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Trip 55 - Rutland Water

Friday 27th April (Day 1)

So the weather forecast is not overly promising but hey we are not 'fair weather campers' so by around 11.00am we were off to the MH. After transferring food and clothing and then filling up with water we were off for a 90 mile, two hour, drive to Lyndon Top Farm, Rutland Waters. First hiccup was we stopped just short of Stansted on the A120 In traffic. Didn't move for ten minutes then off we went and never saw the reason for the delay. M11 was busy but good until we met the A14 (west). Then ten to fifteen miles of stop / start / crawling traffic due to the long term roadworks not helped by the huge down pour of rain - it rained the whole way To our destination. Eventually, after three hours, we arrived at Lyndon Top Farm Campsite. Paid our fees and then settled quite easily on a field where we were joining the rest of the 'Blue Hand Gang'. They are a Facebook group of like minded(?) souls who we have never met or stayed with before. First up was a cup of tea. The weather was, well, not very nice so we sat and chatted in the MH until we cooked dinner. I must say some of the hardy souls were outside during this and one even in shorts! After dinner we donned warm clothing and joined the group under an awning. While chilly and still lightly raining the adage that there is 'no bad weather merely wrong clothing' proved the point. We sat, chatted and laughed for several hours before we all slowly drifted away for bed - still raining

Saturday 28th April (Day 2)

Warm as toast through the night but, on the occasions one or other was awake, light rain could still be heard. Due to this rubbish weather we had no inclination to get up and go so we had a slow start but with great bacon butties. They were great as we had found a local, to us, butcher whose bacon is expensive but to die for. After breakfast we sat for a bit looking out at the poor weather. The English never conquered the world by being put off by a bit of bad weather! So by just after 11.00am we were off for a walk along the Rutland Waters. We were not alone, not only walkers and cycles but sheep. We eventually got to the Giant cycle store - which had a 20% sale. The cycles started around £300 and went up to £6000! There may have been some more expensive but by now my wallet and heart were pounding. We wanted to buy for Chris some waterproof leggings as she was getting 'damp' on the walk but no chance. A short walk on the way back found us being dragged, kicking and screaming, into the Wheatsheaf pub. A very pleasant pub from the outside, and inside also, although a bit more modern than I would have liked. We sat and had a drink and looking at the food which looked fabulous. As we were having a group BBQ this evening we opted for ......... crisps. By 2.00pm the rain had stopped and we walked back to the site. We had missed the putting up the marquee for the evening BBQ. Also the group has many clever souls, so much drilling and soldering (the heat type not warfare) was going on fixing LED lights on MH's. Solar panels etc was put off due to the weather. We scurried back to the MH to dry off and warm our wet feet. The poor weather is such a shame as the group seems a really nice bunch of people but it has made it difficult to meet them and chat as awning space is limited. Around 5.30pm the crowd started to gather for the BBQ. What followed was a great time (three people had their birthdays). The cake had three sections one for each of those celebrating (pictured below). What followed was some drink (some take it quite serious), music and general chit-chat and the evening whizzed by. That said by 9.30pm it was cold enough to force people back to their MH's.

Sunday 29th (Day 3)

Last 'day' so no rain! Still chilly and obviously wet underfoot. After breakfast I walked around hoping to find a way to drive off unaided. Then all hands helped bring down and pack the marquee. Next a chat and then a few goodbyes. Off we went on said chosen route but two thirds of the way we lost grip and had to call on the tractor to rescue us. Then it was a 90mile easy drive back to site the motorhome. We haven't bothered to clean the floor as Wednesday we will be back meeting the Autoglass people and Thursday bringing in home for a good clean.

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