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Trip 45 - Days 1 to 7 - Europe

Tuesday 25th April (Day 1)

Day 1 is a short day for us. We actually leave the UK tomorrow morning but we decided to get over the QE11 bridge today. However, having loaded up Billina the habitation door decided to not open. (We always seem to have a small issue before a major journey.) We telephoned around but no one could assist us with the problem so we resolved it by being burglars - using a plastic ruler to unclip the bottom catch that wasn't releasing; a nuisance as we will have to do this every time we open the door. So by just after 2.00pm we left for Canterbury Park and Ride at New Dover Road. Arriving at 3.30pm (after filling up with diesel at Costco). We parked up and went into Canterbury for a stroll returning for a cooked evening meal at 5.20pm.

Wednesday 26th April (Day 2)

Not sure why, but around 5.45am we were both awake and chatting. Eventually, about 6.15am, we decided to get up and see if we could get an earlier Chunnel. Ten minutes later we were on our way, having paid £6 for the park and ride, well done Canterbury. The journey was an easy drive of about 30 minutes and the check-in gave us the option of the 7.50am train instead of the 8.50am - result. We went straight to the queue and bought the 'must have' which is a bacon roll and tea. We finished the rolls, just, and we were on the way to the train. Once on board the tea was most welcome. Before we knew it we were in Calais it is such an easy way to get to France and 'free' with Teco vouchers. So by 9.35am we were on our way in France. The drive was relatively easy but the weather; sunshine, rain, sleet and hail - but no snow! In any event we had no hold ups and just two stops, one for a cuppa and the other for lunch and by 4.15pm we were pulling in to an Aire at Dudelange in the Duchy of Luxembourg. Another half an hour and the Aire was full. Having sat all day we opted for a walk and, just next to us was a wood with a nice walk. Six or so miles later we were back and a hot meal was on the menu - curry. After the meal we decided to watch a movie and had one recommended by a friend called 'Sunshine on Leith'. It was 90 minutes of 'put your brain into neutral' and enjoy it. It was pure joy with a few chuckles and music by the Proclaimers. A bit of planning followed for tomorrow's stop and then a cuppa and bed.

Thursday 27th April (Day 3)

A good nights rest but still a prompt start as we intend to stop at a place just over two hours short of Ashley and Hayley's house. So before 9.00am we were on the road. First a stop for diesel - only 85p a litre in Luxembourg. Then into France which was only a mile or so on from the petrol station. We drove for a couple of hours with the clouds looking quite threatening. Then it was a stop for gas and some provisions. Another short drive and a second stop, this time for lunch. So far we only had a few drops of rain but not much to speak about. As we neared our selected stopover we were climbing and the hills around us were white with snow. Driving through one town the cars in the carpark had an inch or so covering. Then it snowed on us - not much but it was snow. The drive was very pretty with the trees dusted with blossom and the snow, it is almost May what is going on with the weather? We arrived at Saint Lac de Point with a lake side pitch to find one other motorhome parked up, and they left after a couple of hours. A short walk to stretch our legs and watch children sailing on the lake and then we scurried back for some warmth. (We didn't bring any thick clothes as we anticipated sun.) Then a warming meal before settling down for the evening.

Friday 28th April (Day 4)

We awoke to a white scene, as about one to two inches of snow had fallen overnight. Breakfast and away was high on the agenda. We then had again a very pretty, scenic, drive with trees bedecked with snow and twisting roads with mountain views. It was not long, however, until the Swiss border was reached and the necessary documentation obtained to drive in this country. It was then another pleasant run to Ashely and Hayley's house. Our first job, given to us by Ashley, was to drive and collect a patio table the other side of Geneva, about a two hour return trek which was then followed by a trip to the the dechetirie - rubbish dump - to dispose of the old table and much more. Then it was a general catch up until dinner, followed by a further chat until bed around 10.00pm. We were struck by the big change in Chloé who has moved on in leaps and bounds since we last saw her in size, language and interaction. Happy days ahead.

Saturday 29th April (Day 5)

A good rest and a small breakfast and we were off then shopping for essentials for the soon to be new baby. When we returned it was lunchtime but a shopping trip to France was in order to get lunch and dinner. A good lunch followed and then it was off to a 2 year old birthday party, we know how to rock! It was Jo's youngest, Benji, with whom we made friends with on our last visit. On our return it was a BBQ as the weather had improved although we still ate inside. Then a slob around until we watched the Klichko / Joshua fight by which time bed was well and truly calling.

Sunday 30th April (Day 6)

We stayed in bed until we got a text to say the others were up. Well that was the plan. At just after 9.00am we decided to get up and found that they were just appearing downstairs themselves. Croissants for breakfast the first of the trip. Ash then went to rugby training and we went to the swings with Chloé. Back for lunch followed by a 55 minute walk to the rugby stadium for the Geneva v Nyon clash of the top two teams and, hopefully, to get Chloé to have a sleep. Nyon came second in the match! I should add that the referee was poor, for both sides, but the main bad decision cost Nyon seven points and they lost by thre. Hey Ho never mind! We went to the 'Fish' for a drink after the match before returning home for a BBQ. During the day we planned some options for the next few days, accepting that rain was the forecast. 10.00pm saw us in bed.

Monday 1st May (Day 7)

Up around 8.00am and sorted to leave quite quickly. We couldn't leave, however, until the other two cars were moved so it was not until gone 10.00am that we were on the road. A good run to the Aire at Annecy, a journey of around 60 miles. It is a small Aire for a major town and tourist centre but we found space without any problems. It was raining so we sat a while, ate lunch and then when the rain had stopped ventured out. Annecy is a lovely town to walk around with rivers, ornate bridges, old houses, small covered passageways; well it just has character in abundance. We just meandered around, people watching and looking at the views of the lake and mountains. The weather was good to us, quite cold but dry and, when not lake side, not even really cold. We saw a sign to the Basilica of Visitations and off we went. It was a steep climb but the building was majestic from the outside and inside also. There was no information about why visitations was referenced in its name but it was worth the effort to see it. Anyway a walk down the hill via the Chateau (closed on Bank Holiday Monday) for a coffee in town. Next we opted for a walk along the lake side, a couple of miles there and back. Here there were hundreds of couples and families walking, cycling, scooting or jogging along - more people watching. By 4.30pm we had returned to Billina for a rest and cup of tea. By now the sun was shining and it was a lovely day BUT things are forecast tomorrow to be much worse. We will see. The evening finished off nice and sunny but we stayed inside and after dinner played the start of the World Championship of Scrabble. Score after the first round was 2-1 to me with me winning the deciding game by one point! The evening then cooled down considerably and we had the heating on before sliding into the cosy bed.

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