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Trip - 66

Wednesday 16th January (Day 1)

So we are off to meet Chris and Carolyn for a couple of days. Having the motorhome at home we left at 10.00am to go direct to the Eels Foot Inn, Eastbridge, Suffolk (near Dunwich). Midday saw us set up and trying their beers. Lunch followed and we then opted for a walk to Sizewell and back. We got to Sizewell, which was almost the half way point of a circular walk that Chris K had a plan of. We decided we could finish the walk if we cut a corner off. So the four intrepid explorers set of doing just that. After about an hour we found we had walked in complete circle and we're back at Sizewell. So it was retrace our steps back to the pub. All sounds good but the elements decided to teach us a lesson. Not only were we walking along narrow paths in the gloom (and eventually the dark) but it decided to rain done upon us. We got back soaked through having completed a nine mile trek. Into motorhomes and change out of our wet clothing and then I cooked a prawn meal for the four of us (Chris K is cooking for the four of us tomorrow). After, it was sit and chat until gone 11.00pm when we all retired (again - tee hee) to bed.

Thursday 17th January (Day 2)

More rain during the night and strong winds but the morning dawned with sunshine and blue skies. After breakfast we dressed for another walk; this time north towards Dunwich. By 10.30am the four of us set off along the 'Sandlings Walk'. It was chilly but we were soon toasty with the exercise. A bridleway through woodland and heathland was the selected route. Undulating landscapes and nothing too strenuous. We found ourselves after about 90 minutes passing Dunwich Friary ruins. The Friary has been here since the 13thc and Henry VIII was involved in its decimation. Just by the Fraiary was the last grave from the Dunwich churchyard. Dunwich Is so 'famous' for the cliff erosion which resulted in the church, churchyard and a large part of the village 'falling' into the sea. Indeed it is said that with certain tide conditions the church bell can be heard ringing; also there is a legend of a headless horseman who, it is alleged, drives a carriage nearby. Again just before entering the village there is a tree that was blown down in December2018. The tree housed a bees nest which had been there for a long period. To protect the bees the tree was covered with a tarpaulin. After the descent to the village we went to the beach. We, hardy souls, were there with a few others but the chill wind moved us off fairly quickly. We had the choice, we thought, of 'coffee at the cafe' or a 'pint at the pub'. The cafe was closed so we had to endure the pub - The Ship. A nice log fire greeted us and a pint and a snack set us up for the return trip. Before we could leave, however, it snowed! Fortunately not heavy and not for long so the return journey was again in sunshine. We then went our separate ways into our motorhomes until we went over to Chris' for a curry. As is to be expected it was delicious. One small issue was their heating which had decided to stop working. We lent them our oil filed radiator as our motorhome heating was working. (These things happen). Just before 8.00pm saw us in the pub settled for 'Squit Night'. We have been to this before; it is where locals, and not so locals, turn up with instruments to play music and sing songs. Sea shanties, folk songs, popular songs and even poems, you never know how many will turn up or what will be played , sung or spoken. Although the number of 'squitters' was less than we had normally seen it was still a great night. Towards the end a Welshman, who met his partner in Thurso and lives in Aberdeen and is down here for two years on the new Sizewell reactor project joined us. To say he was a character is an understatement. We will be returning here and undoubtably meet up with him again, by which time his 20 year partner will be his wife - from February. Such an easy fun gent to meet and get on with. We left the pub just after 11.30pm to find a fine dusting of snow. The motorhome was nice and warm so it just added to the experience. A good day for all.

Friday 18th January (Day 3)

A start a bit earlier than usual. We looked out to a white vista - mainly frost but a few snow flakes also present. Breakfast and by around 9.45am we were off home, having said goodbye to Chris and Carolyn half hour ago. Partway to Braintree to swap the motrohme for the car I realised the car keys were at home! So an extra bit was added to our journey. In all probability though this total journey would have been about the same if I had remembered the car keys as the route to Braintree, the A120, was blocked due to a collision and fuel spill and it was causing some traffic issues. Anyway midday at home then off to Braintree and back by 2.00pm. A good couple of days.

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