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Trip 42 - Eels Foot Inn, Eastbridge, Suffolk

Thursday 19th January 2017 (Day 1)

We left home for the easy run, via Braintree for Eastbridge, near Dunwich in Suffolk. We were to stay at a CL belonging to the Eels Foot Inn. By 1.00pm we were set up and cooking a light lunch before donning our walking shoes and coats. There followed a lovely walk in the sunshine along to Minsmere RSPB bird Sanctuary where you can look over to Sizewell Power Station,, then along the coast and a stop for coffee at a cafe at the Cliff House Campsite. The pub / cafe was called 'The 12 Lost Churches'. It is only about a mile from Dunwich which has a long history. Dunwich was about the tenth largest town in England back around 1066 and a major sea trading port. It was reported in the Doomesday Book to have 13 churches, and was the seat of the first Bishop of East Anglia. Over a 20 year period around 1066-86 over a half of the town's farmland, being low lying, was lost to the sea. Gradually over the centuries more of the town disappeared, especially in the storm of 1347, when a quarter was reclaimed by the sea. Eleven of the churches were destroyed and the 12th church fell into the sea in 1919. Only one church now remains. Folklore states that when the wind and tide is right one of the sunken church bells can be heard tolling! Oh and the graveyard is protected by a large black spectre in the shape of a dog. Then Leiston Abbey is haunted so it is quite an area for folklore / tales. Eventually, after about an eight mile stroll we returned to the motorhome to have a rest before the evenings activities. Just before 7.00pm saw us comfortably sat in the pub deciding on our meal. We decided on the 'Chicken Special' We ordered, only to be disappointed as the two people before us ordered the last two of that dish. (Note to self to decide quicker in future.) Anyway we still had a great meal washed down by Adnams Ales. Around 8.00pm the 'squiters' started to arrive. Thursday is 'Squit Night' and local (some not too local) arrive with various instruments to play sea shanties, pop songs and everything in between. Instruments from a Bodhrun to penny whistle to guitar to banjo and even some Northumberland Pipes. There followed three hours of entertainment. By 11.30pm we walked the short distance back to the motorhome crunching over the rapidly freezing grass. A comfy night followed.

Friday 20th January (Day 2)

It was a cold night outsde (-7 degrees). Fortunately we were snug in 'Billina'. Breakfast was slightly delayed as we had stored our food in a coolbox outside and the mushrooms were frozen solid! Eventually we had a mini-fry up, then cleaned the motorhome, emptied it of water and drove back to Braintree to park it up, probably for the last time before our New Zealand trip. It was another bright sunny day and we both considered remaining for another day but decided against it.

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