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Trip 39 - France - Days 29 to 35

Tuesday 4th October (Day 29)

So we are off today. After breakfast we need to fill up with water (in fact last night we had to turn all the electrics off as were were empty and the damn MH beeps every minute to tell you). Having filled and emptied our first port of call was a Giant supermarket for shopping and gas. Gas was an experience in itself as it was so tight to get in and out. Shopping was good with a great selection but the meat and fish was quite expensive. Then a short 30 minute drive to a campsite. We drew up outside and were not overwhelmed by it so we moved off to an alternative, Camping de la Baie (Bay Camping) at Cavalaire-sur-Mer. Two adjacent pitches were sorted and we (eventually) managed to squeeze on to them, not because the were small pitches but access was difficult with narrow roads and trees. Lunch duly followed. Chris and I then went for a stroll around the town which, in high season, would be buzzing. However, at the end of the season and during the siesta, it was like a graveyard. Back at the site and a laze around the pool and jacuzzi was in order. Eventually dinner and then another stroll around the town in the evening followed. The night finished with a few games of cards.

Wednesday 5th October (Day 30)

Dear reader, I f you wish you can skip much of today as it comprises of market; beach; pool. If you scan down I have added a bit about the site we are on. So for those of you still here we were late up. We then were informed of a market in the town so off we went for a bargain. It looked a small market but we were soon proved to be wrong. It was quite extensive with all you would expect from a French market, except there were live chickens. A good time was had strolling around tasting the samples, etc. We even managed to replace our i-phone charger for €4. (It may not be genuine, well it wasn't, but the real thing is €40 euros here.) We then visited the Carrefour before returning for lunch. After which a stroll to the sandy beach. However, after an hour, the wind and sand caused us to scurry back to the site and laze around the pool. A thoroughly inactive day.

Camping de La Baie: This, for those in the know, is an ACSI site; €19 euros including electricity. The pitches are terraced as it rises slowly up the hill. The restaurant, take-away, bar and small shop I cannot vouch for as they closed two days before we arrived (two weeks earlier than the book stated). A lot of the pitches are large but the roads are narrow (ish) making some difficult to access. Toilets (English but seatless) and showers are clean and with good hot water supply as is the washing up and laundry area. (Washing machine €5 - the highest to date.) One camper (an English had even moaned that the water was too hot!) There is a library with a book exchange which is a good idea. The swimming pool is kidney shaped and slopes from just a few inches to over seven and a half foot deep. There is also a pool for toddlers and a jacuzzi. The town of Cavalaire-sur-Mer is, I am sure, very lively and busy in high season, with shops galore, but was a bit quiet now. It also has a nice sandy beach and a great bay a fifteen minute walk away. All in all a good location.

Thursday 6th October (Day 31)

An overcast start with rain forecast and the temperature had changed from an average of 25+ to around 18 at the best. So in the morning we did not do much - well we decided to go and get a couple of items to do a lasagne this evening but other than that a 'not much' morning. After lunch we decided that we would go for a cycle (while clouds looked ominous it still hadn't rained). So off Chris and I went - westward. A lovely cycle path completely separate from the road making our travel enjoyable. It soon ended and we opted to cycle down a side road that was a no through road. Through a long tunnel and then we found a 'Voie Verte' (a green route). Granted it was meant for walking, being a bit stoney, but we could cycle it ok and we were away from traffic. It was a long slight sloping track for about three miles and looked like an old railway route. When it ended we were on small back roads of which some were too steep to cycle. We eventually arrived at a seaside resort called Royal-Canadel-sur-Mer. Here we wished to rest with a coffee but it wasn't to be as everywhere was shut. By now we had cycled / walked about five / six miles and we decided to head back towards base as we could alway overshoot and 'go east'. We came to the option of the 'main' road or the long cycle up the stoney path. After a discussion we opted for the road as we might also find a cafe. While it was still uphill the smooth tarmac made it easy and we found a cafe which served us the best coffee all trip. Suitably refreshed we continued on and then the old adage of 'what goes up must come down' came true. A nice long mile and half down hill home. By now 12 miles had been covered so we did not go on. Instead we went back home. Still no rain, although in the evening it did rain a little for a short time. A nice dinner and then we all four sat and chatted. Tomorrow the sun is meant to return; we shall see.

