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Trip 43 - Battlesbridge

Monday 10th April - (Day 1)

Today we have a short trip to get Billina serviced. Over yesterday we cleaned both inside and out and applied the main polish for the year. So around 2.00pm we moved off in a very clean motorhome. It was short 15 mile trip to Battlesbridge Antique Centre in, well, Battlesbridge. We parked up in the car park and sorted a few things out before going on a walk found on the internet. The walk was just short of 4 miles and a very pleasant walk in the sunshine. To make it even more enjoyable the directions printed of from the website 'Just Strolling' were the best we have ever had to guide us around so we did not get lost. It was circular walk and before our return to the motorhome we spent some time looking around the various antique shops and were amazed, again, at some of the rubbish that people found desirable. A short rest followed before we strolled up to the Hawk Inn public house for a meal. Suitably feasted we returned to the motorhome and watched a bit of tv before retiring for the night.

Tuesday 11th April - (Day 2)

Well we both had a great nights sleep - not sure why we sleep better in the motorhome than our own house. We then had a short ten minute drive to where we get the vehicle service, arriving at 8.00am. Having handed it over we walked into Rayleigh arriving well before 9.00am. Most places were shut. Our usual cafe was closed and the two that were around did not appeal - why do Greggs have their menu on a tv screen meaning you have to wait ages to see the options? So we caught a bus into Southend. A short walk about found a cafe (we were very hungry by now). It was a Portuguese cafe called 'Monte' where we had a nice breakfast of sausage and bacon panini and tea which did not break the bank. A very attentive and happy owner apologising for the delay as it was all cooked fresh! Then down to a bike shop to look at some e-bikes. This didn't take long and we were then collected by Chris' brother, Mick. Back to his house and a laze around and lunch while Chris had a soak in the hot-tub. By 2.00pm the service was complete and we were chauffeured back to pay and drive off to re-house the motorhome back at its base. Then back to our house in the car by just before 5.00pm. A short pleasant trip away.

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