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Trip 47 - Battfest and Spain - 24th to 30th August (Days 1 to 7)

Thursday 24th August (Day 1)

The start of a longish journey. A delayed start due to me having an appointment at the chiropractic (witch craft it works so well). Then around 10.00am off we go. First stop for gas - machine not working. Second stop a few items we needed to buy, Third stop gas (in Ipswich). Then on to Paradise Barn, Cheddiston, Suffolk the scene of ‘Battfest’. We arrived on time to help put the marquee up and then unload the van of the sound and lighting system which then had to be erected. This was interrupted by a much needed fish and chip meal. The rest of the evening was a chat in the main marquee before we all retired around 10.30pm.

Friday 25th August (Day 2)

A lovely day in the offing with temperatures in excess of 20 degrees. A busy day also as we needed to continue with the setting up o the sound system and lighting and on a more mundane note setting out tables and chairs. Alan went to Southwold to pick up some Adnams beer while we sorted out arranging power to the marquee. The day just got warmer and nicer. People arrived from far afield during the day, St Ives, Sheffield, Bracknell and many more places. Sorting out where they were to set up their motorhomes, caravans and tents, ensuring they had a power supply got more challenging, especially the power. Ten more outfits arrived today with all of them wanting power. What we do tomorrow with a further ten arriving is an interesting issue, as we only had eight power sockets. Indeed one couple arrived in the near dark with their car on a low loader. The tent was set up and the low loader went off with the car still on it as it was to be scrapped. We had a loud sound check during the day with two of the acts and more sound checks were needed tomorrow. Clearly I have found why I am not a musician. Talks were had about the ‘brightness’ of the sound and other things to do with bass and balance and ‘stuff’. I suppose the other reason I am not a musician is I am naff at anything more challenging that a kazoo or triangle. By about 5.00pm Matt arrived to stay for the night. The evening then was a mishmash of BBQ, drink and chatting around the fire, with foraging in the dark for wood, until around 2.00am. (The one issue was that during the afternoon someone had stolen 36 pints of Adnams from the marquee - annoying is an understatement.)

Saturday 26th August (Day 3)

A grey day at the start and, indeed, the morning saw a few spots of rain. There were still some ten units to arrive to day, some did not make it until gone 5.00pm. Meanwhile Matt left about 9.30am to go to Em’s for a family day / night. We decided to go for a cycle using our new electric bikes. What followed was a 21 mile ride with quite little use of the power so upon return their was no notification that any power from the battery had been used. The bikes made the hills easier as they seem t be getting steeper as we get older. We cycled to Bungay and then onto Flixton to an Inn. It was shut, only opening at 6.00pm. Next door was a museum of military aircraft - also shut. So we rode back towards Cheddiston and our base for the weekend, stopping at the Roe Buck pub a lovely beer and sandwich was had. By now, while still cloudy it was still very humid. Most had arrived by the time we got back and we played games, Kubb, Badminton, Lawn darts etc until just after 5.30pm by which time the roast was ready. Roast lamb, roast pork, couscous, rice salad, macaroni cheese and much more for £5 a head. Next the main event - music. One of those present have sung on Pink Floyd albums and most were quite well known and all were friends of cousin Alan. We were over there for 8.00pm and a guy named Adam Schofield started the event off he was really good and even ‘stole’ a tune and put words to it about the event and cousin Alan. He went down really well with the group (who were still sober). He was followed by Mike and Cat and their bass / acoustic guitarist, Alan, and drummer Andy. They did a fab set that was apparently different from their usual. it was great with some singing along by us. By 10.30pm Nick Harper was on. His guitar playing was just amazing. Some of the lyrics were quite punchy and political. For instance one song was about Trump and another about the ‘Money Tree’ in the UK that feeds the rich and doesn't help the poor. He sang all alone until 12.20am. (2hours!!) Then around twenty of us stayed and played music and danced / chatted until 3.20am with me being the DJ. A really good day.

