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Trip 45 - Days 22 to 28 - Europe

Tuesday 16th (Day 22)

Another nice day is promised and was delivered. After breakfast we cycled into Callafell, the local town as it was market day. It was a really large market with clothing for one euro in the 'rummage and scrummage'! Part way around Chris realised she did not have her mobile; when she was last knowingly in possession of it it was in the ladies loo at the campsite (maybe). We walked quickly back to our bikes to return to the site, but found the phone in the cycle bag; panic over. A few purchases were made at the market before our return. After lunch we cycled along the promenade for a ten mile return ride. A pleasant ride with nice views. Around 5.00pm we went for a laze on the beach and an hour later I was swimming in the sea. Then a drink at the site bar and a BBQ at the motorhome. We then sat out until around 9.00pm and then retired inside. We have decided to stay another day as the site and area is very nice.

Wednesday 17th (Day 23)

After breakfast we went for a cycle ride in the opposite direction to our previous one - south. We had a great cycle ride of around twelve miles return and partway stopped for a beer and tapas. The heat was building and so after a light lunch it was beach time. Here we joined the merry throngs of, mainly, Dutch people on the soft sandy beach. I say 'throngs', but twenty was probably nearer the mark on a beach a kilometre long. A pleasant afternoon followed of lazing and reading but then clouds started to gather resulting in the temperature plummeting to around 20 degrees. So we abandoned the beach around 6.00pm for a shower, beer and dinner. The clouds persisted and by just after 8.00pm we retreated to our motorhome. Hopefully this blip in the weather will remove itself.

Thursday 18th (Day 24)

Off again today to pastures new. Strolled up to the shop on site for some croissants and horror they have none! Well that was a bad start. Eventually we were sorted to leave, we are only moving about 60Kms so there was no rush. Off we go to find the satnav lady playing up. She refuses to speak, the icon for our vehicle is anywhere but where we are and the speedometer shows us doing 0kph. We turn her off and on several times, and speak sternly to her, but still she refuses to get out of her bed and play properly. Eventually we get a pin and stick in her backside (reset button) and all seems well with her again. A quick shop on the way and still we were at the 'Oasis Mar' campsite at Mont-Roig well before midday. This site, just south of Tarragona, is right on the beach and we were offered a pitch exactly there. The sea is a 5m stroll away from our motorhome. Having set up we sat and had lunch listening to the sea, looking at the view and marvelling how lucky we were to get this pitch and, I suppose, life in general. A bit later that afternoon we went for a two hour walk along the sandy beaches towards, believe it or not, Miami or more correctly Miami Platya. We never got there, as it is a bit too far for an afternoon stroll, maybe another time. We passed a few other camp sites but were still content with ours. Part way back we stopped for an ice cream and just soaking in the views. After this some black clouds started to appear over the mountains and the bad weather which was forecast looked like it would be proven right. Back at the site people were taking awnings down and banging in extra pegs for all they were worth. We sat out in the sun until it did start to rain. It was then round two of International Scrabble under the awning before, at around 5.00pm, the chill convinced us to go inside but not before winding the awning in (for chill read about 18 degrees). A video completed the evening.

Friday 19th (Day 25)

A bit of a windy night so it was as well that we wound the awning in. The day greeted us with clear blue skies although a bit windy still. After breakfast we decided to cycle to a nearby town, Mont-Roig del Camp and then walk into the hills. It was a five mile ride to the town. The plus side was it was along a straight road with olive groves either side and swifts galore all, it would appear, munching on flying sects (which we could not see). The downside was the whole five miles was uphill and into a wind making us (almost) wish we had purchased the e-bikes already. This trip was the fault of Chris as she had the choice of (a) along the sea front (flat) or (b) to the town (not flat). Anyway we got to the town which was a typical Spanish town; all narrow streets and alleyways. However, there was not much to see really, even the church was closed. We had ridden here to visit a hermitage high in the mountains. So we had a short further uphill cycle until we abandoned the cycles and continued along a pathway. We were off to the 'Ermita de la Mare de Deu de la Roca'. It is a hermitage high on a hill overlooking the sea which for centuries was used by sailors as a waypoint. The building actually appears to defy gravity. To get there was a 25 minute steep uphill climb. The effort was well worth it with great views to be had. The hermitage was a lovely small chapel (closed) but the church there also had a well known (?) statue of a black Mother of God (the 'Mare de Deu de la Roca). She is the patron saint of the town of Mont-Roig del Camp. The hermitage's existence was first recorded in 1230 but, allegedly the Black Mother of God was found by a shepherd in 1153 so quite a lot of history is tied up in the place. Fortunately there was a restaurant within the main building so a coffee was had with the enjoyment of the commanding views as a bonus. We then made our way back. On the cycle journey up we averaged about 7mph but going home we averaged over 20mph. Downhill and the wind behind was lush! Lunch then a laze on the beach and a dabble in the sea was the agreed agenda. Having toasted a bit on the beach Chris suggested the ride along the sea front. So off we jolly well went on another cycle ride (9 mile return this time). The Spanish clearly like cyclists as, not only on the roads do they pass with a wide berth (or stay behind you until they can) but also they have great cycle ways and this was one of them. (Such a shame that the British are so anti-cyclists and, dare I say, inconsiderate when passing you on a bicycle.) A short stop for a beer and then back for dinner. BBQ veal today which was not a thin thing but like a pork chop, and absolutely to die for. The wind has been a feature today but only now has it really affected our decisions. Inside being the choice as blue skies and sunshine has been beaten by the wind.

