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Trip 47 - Battfest and Spain - 31st August to 7th September - (Days 8 to 14)

Thursday 31st August (Day 8)

As we had an early night we woke up quite early but refreshed. We still did not get up though, so it was not until just before 10.00am we were off and following the satnav ‘lady’. The first part was over 180km without a turning. This was followed by a bit of junction navigating before another 100km plus on one road. We stopped for diesel but could not get any food shopping as the l’Eclerc had a height barrier of 2.5m (we are 3.05m). Off again and a small detour for a coop (closed). Our next attempt was an Intermarché and success some much needed provisions were purchased. From here it was a short drive of about 6km to our chosen stopping point. A place called Clerac. We parked over looking a small lake with only one other MH present. A walk around the village followed, including a walk around their museum on the past life and occupations of the village - blacksmiths, coopers, carpenter, farm workers etc. It was then late afternoon and we decided upon a circular walk of about 10km. It was 31 degrees when we arrived but low to mid 20’s now. Off we went following the yellow arrows. At one point as we past a remote house we were barked at by a friendly dog but then chased by a goose who was intent on biting me / Chris / us. We escaped. A bit further on the arrows petered out. We either had to risk going on or return past the damn goose. So, armed with a big stick, the goose it was. We needed the stick in fact I would have liked a longer one, but we got past without being savaged. By now it was well after 7.00pm so dinner was uppermost in our mind. While cooking a young German ‘couple’ came and asked if we would like to play Yahtzee. While we agreed we told them we would come after our meal. Just after 8.00pm we walked up to their camper van and it became clear we were going to play Yahtzee in ours as they had no real seats or electricity. They had an old Ford Transit minibus ‘converted’ into a basic camper van. Most suitable for youngsters but us ‘old uns’ needed a bit more comfort. The girl was called Levke (an old Germanic name meaning ‘darling’) and was 20 and her friend was 18 year old Jacob. We played Yahtzee and Rummicub before I taught them Liar Dice and Wilderbeast. In return they taught us a German drinking game - no drinks were used. Eventually, around 10.30pm we said our goodbyes and retired to bed.

Friday 1st September (Day 9)

A bright sunny day and a slow start. We both took the opportunity to have a good (longer than usual shower) as the water fill facilities were free. Also all the waste disposal AND electricity had we wanted it were free. (This is why we come abroad as all the ‘peasants’ running councils in the UK (not Scotland) can do is put up height barriers). Anyway by just before 10.00am we were off with Spain as our next stop. The drive was good and, apart from the ring road around Bordeaux, the traffic was trouble free. We experienced a bit of showery rain but by mid afternoon it had gone. As we were approaching the ‘Tunel de Somport' (well about 40 Km away) we saw a motorhome in the distance. Nothing strange there I hear you say but it was Resa and Eric who we left on Wednesday to go our separate ways. As there was only the one road to the tunnel we followed them. This is a free tunnel under the Pyrenees that is just over five miles long and almost empty of traffic. We popped out the other side into Spain and the descent from the mountains was very pleasant. We continued to follow Resa and Eric until we stopped at an aire, next to a police station, at Sabinañigo. We parked up and sat in the sunshine for a while before Chris and I walked into the town. Not very inspiring, I am sure there is a old quaint part but we never found it. We didn't even find an old church but it may have been hidden by all the drab, modern, blocks of flats that seems to make up this city. Dinner followed, a discussion on tomorrows stopover and then a few games in the MH before 11.00pm bed.

Saturday 2nd September (Day 10)

