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Trip 46 - Swaffham and Norwich

Monday 17th July (Day 1)

Off on a trip with the Norfolk Show as our end destination (not until Thursday) but first a visit to the Chiropractic as Chris is in the middle of a group of sessions to sort (hopefully) her bad back. Up to the motorhome and there then followed the usual load the van and fill up with water before a couple of hours drive to Swaffham Rugby Football Club where the Motorhome Club was holding a meet. There we met up with five other vans with people that we know who will also be in Calpe, Spain in September. In additon there was about thirty other motorhomers to get to know. The day was mostly spent catching up with the gossip but a quick stroll into town was a small diversion. A visit to the Red Lion was had (and will not be repeated) as they were out of real ale, did not sell pear cider, and the staff were really off hand. A BBQ followed then more chatting until bed called us all.

Tuesday 18th July (Day 2)

The day started of with a 'Big Boys' breakfast. The weather was warm with a promise of more heat but there was a breeze so not as warm as we would like.A general group chat was followed by a walk into the town for a shop / look around. The main church had a great association to a 'pedlar' (someone who sells pots and pans). John Chapman was a pedlar who had a dream that a trip to London would make a fortune,. While there he was told to go to Swaffham where he would find a John Chapman and under a hawthorn bush would find a fortune. Not happy he returned home and found exactly that, a pot of gold coins under a hawthorn tree. To hide his fortune he put the pot of money in the shop window with the other pots as no one would want such an old battered pot. It had Latin on it and a monk from Walsingham translated it.(Roughly it was "Well done for finding this pot now dig further for more", I have paraphrased it.) Subsequently he found another pot with even more gold coins. The church then suffered major damage and he paid for a lot of it to be restored / rebuilt. A lot of the town is dedicated or named after him - mainly Pedlar not Chapman. Most of our group then had a main meal at the 'Swaffham Cafe' which we would have joined in with had it not been for the big breakfast we had. What a meal they all had and such good value. Indeed some couldn't finish their meal due to the size of it. It was then time to search for a beer. Yesterday's pub was out (it was rubbish) and the nearest to that looked, well a bit of a dive. Other pubs in the town only opened in the evening so back to the motorhomes was the decision. (Well no shortage of drinks there.) A nice slow afternoon with a meal. Eric then heard an ice cream van in a nearby street and was off like a greyhound to buy one. He then got said ice cream van to come onto the site where I think he took more money than he normally does the whole night. Next on the agenda saw us all gathering in the club house for a communal drink and a quiz. A great couple of quizzes in fact that was enjoyable for all and eventually we actually came out winners. A few more drinks followed before we all retired for the night with King's Lynn being tomorrow's objective.

Wednesday 19th July (Day 3)

Well what thunder, lightening and rain we had last night. Other pars of the country were flooded so we were, on balance, quite fortunate. After breakfast we strolled in to Swaffham to catch the X1 to King's Lynn. Being the youngsters we had to pay; the others all had bus passes. Just after 11.00am we were there and first a cup of coffee. Then we split up. Chris and I did part of the Heritage walk. Of the 23 'must see; things on the map we managed eleven of them. One of the best was St Nicholas' Chapel the largest surviving Parochial Church. The church was good but this evening there was a music al concert and they were practising. Other notable places was the old town hall, King's Lynn Minster and The Custom House. The whole town was a nice place to stroll and I am sure we will return another tine to pay a visit. Lunch was at Weatherspoons (where else). Then a bit more retail therapy, for some, before catching the 16.11 bus back. As we had a main meal at lunchtime we just had some bread and cheese before going up to the club house for tonights 'entertainment'. We started off with a game where a person had to hum a tune and others guess it (humbug). The other half of our group won the humbug. This was then followed by the Chairman of the Anglia group playing a guitar which was amplified and singing songs; Irish 'rebel' songs; folk songs; pop songs all (or most) of which were known so we all sang along. It was a slow starter the night but a great night was had by all. We all toddled back after 11.00pm for a well deserved rest.

