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Trip 64 - Devon and Somerset

Saturday 3rd November (Day 1)

The start of a 'bitsy' week away. We left around 10.30am for Rich and Su's house in Ide Hill, Sevenoaks. On the way we had to stop at Lakeside to pick up a slow cooker for them. Midday saw us parking up in the car park of 'The Woodman' PH. Here we encountered a slight hiccup in that the manager of the day did not know we were coming. After a quick phone call all was resolved and we parked up and were soon picked up by Rich. The rest of the afternoon was getting things ready for Rich's In-law's 40th wedding anniversary party; canapés, a mountain of beef bourguignon, decorations etc etc was all to be sorted. By 4.00pm people were gathering and things got underway. What followed was a good time for all which ended around 11.00pm for most, and with some of those attending in advance years (one 92!), that was quite late. For ourselves we left in fluorescent jackets and torches for the 700m walk back along the country lanes to the motorhome - a bit of a zigzag back probably for anyone watching.

Sunday 4th November (Day 2)

This morning Rich came to get us but, due to a good sleep and really poor phone reception, when he arrived we were not dressed. We soon were sorted and back helping to finish tidying up, after a shower at their place. 12.30pm saw the six of us - Rich, Su, Lin, Ian and us back at the pub for lunch. A really good Sunday lunch which was also good value. At 1.30pm a cab arrived to take Su to Gatwick as she was flying to New York for work. We were going to drive to the motorhome to the car park near to Rich and Su's house before going off. We arrived to find the car park jam packed. We stopped to take stock of what to do but a car was blocked by us so we had to drive off and find a place to u-turn and ended up back at the pub. Picked up again by Rich and we had tea and anniversary cake and a chat about the previous evenings events. Back to the motorhome around 3.00pm and we started off towards Devon. We were clearly going in the right direction as the M25, M3 and A303 had huge congestion the other way. We made good time and stopped at the Fox and Hounds at Charlton Adam, Somerset. We had a drink in the pub before retiring to the motorhome for the night.

Monday 5th November (Day 3)

So after a good nights sleep and a bacon butty for breakfast we were off to Plymouth to see Chris' aunt (90 years old). A good run of less than two hours and we parked up and then sat for the afternoon and early evening chatting. (Lunch and dinner provided). Chris's cousin David, wife Debbie & son Toby popped in for a while. We were undecided whether to sleep in the motorhome outside the house or move on. For various reasons we opted to move on and a search on the internet found a place - The Highwayman at Sourton (Devon). So just after 8.00pm we were off having said our goodbyes. 45 minutes and we pulled into the car park of the pub and made our only mistake of the day. On Google there are three parking areas one which had motorhomes parked so we drove onto this. We soon discovered (a) they were static caravans and (b) the grass was quite soft. So 20 minutes were then spent extracting ourselves from the area onto the firmer car park. In we went for a pint. Well the reviews of the pub, all but one, said it was a quirky pub. That really didn't do justice to it. The pub is a 'never to be missed if in the area or even near'. At every turn you found more things to marvel at. One bar had relics from a 1840 ship 'The Diana' and a résumé of its history. It was a whaling ship with a chequered history- on one voyage it got trapped in the ice for many weeks and eventually got back to Shetland with over a quarter of its crew dead. The current owner of the pub and family have been here since 1958 and slowly added weird and unbelievable things to it. This night we were the only customers so had a great chat to the owner about all things in relation to the pub. All this and good beer to boot! This is where motorhoming gives so much back and unexpectedly. This also is a place to park up for Halloween in time to come. All too soon we felt the need to retire and say our thanks and goodbyes.

Tuesday 6th November (Day 4)

A slow start as it was dull and wet. 10.00am saw us off to Trago Mills a great store for bargains from motorbikes, to kitchen items to clothes - well everything actually. The route was across the moor and, although a 'A' road, has a lot of single track parts with small passing places. A great drive. Eventually we arrived and spent a few pounds before driving off to Knightshayes House (pronounced 'knights-hayes' not 'knight-shayes'). This was built in 1869 in in a grand Gothic style. House, formal Gardens, Kitchen walled garden and lots of wooded walks. A whole day (in good weather) could easily be spent here. Being Scottish National Trust Members our entrance was free. The house was amazing with the Amory family motto 'Amore Non Vi' (Love not Violence) as the theme. A pleasant couple of hours was spent until the rain started again. It was gone 4,00pm by now so were turned to the Motorhome and drove to Highbridge where we stopped at West Hill Farm CL, which was a real gem. Views over green fields with electrics and water on each hardstanding for only £13.50.

Wednesday 7th November (Day 5)

So today we leave the motorhome at the dealers for a few items to be rectified under warranty. The night was torrential rain followed by torrential rain. Sleep was not great and as a result we woke up late - around the time the Motorhome should be dropped off! Fortunate;y we were only ten minutes away. So by 9.30am we were at the Highbridge and Burnham railway station to travel to Weston-Super-Mare As Highbridge is not a place to spend much time in. A good cooked breakfast at a cafe and some shopping to follow. This time of year Weston-Super-Mare is lacking any 'buzz' as it is well out of 'tourist time'. We visited the museum which was much more interesting than we had expected. While here we got the call that our Billina2 could be collected and we caught the train back. What followed was a visit to Tesco's and B&M's before returning to last nights site.

