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Trip 63 - Croatia - Days 8 to 14

Thursday 6th September (Day 8)

So the plan was a drive to Slovenia. The 'target' stop was a nine hour drive, Portozez. However by using the Autostrada the time was reduced to less than 4 hours. No pot holes, no roundabouts, no humps in the road and 244km was a mere 22€! What a result. We also were passed by over 50 motorcycles most of which were Harley Davidsons; something is going on. The only downside was a slow 10km drive due to roadworks. Our stop over was Portoroz, a marina. It looked lovely but at 38€ a night it was 'are you having a laugh?" It was at this point we discovered our hand brake was not working. A bit of effort found a Ford main dealer ten miles away. We arrived to discover they had no idea of the brake system as it was put in by Chausson. They would see if they could do anything tomorrow. We found a site, Camping Adria at Ankaran, (17€) a only a few miles away and we settled in. A bit of effort on our part and, apart from being unable to get one screw back, we sorted the handbrake issue but have no idea what we did to fix it; just hope it lasts. A chicken curry for tea with a promise of a relaxing day to follow.

Friday 7th September (Day 9)

We decided that today is the 'rest day' (not that it is been too on the go in any case). We showered and walked up to the shops to get some 'essentials', including breakfast. Four croissants; they had marmalade in! Actually they were not too sweet and saved me putting in jam. A short time followed discussing options and we decided to go for a cycle ride along the 'white route'. Apparently this is a favourite for cyclists as it starts at Trieste and goes for 132Km along a disused railway track. This is ideal as (a) it would be mainly away from the road and (b) no steep hills. That said the English could learn a thing or two from the Slovenian traffic etiquette as cyclists have the right of way at ALL junctions. (Can you imagine the driving fraternity in the UK liking that?) We rode in total for almost 30 miles. At one point on a racing bicycle going at a fair lick on a state of the art racing machine was a one legged rider; just an unusual sight to see. Stops at a cafe for coffee, a port for a snack and another port to, well just to see it. I cannot emphasise how pleasurable it was. The weather was also pleasantly hot but cloudy so around 23 degrees meaning it was not exhausting. We were back around 4.00pm and sat and 'wallowed' in the sunshine which was now upping the temperature to high 20's. We also 'treated ourselves to a foot soak and pamper which even for an old soak like me was nice. Dinner was in a local restaurant. Pizza for both of us and so huge that neither of us cold finish it. Chris had seafood with mussels, razor clams, scallops, shrimps and more. Bed was early before 10.00am!

Saturday 8th September (Day 10)

Today we are off on a day of 'visits'. Not a huge mileage but we intend to visit three towns. First we have to check out of the camp site, easier said than done. A 30 minute queue to pay. By just after 10.40am we are off. Our first destination is Piran in Slovenia. The reason for this is several people have either asked how to get there in our hearing or others have assumed we were cycling to it. Only a short journey BUT the car parking is 'garaged' so is height restricted and access to the town is by barrier for locals only. Clearly this would seem a popular place to visit but we will leave it for another time. Next Novigrad in Croatia. The first issue was entering Croatia as there was a 3km queue for the border or to put in another way 30 minutes - perhaps signs of things to come? A lovely drive along the coast and over the mountains. Arriving at Novigrad we experienced the first issue, not parking as that was, relatively, easy but having the coins to pay for it as at a UK bureau de change you only get notes. Fill with diesel was the answer at around £1.20/litre. We then walked into the old town which was a pleasant place without being in anyway 'Wow'. We strolled along the shore, got an ice cream and back then onward to the next destination - Rovinj. We had identified Camping Polari as our stop for a night or two. The usual 'walk the site find a place and come back and tell us' for check-in. For a couple of nights how picky could we be? The site is huge with at least three bars / restaurants; two shops, a swimming pool and another full of slides and water features and so much more. After settling in we walked the site and then went down to the beach where I had a swim in the Mediterranean still warm. A pleasant dinner in really balmy warmth with the plan to go into Rovinj by bus early tomorrow.

