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Trip 57 - Weybourne, Norfolk

Monday 28th (Day 1)

So off to the North Norfolk coast. Left home before and by just after 10.30am loaded and off proper. Well here's a thing. We sorted and updated the SatNav which, if you remember from the last post, refused to work. Guess what it did it again. Never mind we have a back up SatNav; well it wouldn't work either. Plan C; the iPhone. We left in sunshine and soon a mist came down. The iphone worked well until we missed a turning. Then not only a nine mile addition but, as the iphone didn't know the size of our vehicle, we had an interesting route. Lots of 'single track roads with no passing places'. Eventually we arrived at Foxhills Camp Site in bright sunshine and settled in needing a drink, but hey you know that is not that much different from the norm. After lunch it had become very overcast and misty so we opted for a walk to the North Norfolk Railway as they were hosting a 'Dad's Army' day. We arrived perfectly for the arrival / departure of two steam engines; a skit by the dad's army group - firefighting and soaking the onlookers with the hose; then a sing song of WWII songs With people dancing and jigging along. Even the van 'Jones the Butchers' was the van used in the series. On the stroll back we were hijacked into the local pub (120 gins) before returning to the site for dinner, cooked by Chris and Carolyn. The weather is still very damp and misty. The evening was really nice just chatting but by 11.00pm it was very dank and wet underfoot as we made our way home.

Photo: Railway stuff

Tuesday 29th (Day 2)

A good nights sleep and we awoke to ...... mist, indeed parked right next to the Muckleburgh Collection of tanks and army stuff - it was missing. Breakfast and then a twenty minute walk to Weybourne station with Chris and Carolyn. Here we bought 'hop on hop off' tickets (senior)! We then got on the 76084 steam locomotive to Sheringham. Here we walked about the shops and soon reached the sea (not that much was visible). A coffee (!) in a pub was followed by fresh crab sandwiches from a small street cabin. Then another trip on the North Norfolk line to Holt (Anglo Saxon for wood). Upon arriving we found we were still over a mile from the town so a Routemaster bus drive into town was agreed. (The driver was the singer from yesterday's Dad's Army event.) Then, just for a change, we walked around the shops....... A coffee in a cafe where 'Acorn Antiques' service would have been quicker; they just really needed better organising. We then caught the last bus to catch the last train back to Weybourne. A walk back to the MH involved (a) a brief stop at the pub; and (b) a walk to the sea. ("Let's show you the sea" said Carolyn. Fine it is that thing shrouded in mist with a cold wind that has changed not at all from Sheringham?) Then back to the site where we had a lamb tagine. Lots of talking followed again until almost midnight we went to our beds.

Photo : More railway stuff

Wednesday 30th (Day 3)

Well it rained very hard during the night. In the morning when talking to people they were all mentioning the hour long thunder and lightening display (missed that). After breakfast we packed to leave and drove about 400m to the car park of Muckleborough Military Museum. We have been here before when Matt (now 25) was about eight. Not only are there displays of guns and uniforms through the ages,but also tanks, artillery guns, a bloodhound rocket, other missiles, personnel carriers and more. We spent about a couple of hours there and finished with a ride around the grounds on a big truck. Strapped in with five point harnesses we felt was a bit ''over the top'. But no, we were thrown about like rag dolls. Then it was time for goodbyes and we left for home. Partway we stopped for a quick lunch and by just before 4.00pm we were sorting ourselves out at the motorhome 'home'. Then it was off home arriving about 5.15pm.

PHOTOS: Tanks and stuff

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