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Trip 45 - Days 36 to 42 - Europe

Tuesday 30th May (Day 36)

The plan to day was a move north to Arguedas. After breakfast a chance chat to a Belgium resulted us going 35km south west instead of 120km north. We went to the Monastery and gardens of Piedre. The road there was appalling, 30kmh and still our china rattled and teeth fillings also. We eventually arrived and paid our entrance, €11 a person ('cos we are 'old'). We missed the 12.15 visit to the monastery so went to the gardens. We were expecting flowers but we were very wrong, although not disappointed. The paths led around a long route with waterfalls, tunnels and caves. A really great walk in a pleasant 20+ degree heat. Having returned to the monastery we found we had an hour plus wait for the next tour so returned to the motorhome for a cup of tea. I then realised my i-phone was missing; we rang it and it was answered by the lady in the souvenir shop - a result. The tour of the monastery was only in Spanish so we were allowed to make our own way around, making the wait for the tour a bit of nonsense but it made things quicker, however the passion of the guide was missing. We then made our way back along the the same badly maintained road to Calatuyad. Here we went again into town to visit the churches. Four attempts now to visit these 'treasures' and each time they were closed and so it proved again. Calatuyad has been closed to us on several occasions now so we will miss it in the future, although as a stop it is quite convenient. Before returning to the motohome we had a drink at a town square where local children and adults congregated giving some entertainment for us. The weather was threatening to soak and for an hour or so we had flashes of lightening and great rumblings of thunder plus a few big spots of rain but it amounted to nothing in the end. A good day with an unexpected visit to the monastery.

Wednesday 31st May (Day 37)

So off today for sure. Off I go about 8.30am to get some bread. Oh this is Calatayud; the shops are shut; bakers, supermarkets, what is it with this place. I espy a lady with a French stick. I chase after her to find out where she purchased said item (or mug her for it). She turns a corner and just disappears. Eventually I see two old men standing outside a bread shop. At 8.50am the owner opens up. I then wait to be served. The two men in front of me take over a dozen loaves each! Still enough left for me. Breakfast over and MH sorted we move off. The journey today is about 140km to Arguedas. The trip was uneventful and the Aire delightful. Marked bays and by a cliff face with 'windows' in it, as troglodyte residents used to live there. Something to be explored later. When we arrived we parked next to a German couple driving a big converted bus. We enquired about it and it transpired it was made in 1966; I was going to mention to them what a good year that was but thought better of it as they have had a few more 'better' years than us! Anyway we had arrived about 12.45pm and it was nudging 30 degrees. So what to do? Obviously get the bikes off and go for a ride. An 18 mile ride in the Bardenas Reales. If you are unsure what that is, well, it is the biggest desert in Europe. It was an experience to say the least. We had been told it was flat but clearly that was by a person who visited it in a vehicle. It is not flat. What it is is very bumpy. Motorhomes and cars were trundling around. Our motorhome is coming nowhere near these tracks! Above us were birds of prey clearly thinking one or both of us might make a meal. After a couple of hours we were back safe and well, hot, tired, thirsty (despite two litres of water) and red in a few places. However the ride was stunning the scenery weird / western / moon like and much more and we will, I am sure, visit again in the future. We then sat and recovered in the sunshine which lasted until almost 8.00pm and then dinner was had. The Aire was like a united nations of motorhomes and we had a good chat with both Dutch and French to finish the evening off.

Thursday 1st June (Day 38)

A much cooler start but the forecast is 32 degrees today. We had decided on an Aire about two and a half hours away. Soon after leaving Mrs Sat Nav shut down and refused to discuss the route with us. Eventually we reverted to Plan B a back up Sat Nav (Plan C is a map and argueing system). Within forty minutes or so Mrs Sat Nav woke up so all was well up to a point, well we can't blame her for the road conditions. Never let anyone in Kent moan about the roads unchallenged. (Don't they always seem to be the people to complain about the roads?) We were on a major route in Spain and held up for ten minutes at an alternate working road bit. This was followed by a mile of, well goat track would be too posh a description. This was then followed by at least 20 miles of driving along an appalling road surface; we drove partway over the nearside line or over the central line to try and arrive with some of the furniture and fittings not shaken to bits. I have rarely been on something so bad and never for so long a distance. We tried to stop after this for some shopping and got taken around little back streets so we gave up looking for this 'supermarket'. As we left the town we saw a disused grain store (type) building with lots of stork nests and baby storks. Then noticed even more on the power pylons. Next another attempt to shop (more successful although one road we went down only had three or so inches either side clearance). We arrived at lunch time at the Aire in Saranina. It had mixed reviews, ie noisy / quiet. We could not come to a decision who was correct but knew it was not for us. After yesterday in the desert we decided a day away from the sun would be sensible so opted for a longer drive than we would normally consider. So another couple of hours saw us pull up at Navarcles Aire. This was near to a lake, quiet and, well, ok. We parked up and walked around the lake then into the town where the church main door was open but the inside ones were locked. (OK God I am sorry for the Kent comment, can we come in next time?) While in town we ordered freshly cooked croissants for 9.00am tomorrow from the supermarket. Then it was sit and chill in the balmy evening (still high 20's) and plan a camp site for tomorrow. We may be disappointed but we are going to one we took the our sons to nearly twenty years ago - happy memories - Ashley getting CS gassed is just one.

