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Trip 47 - Spain - 14th to 20th September - Days 15 to 21

Thursday 7th September (Day 15)

Today is meant to be wet. I took a stroll to Lidl for some bread to find myself with forty or so other people waiting for Lidl to open (9.00am). I thought it strange that so many were there, most with shopping trolleys; I thought they must want to shop early before the day got too hot or wet. The doors open and I am in a trolley dash! I then realise it is Thursday and the new Lidl offers start! They clearly take it very seriously here. Anyway after breakfast it is decided to take a stroll along the coastal path with a coffee stop before returning ‘home’. It was a pleasant stroll in what was almost 30 degree heat with, fortunately, a slight breeze off the sea. Chris and I left the others at the coffee stop and walked a bit further on before returning back to the site. It was now lunchtime but we both needed to cool off in the plunge pool first. The threatened thunder and rain never really materialised; just a few spots was all, not enough to even get wet. The evening was a mass BBQ. Tables were laid out and the difficult part was people all cooking at their MH’s and then getting together to eat, ie timing. It worked well with only one couple being late. Washing and clearing up followed before a men .v. women quiz hosted by Keith. The women team won 29 - 27. More chatting until we all decided we need to quieten down for others on the site and we drifted back to our MH’s.

Friday 8th September (Day 16)

A day of quite a bit of movement on the site. A lot of Spanish who have children are moving off (school starts Monday) and, as fast as a space emptied, someone drives onto it. We opted for the beach and it was like Brighton on a hot day with not much space. It is a long time since I have been on a beach this busy. The sea was glorious though and there was some entertainment for an hour due to a keep fit workout on the beach to music. We cycled back for lunch but had to go and buy it first. So then lunch and a shower to wash off the sea and sand. For the afternoon a ‘Pimms Day’ was arranged. We all gathered and drank ….Pimms …… Lots of it with olives, peanuts and tapas. Later it was decided to have ‘takeaway pizza’ for diner. This got a bit involved. No internet menu was available so we had to walk and photo the menu. The phone with the menu photo was circulated and people ordered (written down). Then the money had to be collected / order placed by phone before walking to the restaurant to collect. It was worth waiting for. More chatting and then around 11.00pm bed.

Saturday 9th September (Day 17)

After breakfast it was a 10.15am meet to walk to the Saturday Market which is much bigger than the Wednesday one. Of most of us went and enjoyed a walk along the market finding the odd thing or two we desperately found we needed. Some had to study every item at every stall, as we were not like that, we were a bit quicker. We, therefore, left the market before the others and went to the ‘Chinese Shop’ to replace the glass I broke. It was then to ‘El Barco’ a bar where we all slowly gathered for a few drinks (and tapas). By just after 2.00pm people were leaving to go back to the site; I was fortunate and got a lift back on a motor tricycle. It was then a sit around and relax, especially as the weather was threatening to rain - well it did but again the ground did not get wet. Anyway by around 7.00pm we all gathered to go for a meal. It was just trying to rain but umbrellas, although taken, were not needed. We eventually got to the seafront and the ‘Tango’ bar beckoned (a ‘genuine’ Irish Pub(?)). In we went for some drinks as it was ‘happy hour’. It was obvious what was going to happen - more drinks and no desire to move to another restaurant, so we ate there. Reasonable food at prices that could buy better elsewhere was my view, but a good time was had. Afterwards some went for a stroll along the front but four of us (Su, Alan, Chris and I) walked back and turned in.

Sunday 10th September (Day 18)

A good bit of rain through the night but we can manage that! After breakfast we did a totally mundane but necessary thing - washing. We then sat around for the short time it took to dry in the near 30 degree heat. Next we went for a cycle ride of about ten miles. Viewing some properties for sale and then making our way to the ‘Ermita Del Capata’. We eventually found it a small chapel where, today, they had a procession of the Virgin Mary wth a bower bedecked in flowers. While we missed the procession we were there for the end of it and the ‘social’ gathering at the cafe. It was a lively affair. We then cycled back for a light lunch and sat around relaxing and enjoying the ‘doing nothing’. A bit later Eric and I went for a cycle ride of about seven miles around the old town and general area. On returning it was agreed that eight of us would BBQ / eat and so by 7.00pm we did. This was followed by a mass wash up. Then the group gathered for a second quiz (the men were 1 - 0 down). A good event followed with one male member dressing as a woman “to join the winning team”. Well he failed as the men won 29 - 25, with much raucous barracking from the ladies who were, for some, not happy a on this occasion as we cheated with a ‘Rock and Pop’ round (They might be correct as Eric is an encyclopaedia on this topic). They ignored the cat that over the other two rounds we would have squeezed a one point win. 1-1 for the World Quiz Tournament. “To the victor the spoils”; and it will be different another day I am sure.