Sunday 9th September (Day 11)

9.15am saw us on the bus for 23 Kuna (about three pounds) to Rovinj. We were joined by the silliest hat ever (see above). Rovinj itself was originally an island fortress of some import in times past (very past). During the years some ruler thought it a good idea to 'fill the gap' between Rovinj and the mainland and that is how it now is. Rovinj turned out to be a little jewel with twisty narrow lanes and lovely buildings, a place well worth a visit if ever you are near. Another bonus was the narrow lanes gave a nice respite from the searing sunshine. We secured a map and had a coffee overlooking the water while planning the visit. Most of the rest of the morning was spent strolling along the waterside, along the narrow lanes and a quick visit to the church of St Euphemia. Here there is a sarcophagus of the Saint who was killed around 800AD by the Romans and her body was then kept hidden by the faithful (she was 'young' when she died). A snack and a beer in the 27 degree heat and then we took a 60 minute boat trip around a few islands. A fairly small boat in choppy water but still pleasant. A lot of Venice was built using the stones in the area and, indeed, Venice ruled this part of the world for a time. Back on terra firma we caught the coach back. One unusual thing we still have not resolved is that the big coach mirrors showed forwards as well as backwards; we have no idea why or, more to the point, how. On our return to the site the first task was to cool down so the swimming pool was the preferred option.

Monday 10th September (Day 12)

A short initial drive to the city of Pula. Our first task was to find a parking space which proved relatively easy. Having parked and paid 16 kuna for four hours (about two pounds) we strolled into town and our first stop about 400m away was the most complete and largest colliseum in the world. From here we strolled around and saw the main entrance arch to the city; the temple of Augustus (paid entry to this allowed you to view a fairly barren room with a headless statue!) and the cathedral very bland. A further stroll got us to the top of the hill where the main castle was situated. Having said all this it was fairly underwhelming experience. (After Rovinj it was an 'OK' experience but not great.) After a quick stop for some food we drove to our stop for the night Camping Smart Selection Holiday Resort at Medveja. Before this we had a great drive over the mountains including a coffee stop at a panorama hotel. Arriving at around 4.30pm we booked in and stopped next to the friends we were 'chasing' namely Resa. Eric, Sue and Alan. The rest of the evening was chatting and catching up on places visited to date. The camp site name 'Smart Selection etc' stretched the imagination somewhat as, while not the pits by any means it was tired.

Tuesday 11th September (Day 13)

First thing we paid our dues and then had a two hour run to the next stop. A brief pause for a Lidl shop and by just before noon we were pulling in to Autocamp Skver at Senj. A lot of the drive was along the twisting coastline with the rich blue sea to our right. This coast really does beat the Amalfi coast. We arrived without mishap and were fortunate and got the last easily accessible pitch right on the front overlooking the sea. Having settled in we could see just yards from the waters edge thousands of small fish swirling around in a ball shape and a gannet was owning that name and gorging himself, constantly diving and coming up every time with a fish. It was boiling hot (around 28 degrees) so a swim was in order followed by lunch. By which time the other two motorhomes had arrived and not a moment too soon as there were not many places left. After lunch another swim before settling down to catch the rays. Around 4.00pm Chris and I went for a walk into Senj. Although quite small it has a cathedral and a couple of museums. None of these were visited by us as we were in a bikini (Chris) and no shirt (me). Back after a while and dinner was cooked and we sat watching a lovely sunset and marvelling at the clear sky with all the stars twinkling and lights from nearby town reflecting off the ink black sea.

PHOTO Sunset pixies and swimming

Wednesday 12th September (Day 14)

The night was 'interesting'. Apart from a lot of traffic noise, the feral cats were clearly having a 'fight night'. Although some distance from us it was noisy and I am surprised someone did not try to kill them (I would have given the chance). We had a simple breakfast and then walked to the castle Najal, which unsurprisingly was at the top of a steep hill. A slow walk up in the high 20 heat. It was a pleasant walk along the sea front and them upwards with views appearing as we progressed. The castle was small but interesting covering both history from the 1500's and the recent Serbian conflict. In this area lived a group called the Ukoks who were a very fierce group who managed to scare and defeat both the Venetian and Austrian Empires until these two colluded. After this visit we had a coffee at the castle with the magnificent view. On our return we visited the cathedral which was so uninspiring I did not even take a photo. We returned to the Motorhome via the local supermarket for a couple of 'essentials'. The afternoon was a mix of chilling, swimming and snorkelling until we all six of us sat around for a dinner. While chilling a family, brother, sister, father and grandmother were by us fishing and caught 20 odd fish.

Photo: Castle and fishing

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