wales won 21 - 13. We then went to Sue and Alan's motorhome with Dave and Gill for tea and games.

Sunday 24th February (Day 5)

A very foggy start to the day but the Sun soon cleared that away. After breakfast Dave, Gill and the two of us went for a canal walk away from Devizes. Just over two hours we returned very hot and sweaty as it was really warm. The rest of the group were sitting out chatting. It wasn't long before it was time for Sunday lunch at the Three Magpies. We had all pre-ordered. What followed was a very nice meal. Dave and Gill left us all in the pub as they had to get back today for work. We then watched the Italy .v. Wales rugby which Wales won after a scare, as they went in losing at half time. We then strolled back to the motorhome and had a rest followed by a couple of games of scrabble(which Clive won both) before a light tea and Sue and Alan coming over for the Uno championships.

Monday 25th February (Day 6)

Up prompt to find a hard frost. After breakfast we were away home to see the grandchildren. We were on the road by 8.30am. A good run other than the 15 minute delay on the M25 at junction 17. Still a good journey and looking forward to the grandchildren.

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