Friday 7th October (Day 32)

After breakfast it was a 'happy birthday' to Eric - 62! We sat around for a while having coffee etc. For lunch we strolled into town and had a crepe meal which was lovely. Back at the site Resa and Eric lazed by the pool while we cycled to find a certain present for Resa's birthday (and Eric also). We joined them by the pool in time for a jacuzzi and quick swim before the sun disappeared behind the trees / hill. We were so stuffed from the lunch that we just had some cheese and biscuits and a few card games. Last thing Chris and I blew up some balloons and decorated Resa's MH as she is 60 tomorrow. We even managed a '6'. And '0' on the windscreen.


Saturday 8th October (Day 33)

A lovely sunny day - Resa wouldn't get up! We had a nice cooked breakfast and eventual she arose. She was delighted by the balloons etc and with the age on the van everyone passing wished her a 'joyeaux anniversaire'. By 11.30am we had walked to a nearby beach / cove. Lovely sand and glorious weather. We did, during the day, move five times to either escape the wind blowing the Sand or to move out of the shade. We all managed a swim at some point also. Then around 4.45pm we strolled back to the MH. We all showered and I had a haircut before setting of to celebrate Resa' event. It started with a cocktail; - Bloody Mary, Gin Fizz, Paradise and Blue Lagoon. This was followed by a great meal at an Italian restaurant which came recommended by many from the camp site. However, on the way to the restaurant, we approached another that had a lot of people milling about outside. While this was not unusual their mode of dress was. A cavalier,a Pirate (with parrot) some of the Village People, a lady boy, ninja turtle, Blues Brothers to name but a few. It was a wedding party awaiting the arrival of the bride and groom who came around the corner a few minutes later! and was quite a sight. So a good meal at 'La Pizaiole' and then back to the cocktail bar for night cap. A really great day.

Sunday 9th October (Day 34)

A cooler start to the day but still warm enough for breakfast on the 'patio. After breakfast time seemed to 'disappear' until almost midday when the four of us went to the harbour for a coffee followed by a walk along the coast - about three miles. A pleasant walk to work up an appetite for a quick lunch. During which time we learnt from our son (who had been away for week) that something had tripped out kitchen electrics, we know not when, which had some considerable effect on the frozen food. After lunch it was 'pool time'; but this quickly developed into 'who nicked the sun lets go back to the MH time'. A nice cooked dinner followed by plan for tomorrow's move and a few games before bed. To many a boring simple day but another day of sun and relaxation. Spain though is our goal now as the middle part of this week looks decidedly wet for France on the Med.

Monday 10th October (Day 35)

Well the decision to move on after six days was made; partly due to some poor weather systems moving in mid-week. Our planned stop was Carro to the east of Marseilles. The first part of the journey was a delight along the coast and this was followed by the Gorges de Oillelues, which would have been better had the river not been dried up. The drive through Marseilles show it needed some TLC at the very least; some places to visit but to park up seemed a bit of a risk. We then arrived at Carro. A nice position between the harbour and open sea. Lunch and then a walk along the bay / promontory to the lighthouse and back which proved much further than it looked. At one point we walked round around a sandy bay. The white soft sand clear blue / green waters, gentle sound of lapping waves and bright warm sunshine was idyllic. Indeed closing your eyes you could easily think of the Caribbean (perhaps). Two hours of very pleasant scenery which was augmented with 'Savateurs Pompiers' practicing diving; military helicopters both twin and single rotor flying overhead; and 'old' aeroplanes doing likewise. A great walk with a beer on the return route. We finished sitting out enjoying the last of the sun's rays. Resa and Eric then scuttled home due to it being 'cold'. Dinner and then we got together to discuss tomorrow travels; we settled on a short trip to a town, Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer which encompasses 'bull running' in the next day or so. We shall see. The day finished with the most glorious sunset which as we were only a few yards from the sea and looking westward lasted quite a while.

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