Monday 11th September (Day 19)

A a cool night but today has the promise of being really hot. We had a fried breakfast and then mounted our steeds and cycled down to the beach. While still busy it was much better as the Spanish children are back at school. Chris lazed around reading while I walked the beach, swam and snorkelled - I should mention that Chris did have a swim. We were joined by Resa and Eric. By just after 1.00pm we were toasted and returned to the site for a light lunch and then a quick shop as tonight is “Paella Night”. A couple are cooking Paella while the others are doing garlic bread, salads, etc. We are also going to be joined by Lol and Bev so 23 for the meal! We were still hot as it is over 30 degrees today but, thankfully, with a gentle breeze. Chris and I ventured into the plunge pool to cool down and followed this by a shower to change for this evening. Lol and Bev arrived around 5.00pm and by 6.30 Su and Gill (aided by others) produced enough paella to feed a refugee camp in Africa. It was delicious and with all the other food to hand (and a little bit of wine) we all had a great time. Lol and Bev left around 9.00pm and not long after we all waddled back for some recuperative sleep.

Tuesday 12th September (Day 20)

Today is going to be a challenge. After an early breakfast five of the group set off with lots of water to climb the Peñón de Ifach, a rock dominating Calpe that is 332m (1000ft) high. To access the main part there is a tunnel and then a rudimentary path but with smooth slippery surfaces and the need, occasionally, to have ropes and chains to progress. It is a difficult climb with some narrow parts with sheer drops. Eventually we got to the top and the views and sense of achievement were glorious. Coming down was more of a challenge with pressure on the knees and toes. 90 minutes up and 50 down. We then met most the group at a bar for a much needed beer, moving on to the port for a fresh seafood meal. Ten euros for a meal of moules; a main of swordfish, a desert of Creme Brûlée, with bread and wine and sangria - a bargain. A slow walk back to the site and a dunk in the pool to cool down. The rest of the afternoon / evening was chatting and the odd libation. Tomorrow it is ‘Destination Benidorm’.

Wednesday 13th September (Day 21)

Today we were off to ‘Little UK’ or Benidorm. We were up prompt to walk to Calpe port to catch the 10.00am ferry to Benidorm - then an hours trip. The boat trip was in glorious sunshine with ‘elf’n’safety’ taken very seriously, ie no information given at all in case of misadventure. Benidrom; while I am sure lots of people like Benidorm, to me it is the epitome of ‘not wanting to be British’.

* Perfectly healthy people get tandem invalid carriages to drive around on them (some ludicrously fast); hop off; get a few drinks inside them; and off they go again. (I am sure a few genuinely need them.)

* There is probably more tattoos to the square kilometre than the sailors of ALL the ships in the world.

* The Spanish language, for a large area, has become a second language - after English; and

* Union Flag shorts are rife.

However I digress, we landed just after 11.00am in 34 degrees sunshine and had a coffee before embarking on the ‘Two Euro Challenge’. You have to spend no more than two euros on the tackiest, naffest, gaudiest souvenir (the result will be judged tomorrow). After that we all strolled around aimlessly until a few sat down for ‘Happy (two) hour’ in a Karaoke bar. What followed was very entertaining. Eric sang his showstopper (Delilah) which we all joined in with. Several other frequenters of the bar also sang their song choices (with country and western being quite prominent, although we did have a good rendition of ‘Chasing Cars’). Then Cristal appeared. (S)he was in white leggings and a platinum blonde wig and a figure hugging dress. Her first rendition was ‘Stand By Your Man’. It brought the house down, the whole place was singing with our group leading the way. Anyway, it was nearly 3.00pm by the time we left in search of food and, true to Benidorm, some English Fare was had - Donner Kebab and chips; pasty and chips, Steak Pie and chips, by way of example. That said it was hot, tasty and good value. Chris and myself left the others to find the hotel we stayed in 39 years ago for our honeymoon. (We found it being renovated two or three years ago.) It was now opened, but renamed and very posh. For old times sake we had a drink before a long hot and sticky forty minute walk back to catch the boat. The boat journey back was uneventful but very pleasant and then it was decided to go to a local bar, ‘El Barco’. It was shut. Much discussion and a return to the site was the favoured option. On the way back we found a few of the group in a bar at a petrol garage - they know how to live. Those with the cast iron will then stopped to drink in this salubrious establishment, while others continued on. It was then around 8.30pm that a ‘sit around, chat, drink and laugh evening’ developed until slowly people disappeared to their MH for a well earned rest.

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