Friday 2nd June (Day 39)

Well a good Aire spoilt by at least three Spanish families. Their dogs bark at the slightest provocation. They should not be allowed to own dogs! Dogs constantly barking is not normal. How the locals have not killed the dogs, or owners, is beyond me. Anyway off we went to El Delphin Verde near Torroella de Mongri. The journey was mainly motorway but with great views along the way. This is a site, as mentioned before, that we went to on two occasions around 2000 with two of our sons and had a fabulous time. We arrived and we're asked "Have you been before?" To which we replied "Yes around seventeen years ago." We were still on the computer system! Booking in was, therefore, much easier and quicker. Our first impression was not good - find a place and let us knows is the ethos, the map / plan is not great. The site had 1100 places, not counting several hundred 'bungalows' and pre-set up tents. Also they did not even know where the water fill spot for motorhomes was. We drove around, got water and eventually sorted ourselves a pitch and we then went for a walk about. This was followed by a laze by the pool and swim. It is a site that disappoints us due, mainly, to our recollections and the fact we were (a) much younger and (b) had children with us (16 and 8). It is, however, a great family site offering much but for a couple of oldies with no children or grand children here it is average. Whether we stay the three days is debatable. We had a Lovely BBQ and sat listening to the evening entertainment - at a distance. By 11.00pn we retired for the night.

Saturday 3rd June (Day 40)

A good night but we were fortunate not to have selected a pitch nearer the restaurant / entertainment area as by 7.30am the jet wash man started and the area must be cleaner than an operating theatre. Breakfast and then the most important job the washing. Quite hi-tech here but at €6 the most expensive to date. Still it did do a good job. We then sat and chilled for an hour before lunch where we lazed on the beach. After lunch we opted for a walk along the beach about four plus miles which, with the soft sand, was quite a workout. We deserve bottle air beer! Back then and a swim in the pool. Yesterday the bar / lounge / call it what you will at the pool was busy with workmen and quite a way from being used. Today it was plush and in use. We have decided, well I have, to move off tomorrow and selected some options but "El Delphin Verde' is growing on me so who knows? We had a meal at the restaurant which was 'different'; chicken breast, chicken croquettes, chips and pomodoro spaghetti. Unusual to say the least. We then sat at the restaurant and watched the Champions League Final; Juventus v Real Madrid. Considering we are in Spain at a site with a 50:50 mix of Spanish and Dutch, the support for Juventus was quite significant but being near Barcelona perhaps I should not be surprised. (Madrid won). We were talking to an Irishman who is a rugby union fan and disliked the play acting in football and Ramos (Madrid) got 'shot' from the stadium by the way he play acted resulting in a red card for the opponent. Such a girl! Still that is nancy football nowadays. Back to the motorhome for a nightcap.

Sunday 4th June (Day 41)

Well did it rain during the night. I had to get up and close the roof vents and check things were under the awning. It was torrential. We were undecided whether to go or stay today. A small issue decided it - ants. Our back cupboard was alive with the little buggers due to fruit. This then involved a serious clean and spray, which in turn resulted in a deep clean of the whole motorhome. This also resulted in a missed call for Ashley which may have caused us to move today - but we didn't. It was changeable day, cloudy, sunny, spots of rain but still in the top 20's. A bit of beach, sunbathing and a drink at the newly opened pool bar day. Then after dinner a pack to be away first thing tomorrow. Grandchildren call!

Monday 5th June (Day 42)

So off today with Switzerland as our next main destination. A word to the sat nav slaves (us). Look at the map and make a decision and use Mrs SatNav as a help. She took us along the coast road which, while lovely, was a slow route (this was on the 'shortest time' setting a bloody nonsense). We opted for a potential stop at Carnon but on arriving didn't like it so moved on to Aigues-Mortes (dead waters). A town with a lot of history going back to the crusades and is a main salt producing area - hence the name. A walk around the town then a curry and video before retiring with Switzerland still the target for Wednesday / Thursday.

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