Thursday 8th November (Day 6)

Another wet night. We are in no rush to leave this morning as we are meeting five or six other motorhomes about three miles away at Home Farm Camp Site. So after breakfast a few housekeeping jobs and then by about 11.30am we left for a quick shop at Aldi. We then drove to Apex Park for a walk as we know the rest of the day will be exercising our jaws not legs. Just after 1.00pm saw us parking up with three others present. Lunch and then into one motorhome for a chat and then so we could all meet and talk in one group we made our way over to the coffee shop where it is surprising how one coffee each can be stretched for so long. Dinner was steak and all the trimmings and then we all went to the club house for more chatting and drink until almost 11.00pm when we adjourned with much hilarity to sleep.

Friday 9th November (Day 7)

The weather forecast for today is wet with gusts of 60 mph wind. However this morning was dry and still and not cold either. After a while we decided to all walk into Burnham-on-Sea and hit the charity shops- we know how to rock and roll. The High Street in Burnham would almost be empty if the charity shops and food shops were removed. Having said that Chris bought a lovely fake fur jacket similar to ones she was looking at a few days ago. The two differences were (a) this was nicer and (b) instead of £55 it was £12.99! By the time the High Street shops were visited it was lunch time so what else - Wetherspoons for 'Fish Friday'. By the time we left the wind had got up and the dark clouds were rushing towards us. So scurry back to the motorhome? NO! B&M and then walk back along the High Street visiting more shops (or revisiting possibly). Chris, Chris, Graham and I opted to cut and run and were blown along the road as the wind continued to increase. We got back before the wet, but only just. It was only just past 3.00pm and getting very dark. We sat and chatted for a while and the motorhome was rocking in the gusts of wind and the rain was incessant. Early evening we had a light snack as the fish meal at lunchtime was quite large. Then over to the clubhouse, walking quickly to avoid getting soaked as the rain was near horizontal. The clubhouse was hosting a 'George Michael' tribute and other 'entertainment'. It started off with just pop music (some of it quite strange). Then as others arrived 'Hooty the Owl' made an appearance for the children. Next it was a game of bingo! Then the main event George 'himself'. He was good and certainly worth enduring the previous bits. By around 11.00pm we all said our goodnights.

Saturday 10th November (Day 8)

A sunny start but clouds are gathering. We had a nice cooked breakfast and then the twelve of us 'bomb blasted' to various locations; one to watch Birmingham play Hull in Birmingham; two to Taunton for more charity shops; Two for a swim at the site indoor pool; three for a walk to Highbridge; two walked into Burnham-on-Sea; which leaves us two. We went for a walk along the lane hoping to get to a large hill that was not too far away. Alas from where we started the only route proved to be along a busy road and not the quiet lanes we planned to walk. We walked the lanes and it was still enjoyable although at one point we had to stand by a high wall with an umbrella up as the 'passing shower' decided to be a 'not passing too quickly monsoon'. After just under two hours we had returned and dried off and then sat and had a light lunch, while the sun shone down mocking us. We went to the clubhouse to watch England .v. NZ (16-17 lose). I prepared a curry meal while we watched the Wales.v. Australia rugby - Wales won 9-6 breaking a long losing run. We then walked over to the clubhouse to join the others for the evening. The main event was 'The McCoys' who formed in 1965 and their claim to fame was 'Hang on Snoopy'. They played early and late 60's music and were absolutely great. After a 90 minute set they left and the disco that followed was good also. It was past 12.30am when we got back to our motorhome for bed.

Sunday 11th November (Day 9)

A lovely sunny day! A slightly longer walk to the showers as yesterday the camp site had a major power cut caused by the nearest wash block. After breakfast we said goodbye to four of the gang as Chris and Graham and Dave and Gill were going home. Then Chris and I walked to the Burnham War Memorial where there was a Service of Remembrance. There were over 1000 people present. Afterwards we walked into the main town for a coffee. This was followed by a walk along the sand and then along the coastal pathway. We had a lovely long six mile walk. We met with the remaining six at 'The Redwood' a Hungry Horse pub where we had an average meal. 5.00pm saw us sitting in the motorhome watching the Remembrance broadcast from last night at the Albert Hall. A little later is was over to the clubhouse for the International UNO competition. Bed around 10.30pm.

Monday 12th November (Day 10)

Another nice bright day. By 9.30am we had said our goodbyes and were off. First stop Asda for cheap diesel.Second stop was the village of Slimbridge, in Gloucestershire, a slight detour for us, as there was a special Remembrance exhibition. Wire soldiers standing at the graves of those buried in St Johns churchyard having been killed in the Great War. While there we met the artist who informed us that the 'soldiers' were going to local families as nearly all those buried have families still in the area. There was also an exhibition in the Village Hall, which again was informative and interesting. Off again and a quick stop for lunch before competing the run back to Braintree to park the motorhome and then return to Hornchurch.

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