Another nice blue sky to greet us which, I think will be a feature for some time to come. We had a quick breakfast and were off. Both Resa, Eric and ourselves had settled on a stop for the night but we both detest being ‘in convoy’ so are making our own way. It was about 400Km (or 250 miles n ‘Brexit Talk’). The majority was free motorway with almost no traffic. Chris and I shared the driving and had two stops; one for diesel and the second for lunch (and diesel as I had not put enough in to get to Calpe). The last part of the journey was unbelievable (almost). Narrow roads, switchback bends, incredible views, steep climbs and descents, just a joy to drive and see. (The stopover stated it was ‘off the beaten track’ so read for the the ‘ar*e end of nowhere’.) Anyway we parked up at Benagéber the second Mh there, of twenty places. The temperature was in the high 20’s. We went for a stroll to the viewpoint, a two mile round trip, which did give great views. On our return Resa and Eric had arrived. We, however, left them sunbathing and walked the 500m into the village. It was the nicest ‘out of the way’ village we have been to with no derelict / sadly in need of renovation buildings. (It is probably a centre for skiing.) Back at the MH we sat in the sun and chatted and then each prepared dinner. The remainder of the evening was taken up with games, chatter and laughter, what could be better? Life really is good.

Sunday 3rd September (Day 11)

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you…. well you get the idea. Chris has her birthday to day. After scrambled egg on toast with smoked salmon it was card opening time. Then the mundane stuff of sorting the van’s liquids out before off for the 200Km drive to Moraira our stop for tonight. The first part was again a lovely drive with twisty roads and views but soon this gave way to motorways and the infamous N332. By lunchtime we parked up in Moraira and strolled across to a tapas bar and had a tasty light lunch. Then, as all the car parks are now ‘No motorhomes’ (our thanks go to those who have spoilt it for others) it was off to Camp Moraira, with unbelievable showers and toilets - all marble Here we had to wait for a Spanish man to leave with his caravan, who should have been away three hours earlier. Only to find that we were actually waiting for his wife to move their other car. off of two pitches! A sit and relax followed by a swim in the pool, more sitting / relaxing then a nice shower before we changed for an evening meal. A short while before going for the meal a man appeared from the site restaurant with sangria and tapas to tempt the campers to go to the restaurant. However, 7.45pm saw us strolling down the hill to Gemisant, an italian restaurant. Here we met Lol, Bev, Lara and Toby. We had a great meal, made all the better as the owner knows Lol and Bev so we got special treatment, ie better wine. Around 10.30pm we strolled back to the MH having said our goodbyes and retired for the night.

Monday 4th September (Day 12)

Had a very sticky night as it just did not cool down. By 10.00am we were off, following Eric on the short journey to Calpe which is about 10km. First stop a shop for food and drink and then to the Camp Site, El Paraiso. We were soon set up and slowly the rest of the gang arrived. Sitting and resting in the 30 degree heat was a bit like sitting in the pit lane of Formula 1, with one MH after another coming in and to and fro-ing to get parked. The rest of the day was made up of greeting those arriving, sitting and chatting and by around 8.00pm cooking. Then again more chat until almost midnight it was time to sleep.

Tuesday 5th September (Day 13)

After a good nights sleep we were woken to a text that has shattered our comfortable life - the details will not be explained, except it is extremely upsetting for us both. After sorting ourselves out we went on a cycle ride to the the west of Calpe up into the hills. It was, for Chris, a hill too far with the 30 degrees and steepness of the hills resulting in her feeing faint / sick. She needed to sit on the roadway to compose herself before we returned down to Calpe. We made our way to the beach where we had a coffee and some chilled water. Then a stroll along the promenade before retiring to the site for a light lunch. Chris was still not herself so the rest of the day was spent in the shade just chatting. Come the evening we had a BBQ while the others merely snacked as they ate lunchtime (mega style). A sing song and and then bed followed. (Did I mention it was a full moon?)

Wednesday 6th September (Day 14)

Another good day with high temperatures. After breakfast it was just spending time around the site. The females went to a ‘rummage and scrummage’ market and then menfolk followed an hour or so later. A few drinks in the local bar and then a walk up ‘Cardiac Hill’ to a Chinese restaurant where we had booked for 23 people to eat. A good meal then followed with much laughter and jollity. We then walk back towards the site but actually the plan was to all meet up at the ‘Bikers Bar’. We, apparently took the scenic route’ meaning we had about an extra mile or so to walk. Most of us had a drink or two here before walking back to the site, it was still warm (around 8.00pm and mid 20 degrees) and we were hot a sweaty so several cooled down in the pool before a sit and chat. Eventually, at around 11.00pm we said our goodnights. it was warm but the weather forecast is for thunder storms tomorrow.

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