Thursday 20th July (Day 4)

A good nights sleep but with a bit of rain to keep us awake. A grey start to the day but breakfast and goodbyes followed, before a 23 mile (40 minute) drive to the Norfolk Showground. Here we set up and spent time hiding away from grey skies and drizzle. Eric said "4.00pm it will be sunny". Well he is either a sage or a wizard that needs to be burnt. 4.00pm arrived and the sun came out and a lovely late afternoon / evening followed. A gathering took place with the odd drink, chat, and discussions with those walking by. The weather was good and sunny by late afternoon. It was still the right decision to have jacket potato rather than a BBQ as the evening 'promise' was much cooler. After the meal we split; some going to the evening entertainment (Motown) which while it may have been good was accompanied with over priced and rubbish drinks; or sit and drink and chat. The latter was our decision for tonight (tomorrow nay be different). By 11.00pm it was decidedly chilly and we all decided to say our good nights.

Friday 21st July (Day 5)

A simple day; breakfast, chat, stroll into the Showground, lunch, chat, tea and chat. While that sums it up and it may seem to many bland it has been an enjoyable day with people we rarely see. The weather could have been kinder as, while it did not rain, it was mostly cloudy and coolish. When the sun was out it was glorious but that was a rarity. The wind was also quite strong and some brought their awnings in. Most of the group went to the show arena in the evening for more Motown music but for us the general chat with our own choice of music and drink (not at four plus pound for a pint of pish) was to our minds preferable.

Saturday 22nd July (Day 6)

A day of frustrations. After a cup of tea we caught the bus into Norwich where we had breakfast. Then a stroll around the city. The market place (colourful and pretty) a couple of churches including the cathedrall; a shopping centre all featured with a pint at a local pub mid-way, Then the trip back to the Showground. A phrase of 'can't arrange a good drink in a brewery' soon came to mind. When we arrived some in the queue had been waiting 90 minutes, but they just sat on a wall waiting. I was on the phone straight away, as the pick up should be every 20-30 minutes. The sorry tale was we were dropped off at the wrong place and so were not at a designated pick up point. Phone calls and texts proved fairly useless despite the Warner's staff trying their best. Eventually off we all went to the correct pick up point to join a huge crowd waiting for the bus. So many that some security appeared to get us to queue away from the shopping centre. Eventually the phone rang and we were informed a bus had arrived at the place we were at and we were not there! I had to count to ten slowly before replying. Then two coaches arrived and about half the queue were off. Still a couple of coach loads were left behind. To compound things about 400m up the road were about fifty or more people also waiting at the wrong place for a lift back to the showground. The phrase 'drink up' and 'brewery' comes to mind. After almost three hours we arrive back just in time to join the others for they planned Cheese and wine party. Before that, however, we discovered that I had lost the keys to the motorhome. A frantic search of pockets and back pack failed to find them. Fortunately Chris always carries the spare set so other than a bill of around £200 to replace the two remotes and key all was well. The cheese and wine was not only just a social thing but three of those present had their 70th birthday in the recent past so a cake and 'Happy Birthday' was involved. This soiree continued until around 11.00pm when we all turned in. A big thank you must be given to Resa & Eric for a hosting a fabulous weekend.

PHOTO: Market place; cathedral' cheese and wine

Sunday 23rd July (Day 7)

A slow start with fairly poor weather (well rain). We stayed in our camp area for a while. (Ray gave us some small entertainment in that he went to empty his toilet and in doing so caught it on a corner of the disposal point which punctured a hole in it.) I concede it was not really funny (at all) but this resulted in the sages of the group coming up with solutions to allow them to use the loo, all of which failed in some degree. A walk around the show area followed and then a light lunch. Some more exercise was needed so we again walked around the, very small, show area again. Back at the site and it was 'all hands to the tiller' to prepare for a mass BBQ. Jacket potatoes for 18 and cheese and fried onions and well lots of food. We also had to manage enough space for all to BBQ And sit under cover. These preparations had to account for the chance of rain - which did occur. By the time the BBQ was being eaten the sun was out and people migrated from the cover to the outside. The weather stayed reasonably nice and in the end the majority of us sat out by a firepit until 11.00pm. The end to a really good week.

Monday 24th July (Day 8)

The morning stated with light rain so all the awning and covers got wet. So we started slowly and had a good breakfast watching the others scurry around and pack up. Then it was our turn and about 60 minutes later we were off having first said our goodbyes to the others who almost all left before us. Then a good drive back to where the motorhome lives and home to Hornchurch by 2.30pm. The week was really good and, in fact, seemed longer that that.

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