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Trip 59 - Swaffham and Norwich

Monday 16th July (Day 1)

A prompt start to set off for Swaffham. As is usual it took almost 30 minutes to fill with fresh water which was followed by a trip to Tescos. Then a two hour drive (satnav still not working) to Swafham Rugby Club. We set up and had lunch and then played both Kubb and Molkky with the group. Their Kubb rules were very different but that mattered not. It was a scorching day (30 degrees) but towards the evening it had cooled down. By 7.00pm we had walked into town with 39 others for a meal. Ten pounds bought us two rum cocktails each which were very nice followed by a steak with all the trimmings (nicely cooked) and a dessert with 'bring your own drink' for wine or beer. We also had a guitarist / singer who played songs we could all sing along to. While we had to wait nearly two hours for our meal it was worth the wait as we all had a good fun time. However, we needed the food when it arrived. It was acout 11.30pm when we got back and we sat outside (the Motorhome Facts group) chatting until about 12.30am. A good start to the week.

Tuesday 17th July (Day 2)

The night was quite cool which made for a good nights sleep. Breakfast was a simple meal and then, well, where did the time go? It was not until around 11.15am that Chris and I walked into Swaffham to seek a gift for the 'Chinese Raffle', whatever that is. We were back by just after midday and a sit and chat followed which preceded lunch. After lunch we had, well, a sit and chat although Chris did return to the town to sort out an issue with an item we had bought. By soon after 5.30pm we started to cook dinner as the evening entertainment starts around 7.30pm. So by 7.30pm we all started to gather in the Rugby clubhouse. Before things started Alan, from our group, lost his balance put his hand out to steady himself and smashed the fire alarm panel. There followed some twenty minutes of the alarm going off, being reset, then going off again until someone from the rugby club came and sorted it. This was followed by an evening of laughter and singing along to the Chairman Peter's guitar playing. We were also joined by Iorrie (pronounced 'Yorry') who will be 88 on this Friday and Gordon also in his 80's. The evening flew by and by just after 11.00pm we strolled back for bed.

Wednesday 18th (Day 3)

Another pleasantly cool night so a good sleep. A slow lazy start as well and after breakfast a stroll back into Swaffham. The whole 'gang' - ten of us - descended upon ASDA and purchased food for the next few days as we will be at a showground away from shops, well sort of. Then it was a light lunch in a cafe and then a final shop for milk / meat etc as it is a hot day and we didn't want it just sitting in a bag. Back at the site we sat and chatted (some snoozed)! We then said our goodbyes to Resa and Eric as they had to get things ready at the Norwich Showground for our arrival tomorrow. A game of Molkky followed between Chris and I resulting in a 2-1 win for her. It was then soon time for a 'mass BBQ' for the eight of us remaining. By the time the meal was over it was chilling down quite a bit - indeed it was nearly time to put long sleeves on. The last 'event' for the stay was back into the hall for the Chinese Raffle. Everyone took a wrapped present and in return you got a ticket. When your ticket was drawn you selected a prize and unwrapped it showing it to all. The next ticket drawn allowed the person with that ticket the choice of your gift or a random choice from the rest, all very different. As more gifts were unwrapped up to three 'steals' could be made on each ticket drawn. This turned out to be very funny. We then found that early tomorrow the water pipe would be gone. So we needed to fill up this evening. Another MH'er filled and reversed, for me to take his place, and reversed down the slope to the rugby pitch, which he had not seen, grounding and getting stuck. It then took about 40 minutes moving blocks under his wheels so he could reverse onto the rugby pitch as he could get back up further down where it was less of a slope. The rest of the evening was taken up with chatting and drinking (not much for me) and laughter. It was near to 11.00pm when we all sauntered back to our respective abodes.

Thursday 19th (Day 4)

After the 'busy' day yesterday today was really laid back. We left about 10.00am and stopped off at Tesco first to get a birthday cake for a fellow motorhomer who was going to be 88 on Friday!!! Then a simple 25+ miles to the Norfolk Showground. The rest of the day was taken up by sitting and chatting and settling in the new arrivals. By 3.00pm all but two had arrived (they were coming tomorrow). Then a BBQ for eight of us followed by, not surprisingly, a good chin-wag. Some of the group then went off to 'enjoy' the evening entertainment while those remaining retired to one of the motorhomes and played Uno while chatting ands putting the world to rights.

Friday 20th (Day 5)

The promise of another hot day. We still have issues with the Satnav so some more communication with the alarm people took place with no real further options found. After breakfast we went into the show ground and we spent around a hundred pounds on 'need to have' items. After lunch we returned to the show, successfully spending no more money. 4.30pm saw us celebrating the newly met friend Iorrie's 88th Birthday. He arrived with beer, spirits, cheese etc and is quite a character. Again some went to the evening entertainment while the rest sat, drank and chatted on the site. Apart from Iorrie we were also joined by Gorden - only 80. Both of these two we adopted into our group. We all retired late with another group meeting tomorrow.

Saturday 21st (Day 6)

Another mid 20 degree day in the promise. After breakfast Chris and I walked to the main show ground gate and for three pounds each got a return trip in the coach to Norwich, about a 20 minute drive away. There we strolled around the Lanes and Market. Like last year the big lorries were there with a stage and singer collecting for charity. There was also a big pink 'Euro Pig' truck where they were giving away pork products to try and promote pork products in general. Next to this was a group of 'Eating Pigs Is Murder' activists and a couple of police to ensure all went smoothly. In our walk we visited a church, St George of Tombland. Here a verger gave us a tour and rattled off the history like a machine gun. The two bits I got from this was; 1. A wall monument had a cherub and both knees looked like a pigs head and 2. The font which goers back to the 13th century with a decorative wooden topping (not so old) with a small statue of St George on top of it. This St George was knocked off by some errant choirboys while kicking a ball around; the choirmaster took it home and repaired it but the spear was beyond repair and was replaced with a size 9 knitting needle! A further stroll around Norwich looking at the old buildings and narrow passage ways followed before we returned for the coach back to the showground, getting back by about 1.30pm for lunch. We then just lazed around until the next event - cheese and wine. This started about 4.30pm and finished after a quiz (boys v girls) and bed at midnight. (1 - 1 in the quiz.)

Sunday 22th (Day 7)

A hot day (again). Today was going to be a lazy day. We sat for the majority of the morning. Partway through we said goodbye to Sue and Alan as they are getting a new MH and must empty this one before going to the dealers tomorrow. A bit later another couple from the group left and around lunch time went for a final visit to the show ground. It should be said that this show is small and does not deliver on many 'must have's' which is good. We then sat at the show ground in the baking sun with a pint and listened to a live three piece band - easy listening nothing to get the feet tapping to really. A stroll back to soak up some more rays and listen to music. During this time we said goodbye to Dave and Gill off to their Hornchurch home. Soon after a woman named Carol who runs the small shop stopped to say goodbye as she was leaving for home. She dropped off a few items she did not sell - ham, bacon, sausage, butter, toms etc. Tea was had and a few went to watch Elvis perform. For us we did something quite unusual and sat out, chatting and watching a lovely sunset. Tomorrow we return home.

Monday 23rd (Day 8)

Scorchio Scorchio! By 9.00am it was almost 30 degrees with a bit more in the promise. By 10.00am we said our goodbyes to those still present and moved on to Braintree. Two hours saw us there and we then parked up and drove home so by 1.30pm we were home and getting sorted. This week has been quite low key in activity but a real different and fun time.

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