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Trip 39 - Germany - Days 1 to 7

Tuesday 6th September (Day 1)

A nice easy start with a 10.00am leave. However the best laid plans! Just a short distance and we realised that we had left the milk in the fridge. Hey ho. A good run to the Chunnel and by 2.00pm we were off on the roads of France. No problems with local disputes (the French blockaded all the main routes yesterday) or immigrants. A nice easy run with two stops to fill with LPG. The first we couldn't find the pump and the second we couldn't make it work. Fortunately we were not really desperate. We stopped at Aalter, Belgium and waited an hour or so for Resa and Eric to join us. A chat and then a stroll along to the bar for a drink which Eric raves about. A couple of drinks including a raspberry lager (an 'Eric' Beer). There is something very wrong with sweet, fruit tasting, beer. Fruit cider is ok (well it is made with fruit) but fruit beer is naff. To compound the bar owner's thoughts that the English are weird Chris was drinking a 'bruin' beer - like a stout. She even told Eric that his beer was a girlie beer. Still what you like you like. We then returned to the MH's and each cooked a curry and sat and chatted into the evening and the dark until after 10.00pm when we retired.

Aalter Aire, Belgium

Wednesday 7th September (Day 2)

While I had a reasonably goodnight sleep; Chris did not, but then she has been a bad sleeper for some time. The morning started with a mist over the river but blue skies and the promise of a hot day, which proved to be the case. We had a three hour drive to the next stop which was a pleasant drive, except for the ring road around Antwerp which was comaparable to the Paris Periphique. We then stopped at Jachthaven Camperstop at Venlo (Holland) on the border with Germany. A nice site overlooking a yatching port On the River Maas. After lunch we cycled into Venlo (a six mile return trip). It is a lovely town and all the roads have cycle tracks which take precedent over the vehicles at roundabouts etc. A stroll around the lovely town, a beer, a bit of shopping and then back to the MH stop. Here we sat in the hot sun, chatted and got takeaway chips to go with our meal. Great chips and a good meal. Eventually it was time to retire (and avoid the Mozzies).

Jachthaven Aire, Venlo, Holland

The 'Green Man' an oddity in Venlo

Thursday 8th September (Day 3)

An interesting day, but more of that later. First thing first a shower on the site and breakfast Then, knowing we were to stop without facilites, we filled with water and emptied the loo and grey waste. Then off for Koblenz on the Moselle. While it was a good run we stopped on route to get shopping, gas and diesel so we arrived fully loaded. While we had lunch Resa and Eric arrived and we sat in glorious sunshine for a chat. We then cycled into town And locked our bikes up.A nice stroll around the town along both the Rhine and Mosel. We stopped for a much needed drink as it was so hot. Then a stroll back to the bikes. Horrors! Resa and Eric's electric bikes had been stolen. Vamooshed. Gone. Never to be seen again! It now meant a stroll to the polizei to report said theft. Half an hour wait then they makde the report. We then, all four, walked back to the site and on the way my chain broke (small beer against theft of two £1500 bikes). Back at the site it was time for a drink, some food and quiet contemplation about what we would do if we caught the bastards.

Friday 9th September (Day 4)

Another great sunny day. After breakfast Resa, Eric and Chris went off to walk to Intersport to look at some bike replacements, while I went to find a person to fix my chain. They got a little way there when they discovered they did not sell bikes. I, however, was more successful while the others returned into the city. It then resulted in a walk around Koblenz to cycle shops looking for replacements. No decision was made so after a drink and curry wurst we went for a boat ride on the Mosel and Rhine. We then separated and Chris and I went on a cycle ride along the Moselle and back - about 6 or so miles. A late dinner followed and the next plan (E or F I think) was for us to go along the Moselle to the next Camperstop while Resa and Eric went into town to buy two bikes. Next followed Plan G; the Mosel might be busy as it is a weekend - and a nice one - so we would stay here. So another day here is the favoured option with the drive to a Decathlon in France put totally aside. Eventually, with the night cooling down nicely, we retired to bed.

The Castle at Koblenz

Saturday 10th September (Day 5)

Well the saga of the bikes continues. After breakfast we cycled in to Koblenz to look around while the others walked in to buy two bikes - so far so good. We then found the largest second hand market we have seen where they were selling............ second hand bikes. A quick telephone call and Resa and Eric walked down to look (so this is probably now Plan H.) They looked around an decided not to buy any on display. Both Plans G and H have also gone west! The two bikes they were set upon buying are not now an option. Plan I; they are going to buy two (second hand but nearly new) folding bikes. Off they went while we cycled along the Rhine for a few miles stopping on the way back for a coffee. We were then joined by the 'little wheel' gang with their new bikes. We all cycled back to the MH's for lunch and a relax before going off again along the Moselle where we stopped in a very pretty village for a beer (what else?) before completing the circuit back to the Camperstop. Four very sweaty people and two with quite tender parts as the saddles are a bit narrow! For our part around 22 miles cycled but along the Rhine and Moselle that is easy. After dinner we walked into town as there was concert on. As we arrived it was winding up, but It didn't sound like we missed much. A slow walk back followed and bed around 11.00pm.

