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Trip 47 - Spain - 21st to 27th September - Days 22 to 28

Thursday 14th September (Day 22)

After the last couple of days activities today was a lazy day. Breakfast was followed - slowly, by a clean of the motorhome and some washing. Then a sit around in the sun. In the early afternoon we had tapas for us all, cooked by the group, and this was followed by a chat and the judging of the ‘two euro challenge tat’. It was won by Sue Lines who as a motor homing couple it is their second consecutive year as a winner as husband Alan won last year. Ours did not come into the running. Indeed the judge remarked that we had such good taste we wouldn’t recognise tat! I think I sold have put in an objection as my tat was quite, well tatty. A compliment? Perhaps but our tat was liked! A colour changing plastic Snoopy with the legend ‘cool dog’. The evening was then an impromptu karaoke evening with, not only us, but some Irish and dutch people joining the fray. Irish songs, Delilah, When I’m 64, and cub camp fire songs featured. It was an exceptionally good night due to the spontaneity. Bed was not until after 11.00pm

Two Euro Challenge Winner with Item and 'Cup'

Friday 15th September (Day 23)

A cooler start to the day. (While ‘cool’ we are still talking mid 20’s.) After breakfast we waited until Lol and Bev came to pick us up for a ‘Magical Mystery Tour’. By just after 11.00am we were off along the coast. Our first stop was Les Fonts de l’Algar. A set of waterfalls and pools in a gorge in the mountains. The approach was very steep but parking was easy. In we went, for a small admission fee, and had a lovely walk. Quite a few brave souls were leaping off the sides into the deep pool or splashing around in the shallower ones. I put my tootsies in but it was, while not actually cold, the wrong side of ‘comfortable’. That coupled with the air was cooler than it has been with a breeze made me glad we left the swim things in the car. It was very picturesque. Before getting back to the car we bought green skinned mandarins which were delicious and then it was a further drive into the mountains. The next stop was a cafe for a beer / coffee which was next to a vintage motorcycle museum. While we did not go into it but there were several vintage motorcycles in the restaurant or outside. Also old Singer sewing machines and old radios. It made for a interesting stop. Outside there was a small shop where Chris managed to buy a coupe of Christmas presents - only 101 sleeps to Christmas! Next off to Guadalest (even higher and further into the mountains). A very old town with narrow streets and quite a lot of museums, plus restaurants, ‘tat’ shops etc. The museums were somewhat quirky; one for torture, one for toys and one for the ‘big on the small’ (so the Eiffel Tower on the head of a pin; the Bible on a human hair). We slowly walked to the top where a Chateau / castle / church was. We waited for it to open for the afternoon session and Bev, Chris and I went around it while Lol went to a cafe for a small beer. It was a very interesting time (for us) with rooms still as they were in the 19th century and the ‘castle’ walls to climb and get a grand view. As we were leaving the chateau it started to rain so we scurried down to meet Lol. We then entered an old style Spanish tapas bar with only locals in (and now us). If you think of the cafe in 'Allo Allo' and move to to Spain you get the idea. We had shunned the more traditional places that tourists would go. The result was delicious and also some unusual tapas. By now it was past 5.00pm so we made our way back to the MH, bade Lol and Bev farewell thanking them for a great day. The rain then set in and all those on site went to the MH’s in small groups before bed.

Saturday 16th September (Day 24)

Some rain during the night was followed with an overcast, but not cold, morning. After breakfast we went to the local market (again) where Chris found a top she liked from the previous week. Then a stroll to get some money from the ‘hole in the wall’ but they all wanted to charge me a fee so stuff that! (I will only pay a fee if I am absolutely desperate for cash and we are not.) A couple of drinks in a local bar (El Barco) then a stroll back for a late lunch. After this we went for cycle ride around. A stop at a Chinese shop (as we have not visited one for four hours nearly) followed by a cycle up to the old town. Here we parked up and went for a stroll. We found a church which was having a Flamenco wedding. We were a bit early so we had a quick beer before returning to see and hear the flamenco singers practice and the groom and then bride arrive. A pleasant unexpected experience. We then cycled in light rain back and had a burger in a bun, the idea was to have more but we were not that hungry. Just before 7.00pm we went to the ‘bikers bar’ as we had discovered a religious procession would pass by. It was quite underwhelming as processions go in Spain! On then to the Tango bar; an ‘Irish bar’ it is at best an average place but most of the others liked it - maybe the 2-4-1 helped). We had previously been here and it is a slightly upmarket sports bar with multi screens showing live football. We had a couple of drinks and a laugh (but I am sure there are better places around). We then moved off to the ‘Exotica’ bar. The name conjures up more to it than it is. Here a couple more drinks and nibbles took place and it was, to my mind, a better location - good service and hot food for those that ate. It was gone 11.00pm when we left to return home after a really good evening. (Last full day tomorrow.)