Saturday 20th (Day 26)

We had decided to take a packed lunch and cycle along the promenade to Salou and then to have a beach day. Not only packed lunch but, of course, beach stuff. So by 10.30am, with bikes loaded to the max, off we went. As stated yesterday this is a great cycle way. A lovely sunny day, a breeze to keep us cool (ish), what more could you ask for. The beaches got busier as we approached Salou. We has spoken to a couple a few days ago who claimed Salou was horrible. While we only were along the coast of Salou I find this incorrect. It was a very cosmopolitan trendy place, with more fountains than I have ever seen in one place. It was buzzing. The cycle ride to here was 9 miles. Having got as far as we could using the cycle way we stopped and had a conflab. We shouldn't be surprised but the beaches were quite busy so we opted to cycle back for about a mile and go on the beach there. The other thing about Salou was it was full of British - most with children - so we assume some school areas are on half term. Anyway they did not seem to grasp the concept of a painted bicycle on a marked highway and how we hadn't hit any was not skill but pure luck 'Sorry mate' was a mantra they adopted. We dozed and ate on the beach for a couple of hours and then continued back towards 'home' stopping for a beer. Eventually back home we sat for some more 'sunshine therapy' before going up to the restaurant for a meal. It looked quite average but we were assured the food was excellent. A paella was the order, with chicken, crayfish, king prawns and mussels; quite lovely. We then chatted and have decided to move off again tomorrow, the discussion was over wine and strawberries.

Sunday 21st (Day 27)

Oh how fickle we can be. From the planned moving off today we opted to stay. The weather was hot with a little wind / breeze which assisted the decision. 11.00am saw us well on the road on our bicycles to Miama di Platya. As could be expected it was a pleasant ride. We eventual arrived and went for a walk around a very large market a with a beer mid-way. It was at this point we met our neighbours from the campsite. We bumped into them near a stage with children taking part in a competition doing hip-hop dance moves, classical or modern interpretative pieces. Children of all ages from local schools were taking part. They performed solo or in groups of up to ten. As stated they performed dance moves - from classical to hip hop - and they were all quite good. A quick late lunch and then a seven mile cycle back. Here we had a beer before our neighbours, the Dutch couple Gerald (75) and Ria (72) invited us over for a drink. A good time was spent just chatting about the world / politics / Brexit / Trump and so on; the most notable point was that Gerald, had some fourteen years ago, suffered a stroke and, while fully recovered, it was found he had TWO carotid arteries on one side of his neck and still one on the other side, most unusual. Anyway a BBQ of horse meat followed and then, as it had cooled down, we retired inside with a view to definitely move on tomorrow.

Monday 22nd (Day 28)

Well we we are off today as planned - sort of. Our journey was to be about 90Km to a wetlands / nature reserve, the Delta de L'Ebre. This is an area that most would zoom past on the autstravia (motorway) or main road (the N340). We needed some shopping so eventually stopped at L'Ampollo, about 25Km short of our planned stop. What a nice place it looked and still on the edge of the wetlands area. This changed 'the plan' which is the joy of motorhoming, ie no real plan. So we booked in to a site and had lunch. Then it was a cycle ride into the wetlands area, the Delta de L'Ebre. This is a huge area of bird conservation together with rice paddy fields. Greater Flamingos, Pink Flamingoes, Egrets, Cormorants, Purple herons, Litttle Bitterns and many more were to be seen (although the flamingoes had, I think, gone on day trip somewhere). We had a 14 mile ride in the area which was just pure delight. Back at the site and a stroll down to the beach and a 6.00pm swim in the sea, followed by a BBQ. Life can be so hard sometimes.

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