Sunday 27th August (Day 4)

A sunny start to the day with the promise of 25 degrees. There were a few sore heads. The whole day was spent on site and by lunch time Matt and Em arrived and were staying overnight - we had put a tent up for them. Much chatting, laughter and games followed with many playing boules and being introduced to kubb. By around 8.00pm after a mass bbq we made our way over to the marquee for karaoke. Mike and Cat sang at my 50th birthday (a while ago). Ever since then Matt who was eleven at the time, remembers them singing a Nickleback song. They sang the song especially for Matt which was really lovely. Anyway a good karaoke / jam session followed until around 3.00am went all who were still there, around 20 people, had a mass sing of Bohemian Rhapsody. slowly after this people wandered back to their beds. Some stayed almost an hour longer.

Monday 28th August (Day 5)

The hottest day so far. There were few more sore heads today. Most people spent the morning packing up and then taking half an hour saying goodbyes, with the number of people present it took time, although the later you left the fewer were there to say goodbye to. Other started the process of dismantling the lighting and sound system and loading the van. The next job was the marquee and flooring but had to wait for the owner to arrive and supervise. He arrived mid afternoon after we had said goodbye to Matt and Em. Taking the marquee down was not too taxing but the flooring was hard work, especially in the now 27 degrees. The ‘marquee man’ told us that people in Halesworth were asking where the music was coming from. Halesworth is about two miles away as the crow flies. By now there were only three units on site. A rest in the shade was needed with all having a shower to cool down / smell better. For the evening the five (Alan,Chris, Tania ,Derrick and myself) of us got into Derricks car and drove about five miles to a pub, The Horseman and Hounds. Here we all had a good steak meal, paid for by Alan as a thank you for helping him with Battfest Then back to the site. We were all knackered and there was no discussion about whether to sit around the fire or not it was just ‘goodnight’ and bed.

Tuesday 29th (Day 6)

I awoke and saw the time was 8.30am and we had overslept by half an hour. No real panic but we had intended to leave around 9.00am It then became apparent I cannot tell the time and it was 7.30am so we slowed down. A bit after 9.00am we said our farewells and were off. First stop home, as it was only a four mile detour from the route to the Channel Tunnel on our way to Spain.We are meeting up with 10 or so other MH’s most of whom At home we restocked the freezer, collected the two or three items we decided we did not pack and bought some fresh milk. By 12.45pm we were off. We had a good run to the tunnel where we were to go on the 16.50 but we were able to get on one an hour earlier. We still had almost a two hour wait so we dozed in the MH. The weekend has been really great, well organised, good music, a good group of people, most that we did not know but feel we do now. But we feel like we have just returned from a cub camp and are shattered still and will certainly get an early night. We got off the train at 5.30pm (with the hour added) and were quickly away as we were the third vehicle from the front. We had selected one of three stopovers about two hours drive from the terminal. Two were in Le Crotoy and we thought a couple of those going to Spain might be there. A lovely easy drive saw us pulling in to the aire to find three others units (six people) going to Spain sitting around chatting. We joined in and around 8.00pm they went for a meal while we cooked in the MH. Afterwards we went for a walk along the beach in the (half) moonlight before rejoining the others as they left the restaurant and walked back to the MH’s. All had a tiring day so it was off to our MH’s for sleep.

Wednesday 30th August (Day 7)

Well the plan was an early night to get some sleep. Well around 1.15am the wind got up and started clattering the roof vents and then rocking the MH. This was followed by a few spots of rain before an hour of thunder and Lightening. (Question: why we say it that way around when the lightening comes first?) Finally, heavy rain like a mad drummer was using the roof. Morning came and started grey and misty. After breakfast we were off following the lady on the satnav. It continued dull and drizzly. A stop to purchase some diesel and meat for tea and then off again. We have decided that while it is miserable outside that we might as well drive. After filling with diesel we pulled out behind Eric and Resa - the organisers of the first part of this trip in Calpe. We followed for quite away until they continued on and our satnav lady instructed us differently. Unusual as we both have the same satnav! Anyway what followed was a lovely drive away from dual carriageways and through green country lanes (but still fast) and pretty villages. Eventually after a quick consultation we opted to stop at Mennetou-Sur-Cher a free stopover. Once parked the weather improved and so we crossed a small wooden bridge over the canal into the fortified 12th century town and meandered around for an hour or so. Each turn brought something new - well old really. To give us a bit more exercise we then opted for a walk along the canal, across a small bridge and back a distance of about a mile and a half.

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