The 'New' Bikes

A WeinHaus

Beer time

Sunday 11th September (Day 6)

We are on the move! (Well we're running out of water and filling up with poo So need some services!). So after breakfast off we went. 14Kms or 25 minutes later we stopped at Kobern-Gondorf. An aire where we could fill and empty to our hearts desire. We parked up and Resa and Eric sorted out their insurance claim while we chilled. Then a quick lunch and off on the bikes. Cycling in Germany is devine. Cars not only stop for pedestrians but cyclists also, which takes a bit of getting use to. We have had the odd 'Mexican stand off' where we have stopped and so has the vehicle. I am sure some collisions in GB must be foreigners who do not know what a belligerent / hurry up / must get there ten seconds quicker lot the British drivers are. Anyway a lovely cycle in 30+ degrees. After about six miles Resa and Eric turned back. We cycled over to the other side of the river and arrived a a lovely town, Brodenbach, where we found a small fete with beer tent, pedal carts for children and Germanic music where local children did some traditional dancing (although we missed that talking to an English couple from Gravesend). We then rcycled back the way we had came and continued on to town called Alken on the same side of the river. We parked our bikes outside a church halfway up a hill, St Michaels. We couldn't go in due to a service being conducted. Chris then had a bright ideas walking up to the castle. Where are most castles? At the top. So, by now it was 34 degrees, and she had me like a mountain goat going up a steep path to find the castle which when we got there was (a) private and (b) closed. We had brought some water with us on the trip but left it with the bikes and we were by now gasping. We did have some great views though of the Moselle and the towns either side. This included the working boats and pleasure craft wending their way up and down river. Back down the hill we went and, joy of joys, the service was over and the church was there to be viewed which was quite delightful. After a short look around we returned to our bikes and proceeded to empty the bottle of water in seconds before starting to cycle back 'home'. On way we had a stop for a water and coke / beer at a bar. Upon getting back it wasn't long before it was dinner time and after that we opted for a walk in Kobern. While only a small town it was very pretty, with the pre-requisite castle on the hill, a church and a pretty market square. It even had a Norbertusstolen. For those who do not speak German (count me in on that) it is a mine where iron or something similar was extracted. They did a tour but, if like most other things to date, it would be in German, or alternatively German! The mine goes back to the early 1800's, after that bit of information, well come yourself and find out. At night the town was lovely to look at with unusual buildings around each corner often lit to enhance them. So much so was the walk pleasant that we will return in the morning to see it in daylight as many walls had paintings and statues not easily seen. I will say that as an aire it is average. We have the Moselle on one side (if they cut the trees and vegetation away we might see it); a railway line the other side (they seem to run almost 24/7); and alongside the railway is the main road, the 416 (which appears to be the main road along the Mosel). So all in all this is not the quietest place to be. We shall see what sort of night we have..........

St Michaels Church, Alken

Monday 12th September (Day 7)

A really good night; the trains stop during the night what a result. The first train was just after 5.00am. Anyway we slept until 9.00am! After breakfast we went for a walk into the town as it was so nice last nice. Many of the buildings had murals and flowers and it was a pleasant walk. A quick shop in a supermarket And back to leave. We had a 15 mile trip to our next stop a campsite with a pool. We were there in less than 40 minutes. It then took 30 minutes deciding where to park! A lazy day was the option so we set up and then........... sat around in the sun. After lunch we opted to walk into town as we needed a supermarket (gin / coke / tonic needed). It was blistering hot and then only shops old jam.... and was shut. Back at the site we did some washing and also had a swim in the pool which, while not heated, was great and refreshing. Back at the site we had a BBQ

and then chatted with our neighbour's who were in their 80's and still enjoying the experience of motorhoming. Here again we are sandwiched between the Moselle on one side and the main road and railway on the other. It would seem this is going to be a feature of the Moselle experience. Eventually,our 80 year old neighbour returned from their van informing us she had fallen off the toilet and it was time for bed! It was now around 11.00pm so we all agreed and did likewise.

A German caravan Outfit?

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