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Trip 47 - Spain - 21st to 27th September - Days 29 to 35

Thursday 21st September (Day 29)

Another nice day is promised by the look of the sky. After breakfast we (Chris) did some washing before getting on our bikes and cycling, with Griff and Jackie, to the old town (again) as there was a market. It was, probably, a bit bigger than Calpe but many of the sellers were at both. After a stroll around and some purchases that we ‘could not live without’, and another Christmas present bought. We returned to our bikes and cycled to the port where we had a drink overlooking the blue sea, a view that made a coffee seem much nicer. Back around 2.00pm for a light lunch and then a laze in the sun, with a bit of pool time. We then got ourselves ready for a meal with Lol, Bev, Ian and Lin at a restaurant down on the promenade called Chabada. We all met around 8.00pm and had a great meal over the next couple of hours, indeed Eric claimed it was the best meal of this trip so far. A good variety in the menu, with well cooked food and I really could not argue with him. Then a stroll along the promenade, by now past 11.00pm, in what was still a warm evening. Eventually we said our goodbyes and made our way back to the site for midnight and bed.

Friday 22nd September (Day 30)

Another good day in prospect with some clouds but still mid 20’s. I learned that during the last couple of weeks I had upset some dear friends by my behaviour. I know I am not a saint but never intended such a thing. I have duly apologised and promised to try and mend my ways. Lets hope ‘old dogs and new tricks’ is a wrong saying as I would not like to lose these lovely people. Anyway, no breakfast today as we are, as a group, off to ‘Scallops’ where we ate a couple of nights ago. We have vouchers for a free fried breakfast! We made it a brunch around 11.30am. Sausage, hash brown, bacon, and fried egg were free. Anything extra was one euro, so extravagant. So twelve of us ate a good meal with three litres of fruit juice and three coffees for three euros a couple, and the grub was good tucker. Then a stroll down to the promenade where we had a nice coffee / milk shake / or similar. The group then broke up to do different things. We returned to the motorhome and changed to go for a swim in the sea. It was still gloriously warm water quite ridiculous for late September. The beach here goes out very slowly before getting deep and it is a long way before you are out of your depth. This, coupled with large breaking waves, made it a very enjoyable experience. It was then back to the site where we played the next round of the International boules championship. We started 1 - 0 down today, brought it back to 1 -1 to end up 2 - 1 down. Hopefully we will get the chance to bring things back. A couple from the group leave tomorrow so eight of the twelve went for a ‘goodbye’ curry at the ‘Gurkha Palace’. We stayed behind and cooked at the motorhome and will join them later at the local bar where there is a ‘professional’ singer - Suzy Q. Off to the bar by 8.30pm and what followed was a good raucous night. Suzy Q was a good turn and our group were up and dancing most of the night. Eventually around midnight things quietened down and we made our way home.

Saturday 23rd September (Day 31)

We were up and showered for a cycle ride of about 18 miles this morning. It was quite cool and cloudy, ideal we thought. First our goodbyes to Graham, Chris(tina) and not forgetting Archie the dog. Then off we went. It was a ride that will take in the main viewpoints along the coast. By the time we left the first viewpoint it was raining. Well not really rain a few spots but we decided to ignore them and carry on. What followed was trip with around 12 other viewpoints mainly of the coast and the weather improving all the time. At the ‘lighthouse’ stop we had a coffee in the restaurant which afforded great views over the sea and headland, a great place for a meal. Eventually we started the return journey and met Griff going the opposite way. We teamed up and stopped at a cafe´ for a drink before working out the quickest way home. By now it was time for a late lunch followed by bit of lazing by the motorhome and around the pool. We then all agreed for a mass BBQ - for us it was salmon, which was to die for. A joint washing up and some exercise as we went for a walk along the promenade looking at the people and food / drink venues and the bars all lit up. Eventually we stopped in a bar specialising in ice creams. We, however, went for a crepe with banana, caramel sauce and cream. A short further stroll before returning home around 11.00pm

Sunday 24th September (Day 32)

The last day of the group being together. After a good ‘big boys’ fried breakfast we did some mundane stuff, washing, cleaning etc and stayed around while things dried. By just before lunch we walked down to the beach as a triathlon was coming to a close. Some then went for lunch while we went to the beach and a swim in the sea which was crystal clear, previously it was quite murky due to rough seas out in the bay. The temperature was still upper 20’s and the sea really warm. Around 4.00pm we were back and packing a few things away before lazing around the pool. Just after 7.00pm the remaining ten went for an Indian meal, ‘Ten little Indians’ (?) which was really good but, for Spain, quite expensive I thought. Tomorrow is a ‘bomb burst’ for our group. One van is staying here another moving off to the UK, one to the north, one inland and one to the south. A great three weeks which sadly ends.