Sunday 17th September (Day 25)

The last day as a ‘big’ group. After breakfast it was just a laze around. Most of the group did a bit of supermarket shopping before moving off tomorrow. Then it was off to the beach and a bar that served ‘brown’ beer. Not bitter but a bit better than the tasteless lager pish. A good laugh was had here. It was then back to the site and a BBQ around 7.00pm followed by a good chat and repeated thanks etc to Resa and Eric who arranged this part of the trip / meet. It was certainly well deserved as we are a group of people from all over England (and some hail from farther afield). The fortnight had a great balance things to do with no compulsion to join in. Most did and a great time was had by all. That said the group starts to split tomorrow.

Monday 18th September (Day 26)

The end of the (organised) trip. Today we make our own way - well sort of. After breakfast many ‘goodbyes’ were had within the group and with some others also on the site not involved in the group. Three MH’s were off together, making up the ‘Famous Five’. The remainder had decided to go the 15 miles to Xavia to El Naranjal camp site. First stop, for most, was a quick shop at Lidl followed by waved goodbyes again and then off. By midday all were present and correct at El Naranjal - seven units. Chris and I went for a short cycle to ‘sus’ out the area, and very nice it was, both the area and the cycle ride, as there was a lovely sandy bay, good cycle routes and a lot of good bars close by. Lunch and then later in the afternoon Griff. Jackie, Chris and I went for a cycle along the promenade to the old port. Here we saw an age old tradition of fishermen sitting on the harborside sewing / fixing their nets. Then into the old city itself, where a beer had to be had. It is a lovely old town. We cycled back and got our swim stuff to have a dip in the sea (around 5.00pm) which was as warm as you like - almost bath like. Then back to the site and a dip in the pool to make a comparison: result both warm. A shower and chit-chat before a BBQ. The plan was steak with a the trimmings, including fried egg. What a disappointment! The eggs we bought were hard boiled! Who needs to sell bloody hard boiled eggs? Have people lost the recipe? Anyway, still a good meal even without any fried eggs. After clearing up we took a short stroll to one of the others in the group where we slowly gathered to chat away the evening.

Tuesday 19th September (Day 27)

After breakfast the plan was a cycle back to the old city centre of Xavia. Chris, Griff, Jackie and myself set off along the promenade and into the old town. It was another hot day in the mid 20’s and sunny. Securing our bikes by the market hall we went for a wander. The market hall had lots of fresh fish, meat and vegetables and several bars also. The roof was like an upturned boat and quite decorative. The town centre was much busier than yesterday for some reason. More cars. more people, more bars open etc. After a stroll along the narrow streets and alleys and a couple of shops plus a visit to the church we sat outside in one of the squares for a coffee which passed the time quite amiably. Back to the site with a stop en route to purchase some bread for lunch. Lunch consisted of the usual fare plus egg mayonnaise. (I would refer the reader to yesterday to explain that.) Afterwards I cooked an Indonesian curry for tea which was followed by sitting in the sunshine doing, well nothing, until around 3.00pm when it was off on the bikes again to the beach. The warm sea was a bit rougher than yesterday but lovely all the same. I tried some snorkelling but even by the rocks the visibility was poor. The sand here seems so fine the sea picks it up easily causing the problem. Next on the agenda: a laze around the pool (and swim). Then the cooked curry had to be frozen as we are off to the local bar for a quiz night and food. As a group of 14, and with teams of six, we split into a table of six and two tables of four. First though, some food and a good choice of dishes on a menu quite reasonably priced or a restricted choice of dishes for just under £5 (€5). Spaghetti bolognaise for me and a roast beef for Chris. Not cordon bleu but homely cooked food. The quiz was good, with a game of bingo at the ‘half time’. Our table scored 57 out of 90 points coming sixth equal - with another table from our group. The winners scored 73.5 points. Then it was pay up for the meal and a stroll back it was now around 11.30pm so we all went to our Mh’s.

Wednesday 20th September (Day 28)

A cool night so a good nights sleep. Still a slow start to the day but, with many others leaving, space became available for Griff and Jackie to get closer to the main group. He did so but not without mishap as he (slightly) damaged his wheel arch going round a corner a bit like Lewis Hamilton. Not too bad though. We then cycled into the port area and visited the ‘old’ church with a roof that was, from inside, like looking at the bottom of a wooden hull. It also wasn’t really old being only a bout 50 years old. The rest of the church, however, was quite bland. Off again and a coffee overlooking the water was needed. Back to the site, via Lidl, for a late lunch. Then we had a couple of games of boules before getting ready for an early dinner. 5.00pm was the time booked in, much too early for us but we went and sat for a while before ordering after 6.00pm. Still too early but a good compromise. For around £30 a couple we each had a three course meal, a litre and a half of lager; a g+t (Chris); a bottle of wine each and then a voucher for an English fried breakfast. To top it off the food was very good. We then made our way back to the site but all, except Griff and I, stopped off at the bar for karaoke. Not really my scene but I can hear it as plain as day while sitting here on the 20+ degrees with a scotch and a ‘friend’ from Holland who joined me. Some singers were good, some bad, but all giving it there best. Chris returned around midnight having had a good time and bed called.

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