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Trip 60 - Shabbington Steam Fair

Thursday 2nd (Day 1)

We left around midday (with a working satnav!) A journey of about 75 miles to Shabbington In Buckinghamshire for a steam fair. Only two incidents of note. One being a Polish lorry that wanted my lane as I was passing it and we had a car on our offside - we scrapped through and then the fire alarm kept going off which, when it happened the first time, made me jump. The battery had to come out! We stopped at some services for lunch, surrounded by traveller's who had set up home in the car park. By 2.30pm we had arrived and set ourselves up saving places for four other friends due to arrive today and tomorrow. In setting up we had two bunches of flowers brought from home given to us for our Ruby Anniversary.The rest of the day was a combination of looking in people's motorhomes (at least three had new to them vans) and sitting in a large group just chatting, with a few shuffling of chairs to chase the shade as it was touching 30 degrees. We then, by unspoken agreement, broke up and returned to our MH's to cook / eat dinner before returning again to the large group. By around 11.00pm we stopped although it still was warm. We joined Sue and Alan in their new MH for a nightcap and chat and it was just after midnight when we retuned to our quite cool MH for sleep.

Friday 3rd (Day 2)

Well the weekend was meant to be lazy time and today was the start of it. After breakfast we sat and chatted until almost midday when we decided a short walk was in order. The temperature was almost 30 degrees and the 45 minute walk was enjoyable but still a 'mad dogs an Englishman' walk. Lunch was followed by a laze in the heat and, eventually a BBQ. The ladies v men quiz followed with two 30 question rounds ending in a draw. It should be said that at least two questions were not just questionable but the answers were wrong. The two quiz rules applied though; 1. The question master is always right and 2. In case of doubt or dispute see rule 1. Back to our MH's for more socialing until just gone 11.00pm when bed beckoned.

Saturday 4th (Day 3)

Well another fine day in prospect (30 degrees with a slight breeze). After breakfast we strolled over to the show ground and looked around the stalls. Then watched the classic vehicle parade; cars, fire engines; army vehicles and the like. This was followed by the miniature steam engines. Usually about a quarter to one fifth size of the real thing. They are no pushover engines, pulling around 5 ton. A pint was required then back for lunch. The afternoon was mainly lazing in the sunshine (or hiding in the shade). The evening was a mass eat together about 10 of us followed by chats and laughs. By around 10.30pm I went to bed and later (who knows when) Chris followed. I missed one of the group sneaking back to their motorhome and donning a nun's outfit and then 'appearing' to the rest by walking between motorhomes then disappearing. Eventually fronting them out and making them jump!

Sunday 5th (Day 4)

Not sure when this weather will break. Another 30 degree day bit at least no fires like Spain and Portugal. After breakfast we took a slow stroll to the showground to watch the heavy horses go through their paces. Back then to the MH for some water and we decorated Chris and Graham's Motorhome with bunting and banners. We then returned for the large steam engines. We then saw the main group return to the MH's so were returned also. Prosecco and wedding gifts started the afternoon. Later a mass BBQ and a chat and drink.

Monday 6th (Day 5)

We woke and decided to make our way home - there were a couple of alternative sites on offer. A slow pack followed until Chris changed a dentist appointment to 2.30pm today. Then a mad cap pack, a quick say goodbye and, fortunately, a easy drive home. A great relaxing weekend came to an end. Just what we needed.

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