Monday 25th September (Day 33)

So today is the day of ‘goodbyes’. By just before 10.00am we bade our farewells and we were off. First stop was the cheap fuel; bugger it if someone ‘moved’ the petrol station so it took longer to find. However, it as worth the effort being 45p a gallon cheaper than most other places. Then off to Torrevieka. On the way we (well I) decided we needed gas as after three weeks I thought the gauge, which was still showing full, must be wrong. We eventually found a station selling it and we appear to be so full still that nothing was dispensed from the pump. Off we go for the last bit of the journey to realise we (well I) had left the gas filler cap at the petrol station. Back we go, but fortunately it was not too far. Then the traffic around Torrevieka was slow. So it was not until around 1.30pm we met with Chris’ brother Mick by ‘The Abbey Tavern’. This is an ‘ English’ pub which from the outside is quite bland but the interior is full of curios and, of an evening, music is played outside and 4.00am is not unheard of to finish. Here we had a drink and some tapas. We then moved the motorhome from the supermarket car park to where we were to sleep for the night, in the roadway near to where Mick was staying, and we went to the ‘pool bar’. Another drink before we decided that a nice swim in the pool was in order followed by a laze / doze in the sun. Mick returned to the bar and we joined him for burger and chips. We finished the night off at the ’Spanish Bar’ with unbelievable cheap drinks that were huge in their measures. Around 11.30pm we staggered home for a sleep.

Tuesday 26th September (Day 34)

Despite the heat of yesterday the night was cool enough that we slept well. By 9.30am we were back at the Spanish Bar for breakfast with Mick. Bacon Butties! Then we said our goodbyes and were off towards Aguilas. We had selected a free spot but upon arriving it was very remote (and we needed some shopping) so we opted for a paid aire in Aguilas which has good reviews. Firstly though we stopped at an Aldi to get some food. We made our way towards the aire but decided to investigate the beach car parks. We had stopped three years before at a great spot overlooking the sea which was free with a bread van delivering each morning. We had read that, due to inconsiderate motor homers that this was now off limits - and so it proved to be. However, just a mile or so down the road we found a beach site spot that did not have the dreaded ‘Motorhomes Overnight Prohibited’ signs. We soon set up and with the sound of the waves gently breaking had lunch in the shade of some palm trees. A walk along the coast, a swim in the very warm sea and a laze followed. We cooked a paella and sat out listening to the waves until we felt the bed calling us.

Wednesday 27th September (Day 35)

Again I can only re-iterate how nice it is to wake up to the sound of the sea - some people pay for CD’s to listen to this! By just before 9.00am the ‘beep beep’ of the bread van sounded and we bought fresh bread for breakfast. Our destination in a couple of days was Gibraltar but that necessitated a longer drive today of around four hours. The majority was a free motorway with stunning views of mountains and the sea. We had a stop at a supermarket for a few much needed items AND diesel at less than a euro a litre - Result! Eventually we arrived at Velez de Malaga, an aire at the port. On the way to the stop we had some rain, only the second time since being away, it was quite heavy and cleaned the windscreen for me. Still very warm and while driving who cares about a bit of rain? The aire at the port was ‘ok’ but nothing to rave about. It was around 2.00pm when we arrived so lunch was the first priority. This was followed by a l-o-n-g walk along the promenade. On our return to the motorhome we sat and recouped our energy. Just before 6.00pm we went out again. The intention was a drink or two at a bar overlooking the sea. So many places to choose from! Our first stop was a ‘Dutch’ bar where karaoke was the order of the day. ‘Tulips from Amsterdam’ and ‘Viva Espania’ were two we recognised. A lively bar with much fun to be had. It would appear from the bars here that the Dutch have taken over this area as they all have menus in Dutch first. Next, and I kid you not, a traditional Spanish Bar, specialising in ……. Dutch Tapas. Here we opted for a litre of Sangria. It took almost twenty minutes to arrive as it was freshly made - no ‘Sangria out of a bottle’ here. It made all the sangria before this pale into nothing. Lots of alcohol and more fruit than a fruit cocktail with extra fruit. We swayed back to the van for a steak meal but were so full we severely cut down on what we intended to cook. Typing now at 9.15pm it is dark but still low / mid 20’s. All being well tomorrow will see us in sight of the ‘Rock of Gibraltar.

Photo: Valdez de MMlaga

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