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Trip 50 - New Year in Burnham on Crouch

Sunday 31st December (Day 1)

So this is a quick trip away to celebrate the New Year, coupled with the 25th Wedding Anniversary of Georgina and Alan two good friends. The morning was spent at home, well Kids Space in Romford as we had some time with the grandchildren and Ash. They are returning to Switzerland on Tuesday and we will not see them before they go. March / April will be the next time we will see them most likely. Then by 2.30pm off to collect the MH. Load up and fill with water then off to Burnham-on-Crouch which was an easy journey of about an hour, although it was breaking one of our 'rules', ie not driving in the dark. We arrived at the Conservative Club and parked in their car park (with prior agreement). Then a fry up before slowly putting the 'glad rags' on (black tie and evening gown are the order of the day). Just after 7.00pm we made our way the short 400m distance to Georgina's house. While not the first to arrive there were not many present. What followed was a great evening with good food and drink and a wide range of guests - some of whom could be described as 'characters'. 3.00am saw us 'walking' back to the motorhome after watching the fireworks in London on tv and wishing all present a happy new year. A bit chilly in the motorhome but we soon got warm.

Monday 1st January 2018 (Day 2)

We got up around 10.00am, suitably refreshed - to a degree. After breakfast we went for a walk along the river. It was cool but not cold with a slight breeze. However, after a short time it started to rain and so we opted to return to the MH and drive off home. We parked 'Billina' and were back indoors by 2.30pm.

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